The Investor Mindset

The Investor Mindset

Back on Saturday, October 2nd, 2021, I had the opportunity to participate in the 1st day of PTD (pendidikan tingkat dasar) held by Kelompok Studi Ekonomi dan Pasar Modal (KSEP) ITB. Initially, I was thrilled to be a part of this PTD as I believe that investing is crucial to achieving financial security. The two-hour session provides new insights related to the investment world and how we should navigate ourselves in it, including the mindset of an investor.

Far from being a mere buzzword, investing successfully is closely linked to the investor’s mindset. In the investing world, having the right mindset will help us to improve our decision-making skills and our ability to execute plans. To do this, there are a few things that every investor should remember.

  1. Investing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. As successful investing requires time and a decent plan, there is no magic formula to getting rich quickly in investing. Rather, the aim of investing is to improve your financial condition and eventually provide you with better options in the future.
  2. Investing is like planting a tree. Trees take time to bloom, and the same goes for the compounding effects of your investment.?
  3. You are fully responsible for your investments. All our profits and losses are the investor’s responsibility. That’s why investors need to be mindful of the choices they made.
  4. Only take risks that you can handle. Not all investors are created equal. Some prefer taking a low risk, while others may prefer the more volatile instruments. Investors must evaluate their comfort zone in taking on risks. By investing money that you are comfortable and willing enough to lose, you won’t need to be pressured into selling your investments due to liquidity issues.

In conclusion, investors need to keep in mind that investing is a long game. To win it, one needs to cultivate the right mindset and apply it in their investing process. It is a lifetime journey and a worthy one at that.



