Statistics say that I have to beat 30% ROI. I like 35%+. These are very interesting concepts. When learning about pitch decks, business proposals; business plans. I had to take a moment and really, really immerse myself into the entire experience. I had to travel to the future and reverse engineer everything. IN doing so, I opened up a Vortex for my success. I am a high-end luxury brand; myself. I had to unlearn everything I conceptualized about life; to learn this. This is the reason any of this exists. This is my real life #DREAMBOARD. I needed accountability partners. Only to realize; the pursuit of my Dream, is the actual dream. Makes sense? I know. But. We really have no choice. This is the Deck, for my newest investment. This is the beta version. The quote on quote; version 2.0
Warning. We are trained professionals. Do not attempt this awesomeness at home. The results can be #MAGICAL
I created this amazing investment. Little by little, and all on its own. It grew into this amazing opportunity. I did not want to sensor it, or keep it secretly. I wanted to showcase it to the entire world. Because. This deal just keeps getting better. And I am still developing it; one step at a time.
I reached the point where I have to raise Capital. The current goal is anything above $102,000,000.00 Million dollars. And that is just based on the fact that it is a company best/ record. That is not as important to me, as much as the actual record. I love it because I don't need that much. I am more intrigued by the fact that this person was able to raise that much from this venture capital raising firm/ consultant; whatever. Not for the money part. But for the systems/ logistics part of it.
Granted. This investment has all the time in the world for this pursuit. I don't. My investments deal with historical technology in music and interactive entertainment. I am putting together an event. My return on investment is on day 1. This places me in a completely new category and segment. So.
Here we go. Are you ready?
The proposal was $25,000,000.00 Million dollars. For what? What is the What, When, And Where. Well. Since you were polite enough to ask. I will tell you. But, please remember. This is a complete secret. So don't share this with anybody. There are way too many investors out there that just want one thing; more than anything else. They want to be as #AMAZING and #AWESOME as we are.
AI? Blockchain technology, hardware / software/ Web3?
We cover all the boxes. And yes baby. All we do is win, win, win. I specialize in hitting nothing but home runs. Seriously. Please pay no mind to me. Just live to regret that you even read about this, months before it happened and you did nothing about it.
Just kidding. #SMILE
I said excellent. Forget $25,000,000.00 Million. I will do it with $15,000,000.00 Million. What is the What? An Event. What event? A massive, historical, Live Music Concert and Auction. The Auction first. :)
What? All of this investment, just for one day? Yes. It's a one day investment. Well, what's the capacity of the venue? 50,000 +. Maybe as high as 55,000. Where would that be, that is outside of Dubai? #YANKEESTADIUM
Why would you choose that place above all others? Simple. It's my hometown. That's my team. And that is where I am from. What about your business partners? Verticals. Horizontals. Who are they? Well. There's a lot. #BlackRock #Blackstone #Vaynersports #valuetainment #MInnect
And that is just the start. My number one priority is to keep all of my business partners happy. And secure my investments by prioritizing my business investors.
The name of the game is: #SHOW and #PROVE. Not only to myself but, to BlackRock and Blackstone; myself. Consistency. Clarity. Transparency.
Not because its easy. But because its hard. Yes. With $100,000,000.00 Million I could advertise with #VAYNERMEDIA during the SuperBowl. But. This is my Superbowl. I will be charging other Fortune 500 Companies to advertise during my Concert.
I am your friendly Neighborhood #VENOMR1
At capacity. Gross would be $25,000,000.00 Million Dollars USD.
A.) Recuperate the initial investment: $15,000,000.00 Million.
B.) $10,000,000.00 Profit.
C.) Plus. #FUTURETECHPLUSME 2% Of the Auction Price.
Exhibit 1: Everyday. Sale Price? $70,000,000.00. Exhibit 2: Current NFT record? $120,000,000.00 @30,000 PowerUsers. As a collective.
Just imagine: 2% of each record attempt?
Final Frontier; is BlackRock/ Blackstone. Full music catalog. Now available online as NFT's. All available on our own platform. Then we can Dance with Warner Bros. Sony Music. And Universal Music Group.
@ + 0.05%
Catch my drift?
@ + 0.025%
Estimated value/ residual income? #DECABILLIONS
For ever ever? Forever, ever...
Merchandising. Wearable technology. Hardware/ Software. Verticals. Horizontals. Sponsorships. Endorsements. Lunch boxes. Cereal. Action figures. Films. Series. Books. Magazines. Comic books. Video Games. Automotive. Medical.
All elements of the action are public. Full transparency fueled by BlockChain technology.
This is my real life today. All of the worlds greatest power users in one place, at the same time. For all history to witness, watch, enjoy while they themselves; part take. Each seat can have the live event NFT.
This still leaves 305,000 NFT's for the public to purchase.
History. In the making.
Why not Dubai? To make it in American Jurisdiction Rules, Laws And Regulations, in order to protect my investors.
No funny business here. This is history. We want to make it in the best, possible way; and the most responsible way. Based on all current applicable laws. #INTHEBRONXNYC
Jonathan Marte Pena. The Artist known as VENOM R1
Both Albums. 25 Songs in Spanish. From Final Set 5. And Marcy Projects. 27 Songs.
There is no other way to do this. Not because it's easy. But, because it's hard.
That's a whole lot of Cheese Burgers for $15,000,000.00 Dollars.
Short term investment. 4 to 6 Months. Depending on Venue Availability. 3 months to prepare all legalities. 3 Months to promote, market, and secure digital distribution. The studies have shown an ideal marketing campaign for 3 to four months.
With $100,000,000 Million in seed/ round funding. We can make it to the SuperBowl. But, since we have decided to air it on Television and Stream it online. We can push forward and come in; as the next major Entertainment Event.
More information to come. As we continue development.
I love you all. Thank you in advance and God bless.