Investing in cars: Part 11
The Maserati Sebring Serie I - (1999 = 20.000 € - 2018 = 300.000 €) nothing to add.
The MGA prices vary greatly from one exemplar to another, it is a quick way to get some money, under reserved to have found a perfect matching numbers & colours copy in a mint condition. It will obviously not be a piece of cake.
The Porsche 356 Pre-A has recently been sold for 894 000 euros it was almost twice its estimate! It is a car myth more and more appreciated by the gentleman drivers.
The 991.2 speedster will soon be available for sale, it represents a placement before it is even released. The limited edition (991 R) had risen by 100,000 € even before it was fully broadcast and its current worth is about twice the price of the new. The ultimate investment is here.
The 360 Modena Spider matching numbers & colours in perfect condition and preferably with a non black leather and especially not in red will be a pretty strong investment. You need to find one with few kilometers (40000km max) and with a manual gearbox. The car cannot be lower than today.