Investing in the Next Generation: Youth, Mental Health, and Investing in Emerging Leaders

Investing in the Next Generation: Youth, Mental Health, and Investing in Emerging Leaders

Throughout history, young leaders have been critical in driving meaningful impact in key issue areas facing our planet and society. As we look to 2025 and beyond, building power behind this next generation of leaders can be an asset as we continue to address challenges that range from the expansion of expanding mental health services to reshaping educational pathways to fostering youth-led innovations in climate action. But to truly unlock their potential, we must shift our approach from viewing young people as just participants, to recognizing them as vital contributors whose insights and expertise are essential for shaping the future.

On March 11, NationSwell hosted a virtual Leader Roundtable designed to explore the most effective programs and initiatives leaders are deploying in order to maximize the potential for young leaders to strengthen their voice and resources, and drive meaningful change.

Some takeaways from the event appear below.


Empower young leaders by prioritizing their wellbeing. Providing a mentee with work-related assistance is just one aspect of support needed for long-term success. Prioritize the mental health of those you mentor and check in to see what their struggles are, both personally and professionally. Genuine connection with young employees helps improve employee engagement and workplace outcomes.

Overconcern with risk has the potential to hinder possibilities. A lack of trust is a significant barrier in youth entrepreneurship programs. Provide children and young adults with the opportunity to have some agency with business projects or assignments in order to drive engagement. While financial liabilities can’t be ignored, being creative about mitigating these risks can provide space for youth innovation and ingenuity.

Co-create with young adults to drive impact. Working with young leaders is critical to finding solutions to problems they disproportionately face. Center youth voices within your work to introduce new, creative perspectives on global challenges. This professional exposure gives young adults the ability to explore career pathways and opportunities.

Young adult experiences are key in expanding inclusivity online. Teens and young adults are the most vulnerable to harassment on social media platforms. Their feedback is critical in conversations around expanding safety protocols and algorithmic protections on popular platforms.

Economic mobility is often dependent on current obligations. Many young adults eager to start their careers often juggle these ambitions with family obligations and financial responsibilities. Finding ways to support students and employees in terms of compensation and timing flexibility can increase the likelihood of consistent program participation and success.

For more takeaways from select NationSwell events, visit


