Investment Opportunities
?rfan Konur
Uluslararas? Yat?r?m ve Y?netim Dan??man? / International Investment and Management Consultant
With the major changes in the world and the shift of economic power from the West to the East, the players and rules are changing.
In this process of change, considering the factors such as Turkey being a powerful country in the region, having strong relations with Europe and the Western world, having the 17th largest economy in the world and the 7th largest in Europe as of 2023, being close to access to energy resources, and having a trained workforce, it is much more rational for it to progress and rise, produce with competitive costs and develop its business compared to other Western countries.
For these reasons, we would like to remind you that it is the right time to invest in Turkey and in foreign countries other than Türkiye, establish partnerships and make company mergers.
In these works, we wish to be your “Consultant” and “Supervisor” in matters such as
“International Investment Consultancy”
“Improvements for every discipline of companies”
“Company valuations”
“Company Purchases/Sales”
“Legal Consultancy”
“Export and Import Consultancy”
“Risk Analysis”
“Resource Utilization Optimization”
“Opportunity Investments”
with our strong and experienced engineering team in Turkey and abroad.
Let’s meet and support you in your future investments and development.