Invest in yourself to invest in others...
Hector M. C.
Pharma Commercial Operations Leader | Driving Sales & Marketing Excellence to Improve Patient Impact
It's May again and I enjoy seeing my friends' posts with their kids graduating from college but also observe many working adults acquiring their degrees after several years of experience. Education opens doors and maintain professionals relevant in their industry or field. But it's not only about acquiring knowledge that matters but effectively using that knowledge to develop yourself and others around you.
While education is not everything and is far from guaranteeing a "successful" career or business, the process itself teaches you multiple skills that will make a difference in whatever goal you choose to pursue. I am often puzzled when hearing that college education is not needed and how often some try to make the case that Oprah, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Spielberg and Mark Zuckerberg did not finish their degrees. It is tempting to just see their end results and achievements and ignore the fact that these individuals went all the way into their ventures like elephants caring for their offspring.
In order to become better leaders we must continue to educate ourselves. And this does not necessarily mean getting a degree. Learning about a business, talking to your colleagues and customers, leveraging existing free resources and maintaining your intellectual curiosity alive will make all the difference. This will invariably put you at a better place to contribute to others around you both at work and at home. There are so many avenues to get educated in our current century that it is almost impossible to ignore the many opportunities that come our way on a daily basis.
Next time you come across a recent graduate, congratulate her on a good start and look for inspiration to get yourself educated in something new even if it means an online course or degree. Mirror her flexibility, nimbleness and courage having graduated in such a challenging time in the midst of an unexpected pandemic! It shows that despite all odds, its never too late to learn and apply what you know to become a better version of you and to make a more impactful contribution to others around you! Likewise, if you have dormant knowledge you haven't actively applied yet, this is learning in and of itself. Don't be timid. Strive to make a difference today!