Invest in the Relationships That Show Up for You
David George Brooke "That Gratitude Guy"
Keynote Speaker & Gratitude Expert | "Gratitude Turns What You Have Into Enough"
Maybe it’s just my age, but it seems like a lot of well-known people and a number of my friends have passed away in the last year.
?It got me thinking about how our friendships impact us, especially when we get older.
?A friend of mine talks about if you can count your friends on one hand, you are a very fortunate person.
?I find that a lot of my friends and acquaintances start to find out how valuable their friendships are when the chips are down.
?Recently, I’ve had several friends experience major health problems.?What really struck me, was how they said that they were surprised by the fact that a number of people that they thought they were close to, didn’t come through for them.
?I asked if there had been some people that they didn’t expect to receive support from, that actually came through for them.?They said yes.
?Maybe we should focus on those people.
?Be grateful that some people surprised you?and forget about the ones that let you down.
?The moral of the story?
?Invest in the people that show up for you.
?You’ll be happy and grateful that you did.
?If you want to talk about how an attitude of gratitude can impact your life, let's talk. I would love to hear your story. Schedule a time below:
I’m That Gratitude guy, Remember, Be Grateful and Never Quit!