Jack Stachura
I’m Jack Stachura, the Owner and Managing Broker for Market Masters Realty. I have a strong 43-year background in all aspects of the residential real estate industry…in both new homes and resale properties.
You don’t know it, but the?planets have aligned and the time is right for you to get out of the stock market and into real estate investing.?I’ve never seen the stage set so perfectly.??We’re moving 1000 people per week into the ATL.?They all need a place to stay.?The builders are not keeping up with the demand.?Rentals generally rent out in a couple of weeks or less. Corporations see the outlook so good that many are starting to buy up whole subdivisions of new homes to rent out!
And here I sit after?44 years of very successful real estate?thinking ‘why don’t I ask my clients to get more heavily involved in R.E. investing?’?Get this…..since 1929 the AVERAGE increase in home pricing has gone up about?5%?per year OVER THE PREVIOUS YEAR.?In Atlanta over the last 12 months we’ve seen appreciation over?9%!?But just at?5%?per annum, if you buy a place for 300k and keep it long term over 30 years, it would be worth……
ABOUT $1,290,000!?Oh, and by the way, your tenants?PAY FOR MOST OF YOUR INVESTMENT FOR YOU!!!?And when the home is paid off, it will be pulling in $5000 to $6000 per month in rent toward your retirement, besides sitting on a property that you could then sell for $1.2 million if you want!
Yes, that’s right.?In 2010, home owners “lost†20% of the worth of their home.?But 3 years later, they were back to where they were…..and now they are up 70%.?So, buy it and keep it.?Let your renters do the investing for you!
I know, I know.?It seems difficult to believe. I got into this when I started figuring out my own retirement funds.?So now, I’m pretty sure that 401k funds, Social Security and any other dollars you can scrape together?WILL NOT GET YOU TO A WELL FUNDED RETIREMENT.?As my friend would say, “you’ll be eating cat food.�80%?of Americans cannot afford to retire at age 65.?You can avoid this malady with some help from me.
So, Im asking you to transfer some of your stocks and future 401k deposits into real estate….and I can do the whole thing for you.?We find great rental properties for you, recruit good tenant candidates, collect the rent, take a handling fee of less than 10% and kick them out if they don’t pay.?We have 66 investors working with us to build wealth right now.
Look, I’m not a huge company and my only pay for this is the commissions on the buy and sell and the fee for the rentals.?But I don’t want you to sell!?Let your TENANT build up your retirement for you.
Here’s how to get started.??First Google me to see that I am real.?Then, call me at (770)-364-1300.??We’ll meet after work or on a?weekend?at a local IHOP or someplace and I’ll tell you more on how to do this.?No pressure….just info.?If you’re not ready right now, so be it. Tell a friend about my services. But?RENTALS ARE THE WAY TO A GREAT RETIREMENT.?So,?DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE….Call me just to talk about it.