Investing in Australia's future - EOFY Donations
Michelle Crawford
Passionate about inclusion | Executive Director Specialisterne Australia | CEO | Non Executive Director | Celebrant | Live, Work and Play on Dja Dja Wurrung lands (Hepburn Springs, Victoria)
At this time of the year many community organisations reach out to their supporters providing updates on their important work so as to inform those considering an EOFY Donations. Concern Australia are among this number, and as the newly appointed CEO I am fully exposed to the tremendous impact we are having on this current generation, connecting with 30,000 young people each year. Over the past twelve months we’ve -
Conducted 397 Values for Life seminars within 149 primary and secondary schools to 26,646 students, parents and teachers within these schools throughout Australia.
Provided housing and intensive support to 35 vulnerable and marginalised young people through our InsideOut program.
Continued the vital work of STEPS, an outreach offered to over 500 homeless young people from the steps of Flinders Street station – now in its 31st year.
Provided chaplaincy and support services for young people at the Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre.
Provided after school care and holiday programs for 80 school aged children and support to 40 families living in the Collingwood estate through our LiveWires program.
Connected with 80 teenagers living on the Fitzroy housing estate through the Hand-In-Hand in project run through LiveWires.
Connected with 125 trainees through Learning Alliance, which includes our flagship Hand Brake Turn program.
Concern Australia is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR), and three of the above programs which do not receive ongoing funding or government support -
Values for Life -
Our team run workshops with primary students, secondary students and their parents across Australia. Topics include – resilience, leadership, cyber-bullying, drugs & alcohol and more. Through your donation -
$500 pays for one workshop where 100 students are impacted
$5,000 will fund 5 full days with up to 1,000 students attending
$15,000 will subsidise travel allowing our team to reach for regional locations
$20,000 will allow one staff member to reach more schools outside of Victoria
Here’s what our participants say –
"I would just like to email you guys, Values for Life, and just thank you for such an amazing session today at my school. I have never walked out of a session, feeling so happy and secure in my life. Almost everything in that session really spoke to me, as a lot of things that were talked about, I could relate to in my day to day life. The session has really opened my eyes to what it means to enjoy who I am, and not change myself for anyone else, and I will definitely apply this through my life from here on out. So I would just like to thank you. Thank you so much for your amazing session, which was extremely amazing for myself, and made me full of confidence for the rest of my life from here on.” Year 9 student
LiveWires -
Running an after school care and holiday program from the Collingwood Estate allows impactful relationships to be formed with young people and their families. We offer engaging activities designed to foster creativity and socialisation. We also offer nutritious meals, and provide take-away meals and food hampers to families, to prevent a child from having to prepare the evening meal for their younger siblings. Through your financial support -
$100 covers the cost of food and baking supplies for two weeks
$750 funds the purchase of resources for one term (books, art supplies etc.)
$1,000 pays for special events such as Graduation, Christmas, Easter and Birthdays
$3,000 allows the purchase of new technology for the numeracy and literacy program
$5,000 would fund sports equipment, furniture and storage
$10,000 allows an extension of the after-hours care to 3 days from 2 days per week
$20,000 covers the cost of a dedicated grant writer to seek ongoing funding
What the young people say –
“The thing I like most about the holiday program is that I get to go to the places I never been and did the things I didn’t do before in my life.” Boy, Aged 9
“What I like about the leaders is they show me the best times ever at LiveWires.” Girl, Aged 8
On the steps at Flinders St Station, a small team of workers and volunteers meet at night and engage with homeless young people. They then connect with these young people during the day time and provide intensive personal and practical support, referral and advocacy and material aid. Over 85% of the young people they support ‘get off the street’ and connect back into the mainstream community. Steps’ workers give the young person long–term support from someone who cares about them and has hope for them until they have hope for themselves. Our new ‘Staying Connected’ project supports the children of previous clients to stay connected to school.
You may like to support this work by donating -
$35 for crisis accommodation for one night
$50 for a grocery voucher
$500 to help with household goods (once they have accessed housing)
$10,000 to provide intensive support for 10 homeless young people for one year
$20,000 to support 20 children and young people to stay connected to school
“I can't tell any of you how important steps outreach service is. My name is Robyn and I'd probably be dead or still homeless if it weren't for them. Anne Mitchell and Shirley Osborn have helped me since I was 15. I am now 34 and they still give me moral support and visit me and my children. I just wanted to put it out there about how important they are for the disadvantaged [sic] and youth. Bless you all x” STEPS client
(Each of these programs contribute 10% of their income to overhead costs)
We know the power of walking alongside young people, believing in their potential. If you would like to learn more about our work, or make a donation, please feel free to contact me, visit or call (03) 9470 2972.
8 年An ethical and worthy organisation, please donate today.