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Sneha Gupta
Mother | Life Coach | Educator | Healer | Thinker | Philosopher | Storyteller | Writer | Peacemaker | Thought Leader
I often wonder why men treat women badly. Why do men yell, shout or inflict pain on women? It is to feel powerful. It is to feel superior. It is to dominate and show who is the boss.
I condemn all kinds of violence in speech and actions. I’ve spent 25 years of my life being violated at different stages. But I don’t allow or succumb to it anymore. I speak up and expose the predator whenever I face now.
The best weapon against the enemy is speaking up. Don’t let the enemy prosper in deceit, hiding his sin. Speak up and expose them publicly. I urge everyone who have been ever violated in any way, please speak up. Don’t be silent.
Your voice is your power. Live boldly and confront the enemy in front of you. Learn self defence so you can help yourself in the hour of need.
Stay away from toxic people, narcissist, psychopaths, sociopaths and manipulators. Create firm boundaries if these people are part of your family and friends.
I grew up in a chawl in Chinchpokli, Mumbai. I’ve used community toilets for more than a decade. I’ve survived physical and sexual assault as a child. And I am still fighting for my dreams.
I am on a mission to empower, inspire and transform lives. I want to help a billion people feel love, peace and joy. Join my vision for Inclusive Growth and Holistic Well-being. I am helping survivors rebuild their lives. I am helping and supporting people with my life coaching and educational services.
Would you be interested in investing or donating to my initiatives at
I do not wish to become like those who have hurt me. I want to leave a legacy of love, peace and joy. I want to be a blessing, peacemaker and spread the message of love.
Let’s break the cycle of abuse, rise above our insecurities. Let’s love more than we hate. Let’s find healthy coping mechanisms to deal with our anger/hurt.
I’m available to speak at +91-7770025686 and discuss.
Book my appointment for life coaching at
Read my book Nandini By Sneha Gupta on kindle at
Follow @beingsneha @igcentre @igcentre_store online.
#lifecoach #writer #storyteller #educator #philosopher #peacemaker #healing #happiness #lifecoaching #leadership #communitybuilding #beingsneha #igcentre