Invest In Your Brand Infrastructure

Invest In Your Brand Infrastructure

One thing that I am especially thankful that I have done over the many years that I have been building my brand, is not on the social side, it has been on the setup that I use on a day to day basis.

I have always invested in myself by getting the equipment that I need to do my job as painlessly as I can. The only thing that I had to use from my job was the corporate Surface Book. Everything else that I used was mine.

So when the unfortunate clerical error happened last week and I no longer needed access to said corporate data, I went into full swing. (My wife didn't appreciate it because I was very motivated and started at 5:30 on a Wednesday morning.)

Within a couple of hours I had pivoted my old office configuration into the Murray Fife office configuration.

So, when you are thinking about how you are building your brand, just a word of advice, don't rely on someone else to build your workspace foundation on, because if they disappear, so does your brand workspace when they ask for everything to be returned.

Travis Somerville

AI Director | MBA | Entrepreneur | Healthcare

1 年

You’ve been the most incredible producer for so many years. Please share your setup details

John Straumann

Power Platform Principal Technology Solutions Specialist at Microsoft AKA The Chief Automation Officer for Microsoft South

1 年

Is that the 55" Samsung Odyssey Ark? If so, any feedback on the performance?

Andrew M. Cox

Helping companies speed time-to-value with Microsoft

1 年

I'm living off company equipment but will rush to Craigslist when it's time.



