“Investigators & Experts”
Keith Hecker
Creator - Writer - Photographer & Videographer - Designer & Maker - Ancient Astronaut Theory Enthusiast - Visualist Observer of Scientific Theories
?“Unknown Technology Phenomenon & Cover-ups!”
Journalism Investigation - Criminal Investigation - Scientific Investigation
Many different forms of investigation collect data to help identify, classify, model, pattern, and research fact or fiction information.
The problem is most investigations of information are based on very little intel, myths, folktales, and rumors.
However, when there is an excessive amount of information on a typical thing it can be rewarding and yet be difficult at the same time.
Filtering through so much information will lead you to many places and test your mind. Depending on the topic of nature, finding what is fact or fiction is the main goal. It is like seeing an origin story after an origin story for something important or worthy to know about.
It’s like reading a book or watching a movie. You have the beginning, the middle, and the end. However, some stories never seem to end or are left hanging in the open.
Those stories never end because there is always something new or forgotten that was or has not been told once before. Those are the kinds of stories that have a strange effect on the world.
There are few timeless stories out there yet they are the most important stories that have traveled throughout history. No matter how often we think those stories are coming to an end, a new chapter seems to unfold at every step.
Many stories have continued throughout time even after some of us are long gone.
Just like our ancient history, science, and crimes. Even in everyday life, we want to investigate something unknown to us.
It doesn’t matter the nature of those stories. What matters is how we find the meaning and the truths behind them.
That is why we investigate. There are other stories that we should know about but there are those that keep information to themselves. Some also use that information to gain more information and keep it away from others.
Investigating stories is what unlocks our humanity. No matter what the story is, we want to know and learn what that story is trying to tell us.
Will it lead us to new technologies or will it lead us to new forms and fields of medicine to cure some of our most common illnesses? Will these investigations help us understand how the human mind works?
I say it is all of the above. How are we to learn or understand anything if we don’t investigate? We don’t!
There are those out there that don’t want us to investigate. Some go out of their way to make sure that people don’t. God forbid someone knows something or finds out about something that could change everything and those around you.
Every form of investigation, fact or fiction, is more transparent to a greater understanding of what is being learned and studied.
Without people pushing their nature to learn and understand beyond its limits we would not have our modern day time.
We would not have lights, radio, phones, and internet if we didn’t investigate things.
The overall reason why I am talking about investigation. There are a lot of people out there that do nothing but investigate. However, a lot of it is slow and daunting. With very few results to show for it. Some of them are still ongoing to this day. Ancient history for example.
No matter where or who is doing the investigations there is always something or someone trying to draw attention or to drive that attention away from any form of investigation.
It’s kind of like yin and yang trying to prove which fact is and which is fiction.
Either way or side of a story the information is out there. Even when we think that something or someone has that missing piece. With the right tools and means anyone can find the information they are looking for.
I still say most of the information that we are looking for through investigation is and has always been in plain sight.
What do I mean by that? Even since the dawn of the computer and the internet. Any form of information is now at everyone’s fingertips. Even the hard-to-get information that those try so hard to hide or keep hidden.
That is where I want to focus. The hiding and the hidden. I don’t think the information that everyone is looking for is hiding or hidden as they say it is.
Right now and for the past 70 years or so people have been investigating for more information about our past and well-kept secrets. Countless investigators from all walks of life have been searching for more information on just about any topic you can think of.
Now with this new area of documentation, recording, collecting information techniques, and tools it is becoming a lot harder to keep certain information off the books or the internet.
Things like disclosure for the JFK files and the UAP/UFO files or anything in general. Even the studies and findings of smoking weed!
But mainly on information that has to do with the UAP/UFO and the unknown origins of strange encounters. Those topics can be broken down into many different topics too. Most people want to know if there is any unknown technology being found and studied or being copied. They want to know how things work and if we can reproduce them.
I would call it “Unknown Technology Phenomenon & Cover Ups.” U.T.P.C for short! This would cover a large range of things that cannot be explained. This would even cover our past and ancient history as well. Not only would that open so many other doors of investigation and study. It would finally give us the means to explore things that we only read and understand in fiction.
If you read some of my other articles you would know those other doors I speak of.
“Unknown Technology Phenomenon” has been going on for thousands of years, if not millions of years. But more recently since the mid-1940s and every year after that, the U.T.P.C. has been in and out of the public eye. With the dawn of the digital, video, and other means of keeping information age. You can find U.T.P.C. information anywhere and everywhere around the world.
How does that old saying go? The best place to hide is to hide in plain sight. In this case, the plain sight is social media and the internet. Where any information can be found. Even old historical information that you could only get in a library and most of them were limited on the information you are looking for because of the small city you live in. Even the larger cities were limited too. We don’t even use encyclopedias anymore because the information they once had is now outdated and is being updated daily.
But now with social media and the internet that information can be found with an added twist.
The U.T.P.C. has now also introduced AI and Chat-GPT. Both of those have made gathering information even easier than before. There are some issues with it but there has been some good from it.
Even with all the U.T.P.C., people still have to filter through huge amounts of information that could have taken years to filter through and still go through today but in half the time.
In one of my other articles, I talked about my visual sight and how I see things that stand out to me in looking at a variety of ancient history and scientific studies. Writings and visual images. Those are also other forms of investigation.
A lot of people are so mused in data or written information. They rely on science and technology these days instead of trusting their eyesight and their thinking. Even if they do rely on those things it could mislead them.
Most of them don’t trust their eyesight or listen to keywords or comments in what they hear or read that could lead them to new ideas or understanding and the information they are trying to unlock.
Now let’s talk about the whole investigation aspect that I have been talking about.
I said earlier that some of the investigations have been going on since the mid-40s. That makes it about 70 to 80 years ago. A lot of the information from the 40s to the early 2000s. Reporting and sharing that information was very touchy and scary at the same time. Still, it depends on the topic.
What a lot of people don’t get is that investigation journalism and criminal investigation or scientific investigation I believe are the same. They all work within a system and all seem to follow a set of rules that were set in place by people who didn’t have the abilities or skills to take them beyond their level of understanding. If they did, they were made out to be hacks or false investigators.
Either form of investigating the rules and the system they work with keeps them from telling or finding the facts or the fiction of the truth. One system carries a badge and a gun! Because they think the badge and gun gives them the right to do whatever they want within the law system. However, the law system has set rules to follow.
However, those same laws of the system also use their badge and gun to inflict fear and distrust into others to get what they want to know, make false claims, or where to find more information.
No matter which system of investigation it takes people into areas that they can or may not be able to unlock what they are looking for.
Then again it may very well have what they are looking for.
Many do find the information that they are chasing after and it is shared.
I’ve seen and listened to some journalists say that not all of their investigation is shared or being used once they find all the information that they were looking for. Much of their investigation of reporting is either edited, redacted, or filed away and has yet to see the light of day! But they are to be protected by the law.
Reporter's privilege in the United States (also journalist's privilege, newsman's privilege, or press privilege), is a "reporter's protection under constitutional or statutory law, from being compelled to testify about confidential information or sources." It may be described in the US as the qualified (limited) First…
?“The PRESS Act protects all journalists, regardless of political leanings or establishment credentials, from government surveillance and overreach."
Some states have laws that specifically protect the speech and privacy rights of journalists. These can include reporter's shield laws and retraction statutes, fee waivers for Freedom on Information Act requests, and even campaign finance laws.
Those who are in the field gathering information and trying to find the evidence to support their information gathering can go on for many years before they give anything to the public. Many even have a lot of information they have yet to give out. Due to the safety of physical life, and death threats.
You would ask why so many go so far to gather all that information and then someone goes to great levels to keep it out of the public eye. You might get a reply if you ask them but others won’t even give you the time of the day. Those within the Government, ARRO, NASA, DIA, GOP, DOJ, and the Pentagon won’t give you the information you ask for or they will tell you things that are wrong and a complete lie!
It has to do with the nature of the story that you are asking about. The nature or topic is the focus of all investigations. Those groups go so far as to run smear campaigns and get people fired from their jobs or try to file criminal charges. They do it to reporters, news anchors, and people like Bob Lazar and David Grusch!?
On the hit podcast Weaponized hosted by Jeremy Corbell and Gorge Knapp even talk about the pushback they get. Many have called into the KLAS News station to get Gorge fired for reporting on the UFO topic and the story of Bob Lazar. Jeremy has gotten many threats not to report on the topic or talk about leaked information on UAP, Bob Lazar, and David Grusch.
Even if you are a writer of facts or fiction, the nature of what you are investigating may have a personal or community impact that not everyone is going to reciprocate with good or bad intentions. Most of that reciprocation backlash has come from those within the same groups I just talked about.
I said earlier that a lot of stories and investigations are not always shared. It is hard to say what the reasons are for that or what some of the intentions might be.
A few would say that some of the information could put lives in danger or cause more harm to people. Those are statements and opinions without proving if any of them are facts or fiction. The reason they are not proven is because of the nature and the level of danger in those stories.
People need to know that the topics they are reporting and talking about are not a joke! This is like putting a gun to someone's head and pulling the trigger.
That might be true but I don’t think that is the whole story of why that is so. Reporting on what you have found is the hardest part of all investigations. That I think is why a lot of those stories are never made or given to the right people in the public.
Many of those people that want to report are not allowed or able to do that because of some legal reasons or people in high-level positions don’t want that information out. A lot of times it has to do with the topic they are looking into.
There are ways of sharing that information. Some are legit and some are not so much. The person who wants to report or tell what they have found is tricky, to say the least. Not only those they can trust.
The facts, nature, the person reporting, legitimacy, and where to share that information can be rewarding and dangerous at the same time. It is more dangerous than people think it is.
Many people have tried to report their information to the public. Many have been shut down or have been attacked with fear, trying to get people fired from their jobs and death threats. Who is to say those who have been killed for telling the truth or about to tell the truth?
A great deal of people have said that JFK was killed because of what he was going to be telling the truth about something that would shake up our nation as well as the world.
No matter what it was, there is a lot of information out there that people have not yet seen or heard about and many kept that out of the public's eyes and ears.
I find that very strange though. When there is that much information already in the public, why is there a force trying so hard to keep it or block it?
In my opinion, some of that information that people are investigating and others are trying to keep in the dark is already out in the public. Again, hiding in plain sight.
Let’s use the Disclosure Act for example. Yes, that act will give us more information. I don’t think it’s going to be the information that we want to hear though. I think it is going to be nothing more than what we already have just worded differently and using even bigger words that people don’t even use. In other words, it will be loaded with cryptic statements and keyword nonsense. The same crap Kurkpatrik has said in all his statements.
The disclosure act would make the government come forward with any or all information they have on the UAP/UFOs they have had for 70 years. But the problem is they claim they do not have any information. If that is so then why did the Pentagon spend over 3.8 trillion dollars that they can’t seem to account for then?
I am just waiting to hear them say they spent that money on toothpaste or something as stupid as that. What they fail to do is that money has a paper trail. Most of our paper money has a bar-coded woven into the paper money. I can’t see why that money couldn’t be traced (tracked) in some way and find out where the money went! If it was a physical money trail. Even a digital trail will show up! They have to show that trail where that money is coming, going, and being spent.
They found the money trail with Joe Biden's bank accounts. I would even bet and hire a well-known computer hacker and they will find out where that money went and what it was spent on or who the one that ordered that payment to.
The point I want to make here with investigations is that there is so much information out there that only a few people have the full account for it. That to me is what is so scary.
To a darker point, the reason why they say they have no UAP data or interest in them and or say they are not a threat. Because they have us at their mercy and they have us well outmatched and gunned down if they decide to attack us.
That is what they are getting at and saying people will panic. Because there is nothing we can do about it even if we try. But if they can get their hands on that kind of tech, then all bets are off! However, ever since the Atom Bomb came about these strange things have been sighted more and more.
That also means more and more technology to get their hands on. But if they would share the information they have. They would get a lot more information in return and get ahead faster too. But we all know that is not going to happen.
What I find more unsettling is that the information that we have been investigating is already out in the public and it has been for thousands of years. We have all the information that we want right in plain sight. The question is where in that plain sight do we look or are we looking in the right places hard enough?
People have said that we have built entire buildings over the top of these technologies because they are too big to move. There have even been reports that the U.S. Military has even gotten some of these unknown technologies taken from other countries.
Our world leaders and governments probably have more detailed information than the public has but it’s nothing more or less than what the public has I don’t think.
However, if we investigate enough of what everyone wants to know, someone or something out there is going to go out of their way to stop this and find it. In other words, it is going to stay hidden. Whatever that reason is, that information is staying hidden for the right or wrong reasons. My theory is that we might have yet to look in the right place.
It is the Yin and Yang. Good versus Evil. You can’t have God without the Devil.
When I write about these things and do my investigations there are three things that I see that are consent. Information, light and dark.
Those three things are what is making everything go too fast or too slow. Should we know a lot more than we do? Yes, we need to be open and honest with each other and share what we know. Do we need to go slow? Yes, depending on what we find we can’t just jump to conclusions that something may or may not be so important. We need to make sure what we find to be facts more than fiction.
That is the overall problem. The same statement is what is keeping everyone in the dark and why isn't everything being shared or blasted out to the public. They may be working on doing that. As I said they want to make sure the facts add up and not be totally fiction.
Think about it! If everyone all across the world at the same time admitted that they have information about the UAP/UFOs and have been investigating as we know they have been doing all at once! That is a huge load of information to unpack for everyone!
That is a huge shock to the system, not only to the system but to the overall cultures and religions across the board. That I believe is why most of them won’t just come out and say it. Then again I remember Chiloe and the French. Those two as far as I know are the only two places that share the UAP/UFO information and are still investigating them.
If everyone would just unpack little by little and bring everyone up to speed on what they have to share then people can make a fair judgment of their own without having everyone trying to debunk every time something comes to light.
They don’t because they want the technology behind them, if any, and that is the true reason they don’t want to share. Because they want to be number one and the ones on top to save the world if something were to happen.
It is the space race on crack cocaine when it comes to investigations and the UAP/UFOs and other topics that are linked to them.
Everyone doesn’t get that. The information is already out in the open to begin with. Very few people have found the proof. Many of them have kept it out or have taken it out of the public. No matter the information you have or found every piece is going to point you in many different directions and connections.
There are those in the public who have things or know things and won’t go public with what they have. It is either too much of the human system to take or it could be interpreted in the wrong context.
There are so many pieces of the puzzle that interlock with each other and you can’t hide or tell one piece without the other. Like redacting parts of information that everyone knows that those parts are real.
With any or all forms of investigations if you want the truth it is already in the public. A lot of the smoking gun information that everyone wants to know is still out there and more of it has yet to be uncovered. No matter what the topic of interest is.
There are a multitude of people in the private and the public gathering information. However, there is an elite horde of people who want information out of public view and keep it to themselves. Biden, the FBI, and they have been proven for doing that!
The problem is you can’t just take out one bit of information without taking out other bits. The math won’t add up. You can not have both sides that oppose the same story to be fact. Either opposing side says they have the smoking gun (facts) to prove it.
The smoking guns that were uncovered or have been uncovered are still being dug through. Because with each uncover they are finding more and more information.
At the same time like for Bob Lazar and the David Grucsh stories. They have seen and uncovered a great deal of information with their jobs within the military and government.
Yet, the public and some high-ranked people are doing everything they can to keep that information out of the public or make anyone that talks to the public the scum of the earth and make statements like they are a security risk to the nation, and they are talking nothing but lies! In a way, they have confirmed the facts that both men’s involvement in their jobs and programs, they have worked in by making those statements.
If those two gentlemen are telling nothing but lies, then with all the information the government should be able to show physical proof or evidence of investigation themselves to prove those lies!
They won’t prove or show the physical evidence of investigations because that will prove that those programs are real.
Those who say they are telling lies haven’t or won’t come forward to prove or disprove their statements saying that Grusch and Lazar are liars! All they are doing and saying is not to listen to what Grusch and Lazar are saying. Using their mental health and knowledge not to be trusted.
The smoking gun to that is if they have these mental health issues or the education then how did they work with the government or enlist into the military in the first place?
Here's a question, where is their data or physical proof that shows and says they are lying?
No matter which side or whose story you believe in. Neither of them has been proven to be 100% right or wrong! However, Lazar and Grusch seem to have a lot of detailed information and hands-on knowledge of what they are talking about! With all these sightings since 2015, their stories seem to be more proven every day from when they started than those who say they are lying!
Overall, I am trying to say that there is a huge amount of missing information and it was in the public domain or within the government.
That much information can not be found again unless you know where to look for it. By investigating the information you have or are going by might be found in the public again.
Information has been released to the public and then taken out again and again. One minute they have been given it is no longer there!
It might even be within the ancient past. Even if that information is sitting in a lab or office or deep within the ground.
That is why there is so much pushback. A lot of people are set in old ways or won’t look for new ways of investigation to find what we are looking for.
Even if we do or don’t find something. Reporters have a hard time getting information out into the public view. Because forces are stopping them or pushing them back. Some will go to great lengths to say they are lying or don’t have any solid proof even though they have a huge amount of proof!
People who do these investigations are people with limited resources, formal education, or fields of study to support their findings or claims. More so with those that do have a reasonable amount of information to share. A lot of the time the people that lack formal education are easy targets for skeptics and those who are educated to attack them.
Those who do have the credentials try to cut them down or push back at them in what they found and even try to use big words that no one knows to disprove them. Yet, they can’t even prove or disprove the fact with their investigations. Those groups of people are called skeptics. Most skeptics don’t even do any kind of investigations at all but they know everything there is to know.
Graham Handcock has proven that theory with the work that he has done time and time again.
God forbid you find information that someone with credentials didn’t find or know about. Most of all you are proving someone with those same credentials wrong with their work if any at all and they don’t like that.
Not saying the work they have done is bad or a waste of time. Just saying that there is a lot more information than what they are saying to be facts of the truth. If they are facts then why are there still so many more questions that don’t fully tell the story?
Look at Neil Tyson and his mocking of others and some of the scientific discoveries. He goes out of his way to cut those people down and makes jokes when he has not done any scientific studies from 1995 to 2005 and his books in 2007 and 2017. I even question his master class that he has done.
I got the gist of what he is saying in the first ten minutes and yet he goes on and on how to unlock a person's mindset. It's like he is talking to people like they are robots with limited programming.
Professor Gary Nolan even called him out on some of the current reports of unknown technologies with the UAP/UFO reports within the last 7 years that Neil has yet to show any proof of his claims of debunking them. Things like MOMOA. It’s like he knows for a fact that everyone but him is wrong when it comes to scientific studies.
That is a very bullying and obnoxious statement to make to the scientific communities. Yet, won’t do any investigations of his own.?
That is where a lot of the problems come from. All these entitled and educated people want to prove that everyone else but them is wrong because they have the education and the years of experience to back them up.
You can’t have the education or the experiences to back them up if you physically don’t do the work in the first place. You can’t have a conclusive argument or judgment without an investigation.
The problem with that is most people will argue that the fact is because they think these reports or stories are being told from a fictional sci-fi story. 95% of them in a way are. Most of our current modern-day technology that we use every day has a Syfy fiction origin story.?
Look at Graham Hancock. This guy thinks outside the box here. He is not trying to prove or disprove anyone’s lifelong hard work. He sees and hears things that stand out or don’t add up to what the well-educated and experienced people are saying. It’s the same thing I said about my visual eyesight. We see things from a different point of view.
Every upgrade in our technology is what is opening these what-ifs. With each improvement in technology is opening new doors of scientific discovery and studying that we didn’t have 300-plus years ago.
Hancock notices missing puzzle pieces or something about the information that doesn’t fully support what some of the mainstream discovering or talking about. Some parts are being overlooked or not even looked into.
The point he is trying to make. How did some of these well-educated people come to these results with the limited resources they had? What results would they have if they did have the resources that we have today?
That is why a lot of them get or receive pushback. Because they seem to think there is nothing more to learn or find. If anything, the resources of today would be used to confirm their studies and findings. A lot of historians don’t want these resources or technologies to be used. Because they seem to think it will damage the overall historical history and their hard work. If that were to be true then why have a team come in with robotic devices to be sent into a small air-type shaft to see what is in or behind a stone wall blocking it?
Some of the greatest finds of our time were found through random actions, mistakes or only having a fraction of information that was started by someone else.
The hidden chambers underneath the Sphinx for example and we were told in the beginning there was nothing there to investigate and yet those chambers were there by other reports and findings. They even said that the Sphinx was not hollow and yet it is thanks to our modern-day technology.
Zahi Hawass even said that those two things out of three theories were not true. Yet, they have been proven to be so. The third one says the erosion of the Sphinx was created by wind and sand. Others say it was water.
My theory is some time in history as it says Egypt had large amounts of water. As time went on and the water started to dry up high winds and sand started to blow around as the water was drying up.
My theory suggests it was both that caused the erosion of the Sphinx which happened in two different periods. Both theories could be correct but from two different points in time. One would be more proud than the other.
Without technology, we wouldn’t have rockets or planes flying through the sky or spaceships if everyone just followed the status quo or what someone has said and placed years prior. Without Ben Franklin, we wouldn’t have Tesla or modern electric batteries.
My father always said no one will have cordless phones or carry a computer in their back pocket! Both of those are a reality now! The first cordless phone was the CB Radio.
I just wish that some of these well-educated professors and scientists would jump in and start helping people with their ideas and theories. Nobody is holding them back or holding a gun to their head stopping them from doing so or are they?
Professors and Scientists have always asking and chipping at the block for something to sink their education and skill in for many years.
Maybe they should just jump right in and reach out to some people with these ideas and theories. Most of them just sit back waiting for someone to call them so they can get paid. A true scientist would just jump in and do the work.
I don’t mean those that are within the government or in the private groups either. I am talking about people within the public and universities.
People in the public want to know and investigate these things too. But a lot of us don’t have the means or the tools to do so. They do! I know of a test that Professor Gary Nolan can do right now and he has done in some cases too.
He should take a piece of granite rock from the H Blocks of Pumpukue and test them for levels of radioisotopes! That would give us an idea of how and why they were made and get us a step closer to the reason why.
I have three theory tests that I would like to test as well. All of them are high-pressure testing, sandblasting, steam, and water jets. Use all three of those to cut into the rock and see what they look like after they have been cut. Hell, I would even try to cut them with a plasma cutter! I’ve found a huge amount of information from home on the Internet and TV to come up with those ideas and theories.
There are those of you out there who can help and test theories and ideas that we have found from those. None of us have an avenue to get in contact with you to ask for that help.
I ask those who are real Scientists and Professors! Help and work with us to find the answers that we all are looking for. After all, we want the same thing do we not?
Some of you out there looking to make money or a name for yourself and if someone is not at the same level of thinking or understanding as you are. You want nothing to do with us or claim that some of us have no idea what we are doing and talking about. You should be ashamed of yourselves for trying to earn money or a name off of other people's hard work.
Then I ask you what the hell are you doing other than just sitting on your ass with your Ph. D.s and degrees? Like everyone else you are waiting for someone else to do all the work for you and then you chop them apart saying that's not how science works. How dare you judge fellow scientists in their work!
Just like Dr. Neil Tyson! Should he even be called a doctor anymore at this point? That is a well-known person being lazy and making comments that he might be right or wrong and doesn’t even do any investigations himself. Bill Nye is also well known in the scientific community and he can’t even tell us what his full IQ is! What if his I.Q. is nothing more than yours or mine?
Both of them demand that we respect their fields of work and what they have done or know.
Are you scientists afraid to find out that someone out there might be a little bit smarter than you and has a better understanding than you? You seem even more afraid of those who don’t have the same education levels as you and have proven to be smarter than you with just common sense!
Scientists have said they want to study and investigate these UTPs (UAP/UFOs) and yet they do nothing but talk about it! Some are out of the public eye and they are studying them.
The only person that I see who does any work in scientific studies is Professor Gary Nolan! He acutely does field testing on some of the things that people talk about. Because he too wants to know if there is something out there that we just don’t fully understand or if someone out there is making these UAP/UFOs and not just with that. He has done many tests on other theories in a multitude of fields.
Everyone can see that these things are not made here on Earth. The level of engineering is beyond our understanding right now. But that doesn't mean we won’t learn at some point in time who or what made them.
Then why not let Professor Nolan prove that fact or anyone else to prove it?
What is it about these things that has gotten so many people interested in them and why are those in governments saying they are no threat?
The whole point of investigations is to prove or disprove right? Not only that if these things are flying through no-fly zones and restricted air space. Is that not an aggressive threat to our safety? But they say it's not a big deal! What the F… are you talking about? That is a huge threat and you are putting our lives at risk for that.
Most people would investigate and prove that they are a threat flying in areas that should not be flying through. Common sense 101. Even if they are a threat. They can’t just go and shoot them down. More so if they are flying around our military bases and power stations. Those two areas could cause us more harm than good.
The fact is the answers we are looking for are already out in the public and have been for thousands of years. Thousands of years of documented evidence saying these things have been in our sky long before any of us today were ever born.
How much more proof or evidence do you need to prove that fact? Ancient history proves that fact all over the world.
Thousands of years of history and those of you say there is not enough physical evidence or proof to say otherwise!
We spend thousands of dollars trying to prove that angels and demons are real. Where is the evidence and physical proof of them to be fact or fiction? I would even suggest that is a cover story or term to invest money into that might have something to do with these unknown technologies. I have this feeling that is exactly what is going on with that too.
Hello McFly? You are the most educated morons on God’s green earth and you can’t even see the proof or evidence right in front of you.
There is no shame in stating that you don’t know. But people do know and you pay them to know. The same people you pay to keep things out of the public or things you don’t want to know.
That is why there are so many of us out in the public investigating things that you don’t want anyone to know about. That is a huge mistake. By doing that we are missing the chance that could help mankind and change the world.
Then you go on to say that’s not how things work. You're right it’s not. Doing it your way is not working. Because you want that knowledge for your group of people and f… everyone else.
If you look at this from good versus evil. It is more like that the government is trying to capitalize on the information over the people who are investigating these things. Government is the evil taking and the good is the public trying to do what is right.
I have said people are trying to strike fear with that. Others will say that they want to get the upper hand in technology they have in warfare. If you think about it, fear and the upper hand are the same.
Either way people within the government and the military want to have an upper edge when it comes to the armed forces or anything with a political gain.
If the information is shared or is more open to the public then everyone would be on the same playing field and that is why the government doesn’t want anyone to know. Because they will lose that power of control they want over the people. This is why our medical and simple everyday life problems are not getting resolved.?
They want to be the ones who will save everyone above everyone else. In other words, they want to be the ones who are in control and call all the shots and we are back into a power struggle on who is better and who has the bigger guns.
I am waiting for the day when an independent investigator comes out of the shadows and spills the beans with the backwater double-dealing deals and when it comes to the UAP/UFOs. That person or persons is going to change the world. Who is to say if that change is for the good or the bad? Either way it goes it will change man forever. That to me is what they fear and why they say that people will panic.
I still say many of the investigating reports have a huge amount of information that they have yet been able to tell or give to the public. Because of legal issues and national security. That is what is stopping the whole Freedom Of Information Act.?
Some of that national security they claim is over-raided. They use it to cover their tracks. At the same time, they don’t use national security when these things start flying craft around military or nuclear power plants. Even though they are saying there is nothing to worry about! You can’t have the same thing go both ways when it comes to national security. That’s like calling a stalemate!
Now that makes me worry they would say something like that altogether. How many times are they going to flip-flop their statements? Look at Kirkpatrick and how many times he has changed his statements!
How about the FBI on J6, spying on the American people in social media platforms, Facebook, and Twitter files. They say they have nothing to do with them and yet it has been proven they did have something to do with them.
By the way, if the FBI was or is spying on the American people. How many fake profiles did they make at the same time they were paying off Twitter and Facebook for spying and to force blocking of accounts for comments that would seem harmful to the White House or anyone on Capitol Hill? Even blocking those who are serving in the White House right now! Senators in the Twitter public trials even stated that her comment was a freaking joke and they knew it was a joke!
But the FBI head says they knew nothing of such blocking and yet the head's name signed off on the order to do so!
You want to get even more real. Look at the 911 first responder’s health care battle for 18 years that those people were entitled to! One of our senators even had the balls to say, “What is the big deal about the first responders getting their health coverage?”
They counter-dick their statements and back petal everything. If they don’t know anything or want to share anything then why say or do anything at all?
The facts of the truth through investigations just prove that their actions are what expose them. Then they will try and say people are too stupid or that they don’t know what they are talking about. (Joe Biden) They even go all out and try to condemn those who tell the facts of the truth. The same people who work for them and with them. It blows my mind when they throw their own under the bus.
I am talking about the government and the military. Here is the main point. Those who work for them and with them are promoted and earn high levels of rank by their work and actions those people do. However, once they see something that is morally wrong they speak out. Then they will say those people they promoted are fake, liars, and untrustworthy. Going so far that their mental health is unstable. To top it off they even threaten their lives and family.
Huge problem with that right out of the gate. If those same people they promoted and such have issues with their mental health then how in the hell did they pass the mental health and physical health tests when they enlisted into the armed forces or office in the first place?
Here is a thought: don't they have to do a background check and drug test when they enlist or apply for a job within the government and military as well? To me, it seems like they make stuff up as time goes on. When was the last time the whole Pentagon and all the armed forces passed a drug or mental health test?
These are the same mentality of people who can’t seem to know who had cocaine in the White House! They know who had it and don’t want the public to know about it.
It blows my mind how these educated morons can be so stupid when it comes to common sense! But they are open and transparent! Ok fine, open and transparent showing how educated and stupid they are!
So educated they can’t provide a paper trail for 3.8 trillion dollars in military spending! We know as well as they do that is a load of crap.
Here is a thought. How about looking into every person’s bank account that works at the Pentagon and the White House? Why are they at it, why not look into their mental health as well and see what they find? They pull that stunt on those who are doing nothing more than telling the facts of the truth.
Investigation! It is the key factor in every person's being and it’s their God-given right the moment they are born to do so. No different than people having the right and ability to voice their opinions. But a lot of those opinions don’t mean a thing without investigating what is being talked about. If you are not a person who is invested in those things your opinion means nothing whether or not you think a person is right or wrong.
Having self-righteous control and infliction over others is morally wrong. People within the military and the governments do this daily! How is that following or upholding the constitution that this country was built on?
Not only that, they use the Constitution to protect themselves. In other words, they are playing both sides of the fence.
What better way than to sell on both sides? They are nothing more than trolls!
If you investigate them long enough you will find that the military and the government people are the biggest Trolls in the world. They even created the internet and opened the door showing how ugly people truly are.
By their actions, they gave out the biggest security threat that people are hurtful and very ugly!
The mind is the most powerful and dangerous tool that every person has. With or without education the mind is the most powerful weapon that everyone has. That is the real threat that people should fear. Not those who can pull a trigger.
With the internet and social media investigations you can find and learn about anything from anywhere. Oh, that’s right I forgot people are not educated enough to use the internet or computers.
If that is so, we wouldn't have lights, radio, TV, movies, phones, cars, planes, boats, spaceships, guns, the atomic bomb, computers, the internet, and the list goes on. But people are too stupid to know anything at all.
Boy, for people being so stupid they sure are educated enough to build those things with very little knowledge. Oh, and don’t forget housing and food.
All it takes is very little knowledge to investigate something. A lot of times people base their investigation on ideas and thoughts with lies and rumors before they learn the facts of the truth.
Look what happened during the Communist Party trials. 90 to 95% of them were based on rumors and lies. They had no physical proof to back up their claims or to those whom they accused. Some of them were accused because they had a German family name.
They spent millions of dollars trying to prove that the innocent were German spies. There were some spies but not in the numbers they claimed to be. They knew most of the people they were arresting and put on trial were innocent. They too thought people back then were stupid enough not to fight back. When those same people fought back they made up more lies and false claims on those people.
What gets to me is where are all the investigators on those cases. One way or the other someone was going under the bus. The FBI and higher-ups were making damn sure it was not going to be them. That same devotion they tried to do with David Grusch and his testimony.
With the right investigation, you will find the facts of the truth to the effects and the hoops they jumped through to make sure they are not the ones going to be put under the bus when in fact they know they are the ones that are in the wrong.
95% of the time every person who is in a situation knows the facts of the truth because they were either a part of it or a witness to it. The other 5% that was not a part of it or a witness trying to lie, deny, and twist the truth to make it sound something completely different to reflect the truth. That same 5% is also blown so far out, they try to make that 5% the win-all and be-all. In other words, that 5% is the smoking gun that wins overall.
Look at the J6 and the 2020 election. To this day they are blaming it all on Trump! The key word here is Blaming! I have not heard or seen anything else that confirms their claims of the fact. Not only that, those two completely different sides of the story can’t be fact! One or the other story is fake or a straight-up lie.
Look at Biden and the 10 million dollars. Some have said 13,000 of that money was a car payment! What does a car payment have to do with getting 10 million dollars and paying his family members off with that and they still argue the fact?
All this money coming and going and no one can be held accountable for the loss of 3.8 trillion!
Pelosi beats the top ten Fortune 500 in the stock market. She barely knows how to invest in the stock market but she beats the Fortune 500 top ten! Come on, how do you lose the account of 3.8 trillion dollars let alone beat the top Fortune 500?
But we are to sit here and take their word for it and yet they can’t back up their words or claims. But we are too stupid to know or understand! But they are open and transparent.?
Then we have the Eminent Domain. What people don’t understand is that the rule was made and built by the people within the government to use as their way of taking away your rights. It is stated for the greater good. However, what people fail to do is they don’t read deeper. That rule, the greater good, is to take land and turn it into a road for transportation and heavy equipment. Also, there is no statute of limitations in the rule when that land will be transformed.
If they take land and even if they pay for it. They don’t have to do shit with it. It can sit there as bare land till the end of time! How do you think some of our largest roadways and national parks were created? How many of them were not created and should have been created?
I would not be surprised if they used that rule to build some of the military bases around the nation.
I will admit that some of my statements are speculations but I have seen them do far worse on rumors and lies than just on speculations with little or no facts to support their claims either.
That is transparent and a fact!
It’s like they are calling a stalemate before a clear winner is declared! Oh, that’s right they are declaring that they are the winners and everyone else is a loser.
God forbid you fight for what is right or the greater good because they don’t seem to care about the greater good.
It’s like they want the military to rule the land and those in government to rule the law. Look what happened with Hitler. How was that military law going for yeah and his law of war was based on religion, right? That is a fair question to ask is it not?
I just don’t get how these people with the level of education they have and the resources can say they know nothing or don’t have anything to investigate with or that people are too stupid to know anything at all.
Our militaries and governments have state-of-the-art technology at their fingertips and they wouldn’t have them if someone out there didn’t investigate how to make or build them. Another fact is they have state-of-the-art camera recorders on the planet yet every image of UAP/UFOs is out of focus, blurred out, and always in black and white! Some of them are deliberately out of focus and blurry.
Then NASA has the balls to determine that there is life on another planet but can’t confirm if the UAP/UFOs are real. Let's say there is intelligence on that other planet. Wouldn’t our probs appear to be a UAP/UFO to those on that planet?
The reason behind that is they are using the term UAP of today, not the terms that were used in the last 80 years. They think they are funny by making such statements like that and seem to think it will cover their asses when something physically would show up in different terms or keywords.
Whether or not you are an investigator of written truth or fiction. You still need to investigate things that may be facts.
Some parts of our greatest fictional stories and films are now physical facts. Portable communication devices that were dreamed up in a fictional world. Even your remote controllers for your TV, drones, and RC cars were a fictional thought!
My mother would always bitch at me saying I live in a fictional world and she was right I did. But what she failed to see is that she too was living in that same world. We just saw it from two different viewpoints from each other and that fictional world is more realistic now than it was back in the 1980s.
She also said I was too stupid to understand what I was talking about or to comprehend it. I grew up in a house where I was not allowed to have an objective opinion or I was talking through my ass. The only reason she said it like that is because she didn’t fully understand it herself. Her world of understanding was long gone and she couldn’t handle that I could understand it better than her.
My brother is the same way. Like our mom, he is so book smart he is stupid when it comes to common sense or thinking outside the book. They both seem to think unless you go to school or have a degree your words or opinions don’t hold any weight to anything at all.
They went to school and learned a job trade. The key here is job trade. On the other hand, I didn’t go to college as they did. I got all my job trade learning in doing the job and got paid to learn the job. Where they get this thing that their schooling and degrees give them the right to voice their opinions is beyond me. It is no different than having a driver's license. It just shows that they pass a test and qualify to do something and with a job. Many people act like without papers of achievement or years of work they have no rights at all. They must not know anything about the Constitution of their God-given rights the moment they are born.
In other words, I got paid to learn. I can’t see how you pay someone or a school to learn something. A lot of times those places that teach you, they teach what they want you to learn or you need to learn before you can do anything else or you're too stupid to do anything else. Without schooling, people think you won’t understand anything at all. Even in everyday life.
You can’t learn everything in a classroom or a textbook. That is being short-minded and misleading. It will give you a basic understanding of what they are teaching. But that is it. You do it their way and what the book says to do.
That’s not how you learn or investigate things that interest you and a lot of people seem to think it is a job or a job title that makes it so important and the person that is investigating. It’s like you can’t be an investigator without some kind of degree or Ph.D. and they belittle those that don’t have that.
Back in the day for a lot of people, I am sure that was the case. But in today’s world of investigations you don’t have to listen to someone telling you how to investigate. It also depends on the topic and the field you want to investigate.
Most people just want to learn how things work or why things are the way they are. But you don’t have to go to school for that anymore and you never really had to go to school to learn that. I guess you could say that is being lazy but unless you physically do the things you are learning about you are no expert because you will never stop learning. Each type of learning is only going to take you so far without the other. If you don’t have both sides of that learning and apply it it's not going to make you an expert at all.
We have newspapers, radio, TV, and now computers with the internet. You can read, watch, and learn sitting in your chair at home and you don’t have to pay someone to teach you how to do those things in today's world.
How do you think we get inspired or find our purpose to learn? By reading, watching, and listening to others. That kind of schooling is free. With the birth of the internet and YouTube, it is ten times easier now.
You learn the most by doing it yourself.
These self-entitled people who have Ph. D.s and degrees in their respective fields have the audacity that no one can do the same work as they do without those Ph. D.s and degrees. In other words, you’re not smart enough to be an investigator.
That statement or thinking brings me to a movie. A Knight's Tale with Heath Leaguer. In the movie, he made a statement that sunk into my brain with such a fact and shock that where it made me think even harder than I once did before.
“How did the nobles become so noble? They took it!” It made me think about how so many people in medieval times became kings, queens, and nobles. It is true they took it and stood up for what they thought was right. They had no prior schooling or teaching. They did it by teaching themselves and physically doing it.
It was also a double-edged sword. Once they got to the level of being nobles and kings or queens they became the very thing they were fighting! As the years went on and the new nobles and royals were born the same fights for equal rights repeated.
You are not born as a royal, noble, smart, stupid, and not everyone wants to or is going to follow the same path as those who came before them.
It is the same way with investigators. With or without a Ph.D. or a degree anyone and everyone can be an investigator. You don’t need to have someone saying you are not one without a title or piece of paper saying you are one. Those things will help you but a lot of people use those things as their smoking gun to do any or all forms of investigations.
If that is the case as they claim then those like Eric Von Daiken and Gram Hancock should have never investigated into things a day in their life. Yet, they did and had no prior education to do so and they have changed the world in how we investigate the greatest mysteries of our history.
Look at some of those like Neil Tyson. He goes out of his way to tell people they know nothing or they are too stupid in what people are talking about when it comes to common sense or scientific studies. If you don’t know, you don’t know anything about what you are talking about. Ok fine then teach us what we need to know then smart guys!
Who’s knowledge is he talking about, his? Nine times out of ten someone is going to be talking about knowledge that someone else has taught them.
I think I am an investigator enthusiast. When I think about it in the longer term. I’ve been more of a curious investigator than an enthusiast.
That is what all investigators are and do. They are curious about a story that has sparked something within them and they want to know and learn more about it.
It may not be the same for everyone like those that are in law enforcement. For some of them, it’s part of their job.
Overall an investigator looks into things more deeply out in the open with no restrictions.
Some of you will say they have to follow laws or rules. Yes, you are right they do. But the first rule and the law they should be following is finding the facts. Where is that mystery taking us? That is the question of all investigators.
For me, it’s more of the hunt for investigations. What if my theories could be right or lead to other areas and open new fields of investigation and studies? That information could be unlocked for everyone. That is what I am into and I too want to know more than what is already known. I want to know about what is not known.
There are those out there who know a lot more than me. Yet, at the same time, I think and see things differently too and I may have something or know about something that someone has not unlocked yet. I may even know more than them.
Just because I didn’t go to a school to become a writer or a scientist doesn’t mean I can’t learn or test theories of my own. Getting the people that do have schooling and the scientific testing is the hardest part.
Well-known journalist Gorge Knapp never went to school to be a reporting journalist and he has done some huge reporting on the mob and broke the Bob Lazar story. He also has won many awards as well.
Just to get people to listen to what you are thinking or a theory you have is a shot in the dark for a lot of people.
It upsets me when I hear all these well-educated people out there saying they want to get their hands on some of these unknowns or what if’s. More so when it comes from the scientists and professors.
The problem is they keep asking for the chance to work on something. If they would reach out and say they will give it a shot to figure something out then they might get somewhere.
However, there is so much out there in the public too. But the problem with that is some, not all, and I will say this again. There are those out there who see things in a way to make money, glory, and fame from investigations. That is more important to them than trying to find or prove the facts of truth or fiction.
I just said I am in it for the hunt and to open new ways of investigation. That is my goal and what I am looking for. If I happen to make a few bucks and some fame from it, so be it. But that is not the driving force in my quest.
As I was saying if the scientists and professors would reach out into other fields of study or to some of the people in the public. They have an unlimited amount of information and data to go through to find what we have been looking for. A lot of those answers may very well be sitting right under our noses.
For example, in one of my other articles I am talking about four different folklore stories, ledges, and myths that all talk about the same thing. Three of them are right here in the United States. If a scientist or professor would help me look into my theory I could blow those four stories wide open. Because I believe that I have found a pattern to those stories and where to officially start looking to get the answers we have been looking for.
Each one has a different birth in their stories. But what is said in those stories they all talk about the same types of events that happened in those stories. Some of the different descriptions of the four stories are how I put all four of them together and yet they are the same story. Just with a different spin on it. They all talk about strange orbs of lights, shadows, shape-shifting, dark and hairy animals, tall figures, face-to-face encounters, abductions, bodily harm, and strange eerie sounds.
Even our ancient history of events talks about similar events with a different spin but talk about the same story. The Great Flood is another story that talks about the same event but with a different spin on it.
How can four different folktales or ancient world history events have the same depictions of events that took place? Yet, people will say they have nothing to do with each other. I don’t think they are all different stories. I think they are all different descriptions of the same story.
Then it occurred to me that I missed one of the stories out there. Five folktale stories that are the same. I’ve recently been watching the Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch on the History Channel and this is how I put all these stories together.
SkinWalker, BigFoot, The Dog Man or Wolfman, and the Werewolf.
All five of them talk about the same descriptions and tails. I learned that just by watching and learning things from TV, Movies, and books. Whether they are facts or fiction all five of them are talking about the same events that took place in those encounters!
How can these different stories have the same events? Because they are the same story! Just told from a different point of view! Some are more detailed than others.
That is where investigators come into play; they have to come into these stories from a different point of view. Just because things are played out in front of you like a straight line doesn’t mean the story is legit.
Look at these mystery crime shows or law enforcement trying to solve a murder. Or the Zodiac Killer. A lot of those crimes are not textbook closed.
They have their best people working on those cases and they are the most educated too and a lot of those types of crimes go unsolved for many years or never. Then one day someone who has no experience or has no education and solve the case.
That is my point when it comes to being an investigator. You don’t have to have thousands of hours of cases under your belt to be smart. Nine times out of ten the very thing they were looking for was right in front of them.
There are many reporting and investigating journalists out there who want a story that will either help or change people’s lives. There are so many stories out there that will never come to an end. This goes for any field of study or work you are into as well. Some chase those stories as a hobby. Some make it their life's work.
For me there are so many stories that I want to invest in that are never ending hunts for facts and truths. Those stories will change the world and help people.
You are asking what stories? UAP/UFOs, Bigfoot, Pumapunku the H blocks, the city of the dead, Egypt. Those are just to name a few.
At the same time, it frustrates me. No matter your level or your profession you are an investigator and you want to tell a story about what you know. Fact or fiction. You want to write and report on something that means something to you and maybe to others.
You have information that you want to share. With the power of social media platforms, you can get your story out. However, how do you know if your story is out there if no one is looking or knows about your story and if your story is fact or fiction?
Yes, all these platforms are helpful. But getting the right people’s attention is the hardest part. Plus, when you have some information that could change the system, that is when it gets even harder.
Awareness is the heart of it all. When you have a story to tell after you have done some investigations you want to present it to a sultan of people or a person that will take notice of your story or the information you have. The information you have could open other doors that some would not dare to open.
Some would call that fighting the status quo. The status quo is what has kept a lot of important information out of the public. That status quo is also coming from what was being touched in a classroom or a textbook.
Back then they didn’t have the knowledge or the technology we have today. Even our ancient history has proven that. Many writings and paintings tell of things in the sky and the oceans. They gave those things strange names. Like most have said they didn’t have the words for what they were back then like we do now.
Those strange names were also adopted by our government, military, and NASA to give these strange things odd names so we the people would be looking for them. They all have to file reports in triplicate and requisition forms. They all are filed in three different departments. Such things as government spending. They have to show what that money is being used for. Physical or digital! Hello, 3.8 trillion dollars anyone?
Even our science tells us that every day. Do you think that those people back then were that smart either? They didn’t have the formal education like we do today either.
It blows my mind that the people of today are trying to say that people without education are too stupid to understand what is right in front of them.
Educated or not most people didn’t have the education in ancient times but they documented what they have witnessed and know!
Smart enough to build huge cities and structures. Smart enough to know how to cook and hunt so that they can eat. We are the most educated beings on the planet. But we are too stupid to know anything at all.
Ok if people are so stupid then you are calling yourselves stupid too. For going to school and enlisting in the military. Because if you are so much smarter than the public. How come you can’t fix some of our biggest problems in our backyard?
You have all the technology and the resources to fix a lot of those problems today! But you whimper and wine and keep saying it doesn’t work that way. Then do tell us how it is supposed to work then? Because your way of doing things sucks!
This is why people investigate and don’t always trust what they are being told. They want to know why things are the way they are. God forbid and you go out into the world and educate yourself with books and tools you have on hand. That is how many of the people of the world learn. They learn by doing the work.
Look at all the people who use and upload videos to social platforms. Millions of people are creating and building without prior education. There are many people out there that do that daily and no one knows who they are out there doing this. It’s what you don’t see that is the problem. How can you investigate things without the means or tools? How do you know if they don’t have the tools?
They easily share their information from investigating with the means and tools they have. Who are you to judge those who are not smart enough? Some of you are so smart you are stupid when it comes to common sense.
You are the smartest people on the planet and you are calling people stupid. News flash you were stupid at a point in time of your life too. Until you got the means, tools, and some hands-on training you were just as stupid as you are calling other people stupid.
Now that you have that training you want to keep that training to yourself. You want that title or control saying you’re smarter. In other words what you have learned and don’t share with others because you are afraid that someone out in the real world may or have found something by investigating that is not as smart as you.
Because you feel threatened by it and you feel entitled that someone is going to take your thunder and replace you. Those things do happen and they happen because you feel entitled that you paid your dues. Everyone pays their dues in some shape or form.
Do you know what the cure is? Be true, open, transparent, and accountable to your investigations, and bring your work to the people. People will respect you more and trust you more if you are honest with them.
I am willing to bet that there is someone out there that is ten times smarter than most of you are and they don’t want to share their information from investigations because you all claim to be experts. Most of which is common sense. Yet, ninety percent of you can’t even be an expert if you can’t fix, find, and understand the things happening right before you. But you will say that is not how things work or don’t have the data. But you are the experts!
How about getting off your ass and physically doing something and investigating some things so you can have that data and show how it is!
A lot of people sit behind a desk and can become an expert in all kinds of fields. That data or information means nothing until it is physically being used either in computer technology or physical labor. It will only go so far until you physically get up and go out and do the other half of the work. Like right now I am writing some of the things that I want to invest in more but I need the help to physically get out there to do the other half of the work.
A few years back there was this TV show called Doomsday Preppers! At the end of every episode. A so-called group of proclaimed experts telling people how long they will survive with their preparations.
Who are these experts? What makes them experts? What are they basing their data on? Are they basing their data from a military point of view or are they basing the data on what a computer program says? Is their data in a textbook or classroom?
Five questions they can’t or won’t answer but they are the experts!
If you don’t do the physical work and investigate how things work then you are no fucking expert.
If you are an expert then you know everything that there is to know and learn! Your problem is no one will ever become an expert if that is the case then you are calling yourself a God!
You are calling yourself a God because you are an expert and you know everything that needs to be known!
If you are such an expert, “GOD”, then why are we still fighting over the simple things like land, food, lifestyle, religion, and who has the bigger guns? But you are calling yourself the experts.
There are things that everyone is an expert on. That is fear, the unknown, and why things are the way they are. But we don’t go around and call ourselves experts or Gods! Well most of us don’t.
We are experts in confusion and what we don’t understand. But you are claiming to be experts because you say you know more or that you are smarter than the rest of us.
How dare you tell people they are too stupid to learn and to investigate things that make us think for ourselves? Did someone tell you to be smart or to be who you are as a person or did you say you were smarter than others the moment you were born? But you are experts now!
Can someone tell me how that math works? Because my math says you’re full of crap when a person makes a statement or claim like that or has a God complex.
If people are so stupid or smarter, then how in the hell are you living in this modern-day lifestyle?
Well, I guess people are too stupid to build phones, plans, cars, trucks, homes, boats, hunt, grow food, and survive in nature! Many people still live and thrive off the grid.?
Would you call that being an expert or God-like?
Every day something is changing. We learn, investigate, and try to understand everything there is to know. But we will never be able to know everything because things change every minute and every day.
Where is the rule book for being an expert? Do you have to pass a test or go through a drug screening? Where is the job application to fill out to become an expert?
Ph.D., I’Q tests, Degrees, papers, or every physical labor is not the same thing as an expert. I will say it again: an expert knows everything there is to know, period!
What I am talking about in this article is not Woke, Rewoke, or Fake Woke. This is not left-wing or right-wing. This is not democrat, republican, or independent.
These are the facts of the truth that you claim that people are too stupid to know anything. You are also calling yourself stupid.
Because you are stupid to know what the hell you’re doing or saying either and you claim you know more than us. If you know so much then why are we still fighting each other? Why have you or know more than the others?
If you are the experts then why can’t you fix or explain what the UAP/UFOs are? If you are such experts then why is our system so screwed up?
If you are experts then where is the 3.8 trillion dollars that the Pentagon can’t account for? But you’re the experts and you can’t even answer that.
The fact is you don’t answer those questions, you just avoid them! Because you know that we know and you want to tell us we're too stupid to know.
How is that hiding in plain sight going for yeah? (FBI cases) If you have nothing to hide then why do you redact everything you say and do?
It’s not just within the government or the military. Even some of the other well-known investigations and fields of study say the same thing. We the people are not smart enough to know what we are talking about. At the same time, you say you know more than the next person does but you can’t seem to have all the answers that you claim to have. Nor do you share that information.
To me, that is saying that everything they tell us is a lie! If that is not true. Then how in the hell did we get this far in the lifestyle that we are in today?
You can’t have facts and fiction at the same time telling the truth! Most people believe in those lies more and more every day. Even when facts of the truth prove them to be lies! Hello, Joe Biden, Pelosi, and the Pentagon! How are things going for you, is everything going as planned?
Do I have your attention now? Guess what, how did that information become known and how is it 100% fact if someone didn’t do an investigation?
How can you not have any facts at all without an investigation or have a conclusive argument without an investigation? You can’t! That is like proving that something is guilty without a trial.
Even to have a conclusive or objective opinion without having or doing an investigation to determine what is fact or fiction is nothing more than an opinion.
Last time I checked opinions don’t matter unless you can prove to have the facts to back them up! You can’t have or get those facts if you don’t investigate.
That is why the government, NASA, and the military say they don’t have facts or the data. Because they say they don’t investigate the UAP/UFOs. We all know that is bull shit!
We know that to be a lie. Because a lot of their former heads and workers have come forward and told us this very fact. They classify them into different words and terms to keep that information out of the public.
For example, how did Operation Paperclip or Project Blue Book come about if they have no data of the facts or physical evidence? They had to base that on some level of facts to investigate the paperclip and write a book. If they didn’t, all of that is 100% fiction. Most of Blue Book was fiction and lies! Many people have come forward to prove those facts.
If they don’t have the facts or the data then let an appointed group of people investigate those statements then. Allow an unbiased group of people to dig into those two things and prove them to be real or not. Yes, and those people should be picked to have no potential national security risks! They don’t have to show every detail but if they have the right and well-known respected people to look into them, then they can be proven to be facts or fiction. It would finally put an end to those two things.
But they won’t because they know they do have information on those things! To put it this way. They have broken so many laws and committed murder over it. Not just with the UAP/UFO stuff either. No telling what else they have done. They are doing everything they can to cover it up and that cover-up is getting harder and harder for them to keep.
Where is their data and physical evidence for their statements saying that?
NASA and the Military have the most advanced technology and they are saying they have no data or physical evidence. But they can prove there is life on another planet or say that there is no threat from a foreign origin. So, do they have the technology or not? You can’t have it both ways! They are robbing Peter (the people) to bay Paul (the military and the government). Here are some facts for you.
The public has the most powerful tools too. Computers, social media, the public domain, and the internet.
A funny thing is the government, NASA, and the military created those very same tools. They even gave it to the people of the public to use as well. So in a way they just gave their biggest assets to the people that they claim are too stupid to know anything at all.
Now that they have given those tools to the public they can investigate even more and find what they are looking for or have been looking for a lot faster than before. They are using the public to do the dirty work for them.
A lot of good upcoming investigators and reporting journalists have come from it. We have ten times the amount of information that is given to us to find.
I said before that you don’t need to go to a college-level school to learn about most things in today’s world. A lot of people get their schooling by reading and watching videos online.
You have YouTube, SkillShare, and Master Classes. However, Skill Share and Master Classes you have to pay for. If you look hard enough, someone out there is willing to teach you anything and anything you want to know.
You can go to school for a lot of those things. But those classrooms won’t teach you hands-on or working out in the field. That is where a true investigator thrives in working in the field.
The field doesn’t always have to be a face-to-face interview. Most go out and find as much information without having to do a lot of leg work.
The thing is that reporting, journalism, and investigation are one in the same. Some investigators have a badge and a gun. But those are more intense and have a different purpose or intention. Within the last few years, however, those with badges and guns have done some shady things to the American people! Again, hello FBI and the CIA! Those in law enforcement have also put innocent people in jail by making up laws and making a name for themselves. They even know they are breaking the law by trying to say you have no civil rights and they can do whatever they want when it comes to the law.
Now depending on the topic a huge amount of information could open many different doors to other fields of study as I said before.
What is most important and the overall key here is no one can have a conclusive argument without any kind of investigation to either prove or disprove facts or fiction. This is something that most law enforcement failed at.
That is why I want to create these groups of investigators. I said it here and in other articles and have been playing around with names for these groups of people. They would cover a large range of fields to investigate!
Each area would cover a variety of topics. But each one will cover one main goal. Finding the facts that will prove fiction or nonfiction. However, a lot of the fiction out there has now been proven to be fact! (Star Trek) Bob Lazar and David Grusch!
The U.T.P.C. would unlock a lot of the hidden truths that people have wanted to know for the last few hundred years. Even longer in other cases.
We need people willing to go the miles, without them we will never find or know what is going on in our lifetime and the world.
It has nothing to do with their backgrounds, however, if they have a background of investigations so much the better. As long as they are out there trying to find the facts of the truth or fiction.
So much information is lost or not talked about and shared with people. Information that could save lives or start a path to finding greater truths.
It starts with a piece of paper and a pencil with a thought in mind trying to write about something that is or will be meaningful for everyone.
Fact or fiction the point is there is a story out there that needs or wants to be told. Many will like it and hate it at the same time. The problem is a lot of people let their egos, personal beliefs, and religions get in the way of their better judgment or in the way of the greater good for everyone to benefit from it.
Knowledge is the greatest power and tool that everyone has the right to. Those of you trying to take that away because of what is being said or trying to find out about something should be ashamed of themselves. That judgment is out of place when that information could benefit everyone including those who are judging the very information that is being given.
All I ask is to be respectable and honest with each other in the information that is being presented to you. Attention and awareness are what is going to bring out the facts or the fiction about people and the information they are talking about.
A lot of you don’t have the whole story when you are placing judgment. Some of you will say. "I'm voicing my opinion, nothing more.”
Your opinion means nothing if you don’t have the full story in the first place. That is why it is so important to investigate these stories!
If a story that you have followed for many years turns out to be nothing more than lies of fiction. 100% fiction! How would you feel?
The same feeling when you find you find out the same story you have been following turns out to be 100% facts!
Creator - Writer - Photographer & Videographer - Designer & Maker - Ancient Astronaut Theory Enthusiast - Visualist Observer of Scientific Theories
4 个月#news #Media #SocialMedia #investigation #FactCheck Investigations is what Fact Checking is about and should stand for! It is obvious no one seems to care if they fact-check or not these days! And that is just sad an shows why things ar so messed up!
Creator - Writer - Photographer & Videographer - Designer & Maker - Ancient Astronaut Theory Enthusiast - Visualist Observer of Scientific Theories
10 个月I have made a huge spelling and grammar check. I was having a lot of computer and internet problems sorry for those messed-up edits.