The inventory on FPN...who's is it, and what is it...
We do not have any physical stock, all of the parts listed on FluidPowerNet belong to the distributors that use our site. Currently the number of parts listed is around 1.2 million, but this number changes with every stock upload.
The type of parts we have are hydraulic and pneumatic, but predominantly hydraulic components which include (mostly) valves, pumps, motors, filters, cylinders and measuring instrumentation. Here is a list of brands being listed on the site:
The search function on FluidPowerNet works by individual part number. You enter the part you are looking for and you get a list of distributors using the site who have that part in currently in stock. We never show someone’s entire inventory list, your data is secure and if you want someone to see your entire list then it’s up to you to share it with them.
We always encourage users to upload their inventory at least once a month to keep your list up-to-date. Uploading inventory is super easy, you just need part number, brand, quantity, and description. You can send us your list to upload or we have an automatic upload option. We also display the most recently uploaded stock at the top of the search results screen as we want to make sure we are showing you the most up to date information.
However, not all companies have uploaded their inventory to FPN yet and there are so many more parts in circulation than the 1.2 million we have listed, so the search function won’t always return results…..But we like to have a plan B, so we created the 'Wanted Forum'.
The Wanted Forum is the most popular page on our site. When you can’t find the part you need you can post it onto the Wanted Forum. Simply add the part number, brand, qty, description and even a nameplate or part picture if you have one – as much information as you have to make it helpful for the companies who will try and locate the part for you. This information is then added to our Wanted page for all members to see, they can then send you a quote if they have it in stock or can source it for you. We also send out an email every Wednesday letting all the members know which parts are proving to be the hardest to find. In addition to this, the FPN team also offer an concierge service (as part of the membership) and use our 30,000 industry connections on LinkedIn to see if any of them can find the part for you!
So for €395 you can be part of a network that you can source parts from, a network that will help you when you are struggling to locate a part your customer needs and also a brand new channel for you to sell your inventory through….and you can try it for free for 14 days…why wouldn’t you?!