Investing In Yourself

Investing In Yourself

About 6 years ago, a friend and fellow entrepreneur shared with me a piece of business advice that has since become my secret weapon to elevating my business. 

As I was ending a strategy meeting with a committee of powerful businesswomen, I lingered behind to speak with an entrepreneur in the room, Mazda Miles of Perfection Events. I shared with her that I was contemplating starting my own business, but the risk, unsteady nature and unfamiliarity of entrepreneurship was holding me back. In the midst of this conversation, this stellar businesswoman imparted the golden rule of entrepreneurship: Invest in yourself. She gave me an example of how this rule has elevated her business. At the start of her entrepreneurial journey, she knew sales was one of her weaknesses. Instead of simply excepting reality, she made a decision to invest a hefty sum of money in a sales training conference. Mazda stated this was the best decision she ever made for her business. 

Investing in yourself is just one of the golden business rules I have learned throughout my journey in entrepreneurship. Below are a few more tips on how to make 2020 your golden year of business:

1)   Make a Plan – A daily to do list is great, but a 1 month, 1 year and 5-year plan are all needed to set goals and truly strategize how you will plan and execute to achieve stellar business results. 

2)   Accountability Partner - This is 100% free!  Connect with another like-minded entrepreneur, meet with them monthly and talk with them regularly to share goals. This person is here to crack the whip and hold you accountable to your business dreams, so don’t get upset when they push you because that’s their job!

3)   Invest in Yourself - Investing in tools, masterclasses, trainings and conferences are necessary to help you take your business to the next level.  These experiences will help keep you inspired but also give you tips and tricks to turn your weaknesses into strengths. This does not mean spend frivolously, but it does mean taking calculated risk to help propel the business. 


Egypt Graham, MBA, DES的更多文章

