Investing in AI: Getting the Target and the Timing Right

Investing in AI: Getting the Target and the Timing Right

Thank you to everyone who came along to our event last night, “Investing in AI: getting the target and the timing right.” For those who weren’t there, we’ll be sharing a video soon, and in the mean time these are just some of the highlights from the live tweets and panelists (check out #InvestinginAI for more highlights):

Michael Axelgaard (Partner, AI Seed Fund): Invest in AI start-ups… you won’t see a 5-15x ROI if you’re investing in the likes of Google.

Alexandra Jarvis (Director, GP Bullhound): Every software company from the past 20 years will need to incorporate AI in their business.

Siavash Mahdavi (Founder/CEO A.I.Music, previously CEO Within): “We never got the deal that made sense for us” (about building an AI company without investment).

Richard Muirhead (General Partner, OpenOcean & Co-founder & Chairman, Firestartr): What should you look for in an AI startup? The founders need to be passionate about the product – even slightly crazy.

Alex Housley (Founder/CEO Seldon): As long as they’ve got smart people in the team and are trying to tackle a problem, go for it and invest.

See you at our next event,


