“Investing in Stocks -- 02”
“Investing in Stocks -- 02”

“Investing in Stocks -- 02”

“Resources for Analysis"

ASX [Australian Securities Exchange] data

Data plays a crucial part in analyzing stocks, before we invest in any stock we need to at least analyse 5 years of data from financial statements mentioned below.

1) Income statement (also know as profit and loss statement)

2) Cash flow statement

3) Balance sheet

Before we get into the details, kindly remember one point, stick to single resource for data analysis, because the figures slightly vary between different between sources of data.

Websites mentioned below, expose ASX (Australian securities exchange) data related to stock \ ETF (exchange traded funds).

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This is a good site which provides free basic plan, where you can view the financial statements mentioned above, in a user friendly format.

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QuickFS is a very good site, with nearly 10 years of history, if you want to dive in really deep. This site give you history of balance sheet, income statement, Cash flow statement as well as important ratios.

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I use capital cube a source of my data, as I find their report formats simpler and flow of data presented in reports is very logically presented, and when want to do a deep dive, use QuickFs.


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