Invest in Training to Strengthen Your Brand
Your team is your biggest investment, but are you investing in them?
Now, more than any time in history, companies are embracing corporate culture. They’re creating open, collaborative environment, they’re setting up recreational activities right inside the office, and they’re loosening up on dress codes. You might’ve even notice that shift in the stigma of the “typical “look of an employee. Visible tattoos are brazen and dyed hair runs across the entire spectrum of color. This is all a sign of the times, but it’s also a sign of generation X growing up to become business owners and loosening up on their staff. So with with all of this emphasis on building a company around happy employees, doesn’t make sense to invest in their future?
We come into contact with business owners every day who overlook the value of sending key members of their staff to training and development programs. It’s not that they are entirely dismissive of the topic, it’s just not on the radar. But we completely understand why. As a business owner you’re being pulled in 1 million directions all day, every day. Sending one of your under wings to a conference on the other side of America wouldn’t necessarily be on the top of your mind. But don’t underestimate the power of training and development.
When you make the proactive decision to send an employee to a professional training program, and you pay for the experience, you are essentially letting them know that they matter. Truthfully, it’s a gesture that benefits both of you enormously. You get an empowered employee with a greater understanding, and your employee feels like a valued member of the team because you gave them a gift.
Furthermore, offering training and development for your employees is an invaluable resource for resource incentive for internal promotions and external recruitment. People want to work for a company that shows their employees they matter, and people want to stay at a company for the exact same reason. More than anything, offering training and development incentives keeps your people well-informed and knowledgeable about the topics, trends, and procedures you want them to know about. When they come back from training, or a conference, or workshop, you can trust that they’ve learned something they can bring back to the company — helping you in an area you were weaker in before they left.
Frankly, the modern merging workforce is looking for more than just a paycheck. They expect more from the company they expect more from the team they join: culture, incentives, and quality of life. Getting your employees with training opportunities for help promote job satisfaction and promote an engaged and involved team.