Investigating SFTP Access Abuse in Azure Storage Accounts

Investigating SFTP Access Abuse in Azure Storage Accounts

In this article, we'll explore new techniques that abuse SFTP access from the Azure Storage Threat Matrix. Azure Blob Storage supports the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), enabling secure connections for file access, transfer, and management. However, attackers can exploit SFTP access in various ways. We'll explore how to detect compromised SFTP credentials and their malicious usage, including backdoor uploads and other nefarious activities. Additionally, we'll discuss methods to identify the creation of new SFTP accounts for sustaining persistent access.

Creation of SFTP account for Persistence

Attackers may create an SFTP account to maintain access to a target storage account. The SFTP account is local on the storage instance and is not subject to Azure RBAC permissions. The account is also unaffected in case of storage account access keys rotation. Hence, its a highly effective method for attaining persistence within containers (blobs) through SFTP access.

Threat Matrix Tactics-Techniques


The below query helps you to detect if the sftp is enabled(created) on the storage account.

| extend StorageAccount=Properties_d.resource
| extend SftpEnabled=iff(isnull(Properties_d.requestbody),parse_json(tostring((parse_json(tostring(parse_json(Properties_d.responseBody))).properties))).isSftpEnabled,parse_json(tostring((parse_json(tostring(parse_json(Properties_d.requestbody))).properties))).isSftpEnabled)
| extend LocalUserEnabled=parse_json(tostring((parse_json(tostring(parse_json(Properties_d.responseBody))).properties))).isLocalUserEnabled
| where SftpEnabled==true
| project TimeGenerated, OperationNameValue, ActivityStatusValue,StorageAccount, ResourceGroup,Caller,CallerIpAddress, SftpEnabled,LocalUserEnabled, Properties_d        

The query below aids in detecting if a local account was created during SFTP access, as well as the event of password regeneration for setting passwords for SFTP access.

| extend UserAccount=Properties_d.resource
| project TimeGenerated, OperationNameValue, ActivityStatusValue,UserAccount, ResourceGroup,Caller,CallerIpAddress        

Compromised SFTP Credentials Abuse.

Attackers may obtain and abuse credentials of an SFTP account as a means of gaining initial access. SFTP is a prevalent file transfer protocol between a client and a remote service. Once the user connects to the cloud storage service, the user can upload and download blobs and perform other operations that are supported by the protocol.

SFTP connection requires SFTP accounts which are managed locally in the storage service instance, including credentials in a form of passwords or key-pairs. Attackers exploit compromised passwords from these local accounts to gain unauthorized access to blob containers.

Threat Matrix Tactics-Techniques


Here's a simple KQL query to look for any SFTP access from the logs:

| where Protocol=="SFTP"
| where StatusCode==200
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, Protocol, OperationName, AuthenticationType, StatusCode, StatusText, Uri, CallerIpAddress, UserAgentHeader, RequesterObjectId        

Here's a KQL query to look for failure attempts with wrong passwords.

| where Protocol=="SFTP"
| where OperationName=="SftpConnect"
| where StatusCode==403
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, Protocol, OperationName, AuthenticationType, StatusCode, StatusText, Uri, CallerIpAddress, UserAgentHeader, RequesterObjectId

KQL query for detecting SFTP access using localuserpassword

| where Protocol=="SFTP"
| where StatusCode==200
| where AuthenticationType=="LocalUserPassword"
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, Protocol, OperationName, AuthenticationType, StatusCode, StatusText, Uri, CallerIpAddress, UserAgentHeader, RequesterObjectId        

Attackers may use storage services to store a malicious program or toolset that will be executed at later times during their operation. In addition, adversaries may exploit the trust between users and their organization’s Storage services by storing phishing content. Furthermore, storage services can be leveraged to park gathered intelligence that will be exfiltrated when terms suit the actor group.

Here's a KQL query to detect potential uploading of malicious backdoors using the SFTP put operation:

| where Protocol=="SFTP"
| where StatusCode==200
| where AuthenticationType=="LocalUserPassword"
| where OperationName in ('SftpCreate','SftpWrite','SftpCommit')
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName, Protocol, OperationName, AuthenticationType, StatusCode, StatusText, Uri, CallerIpAddress, UserAgentHeader, RequesterObjectId        

Notable Fields from logs

The below image shows sample data from real-time logs, highlighting the OperationName and AuthenticationType fields.

Some common operationnames from the logs for associated sftp actions:

Upload new files (put operation)

  • SftpCreate
  • SftpWrite
  • SftpCommit

Create Folder

  • SftpMakeDir

Listing directory creates following actions

  • SftpOpenDir
  • SftpReadDir
  • SftpCloseDir

Change Directory

  • SftpStat

Download File using get command generates following events.

  • SftpOpen
  • SftpRead
  • SftpClose

More info on SFTP operations

excerpt from azure docs

"Triggered when a blob is created or overwritten. Specifically, this event is triggered when clients use the put operation, which corresponds to the SftpCreate and SftpCommit APIs. An empty blob is created when the file is opened and the uploaded contents are committed when the file is closed. If the SFTP Resumable Uploads preview feature is enabled then some SftpWrite events will also be triggered during the upload."


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