Investment Dealer & Securities Dealer (Mauritius & Seychelles)
Premier Financial Services Limited
Management Company in Global Business
Mauritius - Investment Dealer
There are 3 categories of Investment Dealer Licences available in Mauritius which are as follows:
Full-Service Dealer -
Authorised to:
Discount Broker -
Authorised to execute orders for clients without giving advice.
Broker -
Authorised to execute orders for clients, to manage portfolios of clients and to give advice.
Seychelles Securities Dealer
The Seychelles Securities Act 2007 and rules and guidelines allow for Securities Dealer companies to be set up and licensed in Seychelles.
Securities Dealer means a person who carries on the business of dealing in securities, or who holds himself out as conducting such business as mentioned below:
Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.