Investing in Your People

Investing in Your People

Whether you are a small organization and beginning to grow or a large organization already you need to invest in your people, especially your leaders, in order to have a thriving system. Leaders are integral to the growth and development of your organization and for the well-being of your people.

So what does investing in your people look like? Well often organizations invest in their people through leadership development opportunities such as leadership training and leadership coaching.

  1. Leadership training - often leaders are promoted to positions due to their technical skills and doing well in their chosen profession such as being a scientist, engineer, IT professional or lawyer to name a few. However these technical professionals often do not have the soft skills necessary to be effective leaders. Leadership training often focuses on the soft skills of leadership such as emotional intelligence, communications and conflict resolution skills as well as getting to know yourself as a leader first. Leadership training is often done in group settings to provide basic and necessary tools and techniques to enhance leadership skills. Leadership training provides the leader and the organization a baseline of leadership skills to build upon.
  2. Leadership coaching - leadership coaching is often done in a one to one setting where the growth and development is focused solely on the individual and where and how they want to develop. Sometimes coaching includes an assessment to provide individual self awareness about personality styles and/or feedback from others in the organization to start the coaching process. Then coaching is used to help the individual progress specifically on where they want to grow. Coaching is often used to enhance the skills of an individual and is tailores specifically to their needs.

MTI provides both of these services to its clients with skilled trainers and coaches who have years of experience working with leaders in commercial, government, and academic arenas. Do you need to invest in your people? Is training or coaching the right fit for you?


