Inventor: Experimental Research

“Rhetors.” - String Dimensions

Axioms1 - Proofs and Postulates or First Principles {See also; First Principles of Quality according to “Journey to Data Quality”, Technology Innovation (TINV)}.

Axions2 - It could account for a puzzling property of quarks{electron emission per phot.} elementary particle inside protons and neutrons; “Added dimension of photon{electron emission per quark} – axions2 {and the correlation} asymmetry as applied to ‘String Theorist’. Color-Changing Material Unites the Math and Physics of Knots3 Reference also, {i.e. String Theory}, ‘Theorhetorically’ alongside Theory of Entrepreneurial Value; as an Abstract.

Work Site: References

1. Quanta Magazine, “Abstractions Blog Axioms Would Solve Another Major Problem in Physics”, By Natalie Wolchover, March 17, 2020. ASUS. Work site Internet Google Search 10:16 p.m. 3/19/2020.

2. Scientific American, “The Mathematical Intelligencer, Math Proofs and Guarantees”, By James Robert 10:22 p.m. 3/19/2020.

3. Quanta Magazine, “Abstractions Blog Color-Changing Material Unites the Math and Physics of Knots”, By Devin Powell, February 10, 2020. ASUS. Work site Internet Google Search 10:26 p.m. 3/19/2020.

4. Google Dictionary, monolithic, adjective, 2. (of an organization or system) large, powerful, and intractably indivisible and uniform. 3/21/2020. ASUS. Definition: Internet Google Search. 12:40 p.m{Central Time zone}.

5.Wikipedia, “String Theory theoretical framework in physics.”, String Theory is a set of attempts to model the four known fundamental interactions-gravitation, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force-together in one theory. This tries to resolve the alleged conflict between classical physics and quantum physics by elementary units – the one classical force: gravity and a new quantum field theory of three fundamental forces. 3/22/2020. ASUS. Research: Internet Google-Wikipedia. 12:55 a.m.

6. Horgan J., “Science set free from truth”, NY Times, 16 Jul 1996.

7. Scientific American, Observations, “The Standard Model (of Physics) at 50, It has successfully predicted many particles, including the Higgs Boson, and has led to 55 Nobels {Nobel Laureate} so far, but there’s still plenty it still can’t account for”, By Yvette Cendes on June 15, 2018. ASUS. Research: Internet Google Updates, Yvette Cendes is a post-doctoral researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. ?2020 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, A DIVISION OF NATURE AMERICA, INC. All rights reserved.

Abstracts see Work Site: References will enhance the study as hypotheses, proof, and asymmetrically correlated Axioms1, Axions2, alongside correlative control data within the Color-Changing Material Unites the Math and Physics of Knots3 as observed data analytic experimental data input value for utilization of “Theory of Entrepreneurial Value”; in the direction of quarks and the non-linear photon generation observation. {0} as the non-linearity increases amongst all axes observation within the non-linear optical photonic regeneration. Non-linearity is defined as those value{s} of variables are asymmetrically input data parameters. These variables are plot at a point from the survey analyses of the set whose numbers include an array consisting of opposite integers both positively and negatively charge(asymmetric); {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9}: mathematically, hypothetically, theoretically, as proof and correlation quantum computer input data variables and input data asymmetrically amongst axiomatically, with axions2 at asymmetric or monolithic orbitals of each point within the cross-reference correlation to corollary within the scope as theorem; corollary; proof; “Theory of Entrepreneurial Value” and reference control data within Color-Changing Material Unites the Math and Physics of Knots3?

Einstein had sought a unified field theory, a single model to explain the fundamental interactions or mechanics of the universe. Today’s{beyond 2000’s} search is for a unified field theory that is quantized (quantitative) and that explains matter’s structure, too. This is called the search for a theory of everything (TOE). The most prominent contender as a TOE is string theory converted into superstring theory with its six higher dimensions in addition to the four common dimensions (3D + time).

Some superstring theories{SuperString Theorist} seem to come together on a shared range of geometry that, according to string theorists, is apparently the geometry of space{Space-Time Dimensionless}. The mathematical framework that unifies the multiple superstring theories upon that shared geometrical range is M-theory. Many string theorists are optimistic that M-theory explains our universe’s very structure and perhaps explains how other universes, if they exist, are structured as part of a greater “multiverse”. M-theory/supergravity theory has 7 higher dimensions + 4D.5

Introductions to string theory that are designed for the general public must first explain physics. Some of the controversies over string theory result from misunderstandings about physics. A common understanding even for scientists is the presumption that a theory is proved true in its explanation of the natural world wherever its predictions are successful. Another misunderstanding is that earlier physical scientists, including chemists, have already explained the world. This leads to the misunderstanding that string theorists began making strange hypotheses after they became unaccountably “set free from truth”.6

“Unified Field Theory type of physical field theory unifying fundamental forces”5

“Theory of Everything hypothetical single all encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics”5

Unified field theory is an idea about a theory of fields in physics that will explain natural phenomena. Theories in physics can be very different and even disagree with each other. This is true for example for quantum mechanics (the science of very small things) and general relativity (the science of space and time). The goal of unified theory is to take all the different parts of physics and combine them into one theory that explains everything. The Standard Model7 is a theory close to a unified theory, combining everything except general relativity.5

We do not have a theory of everything. It is a hope for the{this} future. The basic concept of the theory of everything is that one theory could explain every aspect of physics. The four basic forces of nature are gravity, the strong force, the weak force, and the electromagnetic force. The theory of general relativity explains gravity, and quantum mechanics explains the other three forces. Right now, no one theory that everyone accepts can explain all four forces. String theory is a theory that could become the “theory of everything”.5

“Virtually”, no one can function in an organization that has embraced total quality without some or all of these tools are known as “intellectual” tools; they are not wood or steel to be used with muscle; they are tools for collecting and displaying information”(information quality)” in ways to help the human brain grasp thoughts and ideas”(ideation)” are applied to physical processes, the processes yield better results. A tool, like a hammer, exists to help do a job. If the job includes “continuous improvement” problem solving, or decision making then seven tools fit the definition. Each of these tools, is some form of chart”(matrix)” for the collection and display of specific kinds of data”(metadata).” Through the collection and display facility, this data”(metadata)” become useful information”(data quality)” that can be used to solve problems, enhance decision making, keep track of work being done, even predict future performance and problems. The beauty of charts”(matrix)” is that we can immediately comprehend the message. This would be impossible without the charts”(matrix)”, given the mountains of data flooding today's workplace”(communities).” “Intellectual” tools, applied to problem solving or decision making better solutions and decisions are “developed.” Complete systems under the total quality “umbrella”:

  1. Just-in-time.
  2. Statistical Process Control.
  3. Quality function deployment are also, total quality tools.
  4. Customer Equity Depreciation Matrix Analysis of an Entrepreneurial Organization introduces Formulae and Proof as introduced to Total Quality Data Management is a hypothesis. {(Marcus Len Francis-Davis; Inventor.)}

Once we get beyond the very small business (in which the data”(metadata)” are always resident in the few”(data warehouse)” involved, anyway.); most decision points and problems will have many impacting factors, and the problems root”(grass-root causes)” cause or the best course decision will remain obscure until valid data”(data governance)” are studied and analyzed. One of the basic tenets of total quality is “management by facts.”

All of these investigations concluded that measurement error can be a serious problem.

One of the cumulative complaint analysis which requires the product to be dated to show when it was made, sold, or installed. The various dates are useful not only in disposing of complaints and claims on product of a slow-perishable character”(intellectual property, I.e.) but also, in predicting the failure rate of various product designs.


Whether you are writing a five-page paper or creativity a less conventional rhetorical text, you'll start with invention/”(Ideation).” Let's say, for example, that your assignment is to create a map of your college. First, you will start to consider all the available means”(variable)” of creating such a map. A famous author once observed that for a map to include every detail of terrain and structure that a land contains, it would have to be as big as the land itself. Thus, necessarily, maps have to be selective about what they include. As you make those considerations, you should ask yourself questions such as those…that take into account each of these corners…”the rhetorical triangle”, in other words: “(How)” many ways can you “re-invent”/invent this map: DSMatrix as presented within Customer Equity Depreciation Matrix…evaluates the question within an entrepreneurial organization of innovative magnitude. Utilizing re-invention, external customer{(Ce)} and invention, internal customer{Ci}.

Individuals engage in the rhetorical process anytime they speak or produce meaning even in the field of science, the practices of which were once viewed as being merely the objective testing and reporting of knowledge, scientist must persuade their audience to accept their findings by sufficiently demonstrating that their study or experiment was conducted reliably and resulted in sufficient evidence to support their conclusions. The vast scope of rhetoric is difficult to define, however, and political discourse remains, in many ways, the paradigmatic example for studying and theorizing specific techniques and conceptions of persuasion, considered by many a synonym for “rhetoric.” “Modern rhetorical criticism explores the relationship between text and context; that is, how an instance of rhetoric related to circumstances. Since the aim of rhetoric is to be persuasive, the level to which the rhetoric in question persuades its audience is what must be analyzed, and later criticized. In determining the extent to which a text is persuasive, one may explore the {(R)hetors’s relationship with its audience, purpose, and ethics, argument, evidence, delivery, and style.76 In his “Rhetorical Criticism: A Study in Method”, scholar Edwin Black states, “ It is the task of criticism not to measure…discourses domestically against some parochial standard of rationality but, allowing for immeasurable wide range of human experience, to see them as they really are.”77 While the language “as they really are” is debatable rhetorical critics explain texts and speeches by investigating their rhetorical situation, typically placing them in a framework of speaker/audience exchange. The antithetical view places the rhetor at the center of creating that which is considered the extent of the situation, I.e., the agenda and spin.78

Jim A. Kuypers sums this idea of criticism as art in the following manner: In short, criticism is an art, not a science. It is not a scientific method; it uses subjective methods of argument; it exists on its own, not in conjunction with other methods of generating knowledge(I.e. social scientific or scientific). Insight and imagination top statistical applications when studying rhetorical action.

Rhetoric can be analyzed by a variety of methods and theories. One such method is criticism. When those using criticism analyze instances of rhetoric what they do is called rhetorical criticism. According to rhetorical critic Jim Kuypers “The use of rhetoric is an art; as such, it does not lend itself well to the scientific method of analysis. Criticism is an art as well; as such, it is particularly well suited for examining rhetorical creations. He asserts that criticism is a method for generating knowledge. The way Sciences and Humanities study the phenomena that surround us differ greatly in the amount of researcher personality allowed to influence the results of the study. For example, in the Sciences researchers purposely adhere to a “strict” method(the scientific method). All scientific researchers are to use this same basic method, and successful experiments must be 100 percent replicable by others. The application of the scientific method may take numerous forms but overall method remains the same and the personality of the researcher is excised from the actual study. In sharp contrast criticism (one of many Humanistic methods of generating knowledge) actively involved the personality of the researcher.

The relationship between rhetoric and knowledge is an old and interesting philosophical problem, partly because of our different assumptions on the nature of knowledge. But it is fairly clear that while knowledge is primarily concerned with truth (I.e. assuming that there is such a thing as truth), rhetoric is primarily concerned with statements and their effects on the audience. The word “rhetoric” may also refer to “empty speak”, which reflects an indifference to truth, and in this sense rhetoric is adversarial to knowledge. Plato famously criticized the Sophists for their rhetoric which had persuaded people to sentence his friend Socrates to death regardless of what is relevant, the crux of the matter, in a selection of true but otherwise trivial statements. Hence, rhetoric is also closely related to knowledge.

According to Jim A. Kuypers, a dual purpose for performing criticism should be primarily to enhance our appreciation and understanding. “…wish to enhance both our own and others' understanding of the rhetorical act; we wish to share our insights with others, and enhance their appreciation of the rhetorical act. These are not hollow goals, but quality of life issues. By improving understanding and appreciation, the critic can offer new and potentially exciting ways for others to see the world. Through understanding we also produce knowledge about human communication; in theory this should help us better govern our interactions with others. Criticisms is a humanizing activity in that it explores and highlights qualities that make us human.84

Organizations,”(Network Communities)” want to have high quality data, but they don't have a roadmap to get to the state they desire. A course of action, too often adopted and later regretted, is to develop a new system to replace the old system. Typically the information systems department is immediately brought in to apply the newest technology, and a more popular or common hardware/software solution using the latest technology is developed. In this case we have a system-driven solution, that is, the development of the new system becomes the objective, not delivering high-quality data, not fixing the data quality problem rather than solve it. Although on occasion a system solution(Total Quality Data Management) is the proper one, usually the true drivers creating the problem are masked or further hidden.

Many organizations”(communities)”are led to believe that if they install the latest software”{(system upgrade)}” package, such as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system”{(DSMatrix)}”, or if they follow the trend and develop a data warehouse(data governance), they will achieve higher levels of data quality”(information quality)”. Their hope is that with these systems in place they will be better able to share information”(network information quality)” across the enterprise. In the process of integrating data from different sources, however, it becomes clear that there are substantive inconsistencies in data definitions, data formats, and data values, and that time pressures will force the information technology department to continue the sandbar data practices that existed before.

These problems have confronted organizations”(information technology)” for a long time. Data quality problems have manifested themselves in other ways, too. Examples of other situations include: Many global businesses have difficulty managing their data globally such that the data permits answering current and future global business questions as well as local business questions.

Many small businesses (defined as those with 500 or fewer employees) believe that the Baldridge criteria are too difficult to apply to their organizations because they cannot afford to implement the same types of practices as large companies. However, approaches to address the criteria requirements need not be formal or complex. For example, the ability to obtain customer and market knowledge through independent third party surveys, extensive interviews, and focus groups, which are common practices among large companies, may be limited by the resources of a small business. What is important, however, is whether the company is using appropriate mechanisms to gather information and use it to improve customer focus and satisfaction. Similarly, large corporations frequently have sophisticated computer information systems for data management, while small businesses may perform data and information management with a combination of manual methods and personal computers”(Wi-Fi; I.e..). Also, systems for employee involvement and process management may rely heavily on informal verbal communication and less on formal written documentation. Thus, the size or nature of business does not affect the appropriateness of the criteria, but rather the context in which the criteria are applied.

It is no secret that W. Edward Deming was not an advocate of the Baldridge Award.22 (Joseph Juran, however, was highly influential in its development.) The competitive nature of the award is fundamentally at odds with Deming's teachings. However, many of Deming's principles are reflected directly or in spirit within the criteria. In fact, Zytec, which implemented its total quality system around Deming's 14 Points, received a Baldridge Award.

Secrets haunt our memory-stories, giving them pattern and shape. Family secrets are the other side of the family's public face of the stories families tell themselves, and the world about themselves.

Annette Kuhn

“Acts of Memory and Imagination.” Chapter 3 PG. 57

Nothing is new about biases in the news media. This study begins with a look at the various realities created by some of the main outlets, the rhetorics they use and the rhetorics that result from their coverage of the deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. In this study the terminal patterns of national coverage, certain rhetorics surface. The reaction to these cases from different points on the ideological spectrum and how these reactions are shaped by our “imagined communities” as defined by Benedict Anderson; our public sphere, as defined by Jurgen Habermas and reshaped by Nancy Fraser; and power, as conceived by Michel Foucault. “ The author”{Lauren Hanson Ells} examine the victimhood and vilification wielded by conservatives on one end and the group BLACK LIVES MATTER on the other, and the impact of that divisive rhetoric on a face-to-face community. A long view of our national journey toward racial equality and the role of the ‘jeremiad’, as a type of speech that has prompted Americans to change their behavior, and the requisite conditions for people to construct healthier, more heterogeneous group identities. Each chapter looks at different versions of common good. Altogether, it is a brief examination of the current contributing factors to our imagined communities, how imagined communities are used to maintain friction among groups and people, and ways we might revise the constitution of our imagined communities, so that in our daily lives we can operate with more humanity.

in writing this thesis, “the author” effort to focus on the rhetoric of particular established group; however, “the author” also use the word “conservative” throughout. “Conservative” is a slippery word at best, embracing many-layered meanings, so it serves to clarify my meaning at the outset. In this paper, “the author” use “conservative to talk about media publications and personalities who appeal to white{Caucasian American} people who feel disenfranchised because of the multi-cultural emphasis in the media and academia.

As it stands, “the author” argue that the public sphere must represent a true variety of cultural backgrounds. Without the simple requirement, our very news will continue to be a symbol of the dominant culture. “The author” argue that the polarized rhetoric is useful in making interest groups necessary, but the rhetoric that is characteristic of the group involved in the issue of violence against unarmed blacks{African American} make it nearly impossible to move toward a solution. Finally, “the author” argue that national “conversation” about race{culture} is counter-productive. A refocusing on our own community life will help more than address to national audiences, and this refocusing will encourage a more real version of the imagined community, one where we can include a heterogeneous assortment rather than a mythologies, sterile, homogeneous community of our imagination.

Progress, seemingly an objective word to describe forward motion, is a word merchandise/mechanism involving the solving of problems{‘Process'}. As society moves toward one way of thinking, it undoubtedly moves away from another. Just as motion in the earth's crust causes tensions and ruptures, progress in society produces similar fault lines. 2012 was a landmark year for race relations in the U.S. In February, Trayvon Martin, a Florida teen, was fatally shot while returning to his father's France’s condo in one of Sanford's gated communities. August 2014 shooting death of Michael Brown during an encounter with police officer…in Ferguson, Missouri. The cases emphasize the asymmetry of the power dynamics in these encounters, and it results in cacophony of various publics, each with their own sense of community and reality rather than a sound discussion of public interest and safety. By looking at the national coverage of Trayvon Martin’s death and juxtaposing it to the similar but less publicized case of Jonathan Ferrell's death, it becomes clear that a cultural diffusion of power at every level of the public sphere and what Foucault calls “the regime of truth” will help to create a more inclusive public sphere that constructs and shares a more complete truth.

The idea of empty time is critical to an imagined community, because an individual is constantly imagining (consciously or not) how others who he’s never met are occupying their time, and naturally, he imagines they spend it in a way similar to how he spends his time. Social media like Twitter, (F)acebook, and the innumerable blogs do not make a representative body, but they give the sense of access to one’s compatriots. It may at first appear that one may need to imagine less with these media, because these media afford direct access to the occupations and interests of one's national fellows, but these informational exports are (to varying degrees) curated and decided upon, much in the way Anderson describes the juxtaposition of arbitrary headlines seemingly tied together by nothing but the time in which they occurred33. Viewers of social media see a selected representation of the lives and concerns of others, and it is organized chronologically. Viewers effectively have to work harder to imagine the parts of our fellows' lives that remain unshared. The portion that are internecine amplified through reports and retweets prompted by the support or outrage of the viewer. Because a person can choose her various outlets, she is insulated; she believes that her ideas are shared by many, and this can create a deceptively powerful sense of community. At best, social media can drive public debate, bringing counterpublics and issues that were not previously public concern into a more visible, more audible position. At worst, it can lead to exposure of the concerns of a counter-public before they have been fully articulated, leaving the members of that counter-public vulnerable and jeopardizing the possible progress toward their goal. Once these events and issues are brought to light via social media, what ultimately determines how they are received by the mainstream public audience is the repackaging by network news.

Within any community, even among multiple communities, there will be what Foucault calls a “regime of truth” or “the types of discourse which[ the society] accepts and makes function as true”. Foucault notes that the law (the written code and those who enforce it) often function as a “mask for power”. Certainly it is an “instrument of power,” but only because it is part of the truth-making apparatus. Because truth has such powerful effects, the shaping of truth is the most important phenomenon that occurs within a community. Late twentieth century intellectuals have been increasingly drawn to explorations that bring them into direct contact with the public and out of the isolated world of theory or the histories of heads of state. Because of this integration, intellectuals should be chief contributors to the apparatus that develop truth. And herein lie Foucault’s challenge to the intellectuals of the late twentieth century: “The essential political problem for the intellectual…[is changing] the institutional regime and production of truth”. By the late twentieth century, religion is understood as “an intrinsic part of culture and producer of culture”. Truth, according to Foucault, is not stable or immutable. Looking at the media’s presentation, the public’s reaction, and the outcomes of the trials…, Foucault's hypotheses about truth emphasize the power-effects of truth that foster hegemony:

“’Truth’”, {[according to Foucault]}, is to be understood as a system of ordered procedures for the production, regulation, distribution, circulation, and operation of statements. “’Truth”’ is linked{(Linked In: social media)} in a circular relation with systems of power which produce and sustain it, and to the effect of its power which induces and which extend it. A “’regime”’ of truth. This regime is not merely ideological or superstructural; it was a condition of the formation and development of capitalism. And it's the same ‘regime’s, which, subject to certain modifications, operates in socialist countries.

Conventional wisdom is a useful stand-in for “”truth.”” It is formed based on precedent and various systems, in these racially inflected case: the media coverage, police and FBI’[{[Federal Bureau of Investigation)}]’ investigations, and jury verdicts. Truth is created by the dominant forces in a culture, yet it is subject to change based on the will of the society. Because it is not stable, intellectuals must work to divorce “the power of truth from the forms of hegemony…within which it operates at the present time”. Foucault argues that this task becomes more difficult because the systems that produce truth are rooted in capitalism. Nancy Fraser, along with others, questions whether the assumptions behind Habermas' idea of the public sphere are optimal in an “actually existing democracy”. She argues {the} status differentials cannot be simply bracketed. Short of eliminating them, they must be able to be spoken about. We know from Critical Race Theory that institutions are biased toward the culture that founded them, so even if individuals can “bracket” their differences, the method of discourse cannot be culturally or socially neutral, so subordinate populations would be better served if inequalities were aired out. The benefit of placing these inequalities in plain site can be seen in aftermath to the recent cases of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. Though tragedy and loss of life is not possible to reverse, it prompted some frank discussions about implicit bias and how that informs the dangerous work of public safety. Because of frank discussions like these, a police force like that in Los Angeles has taken steps to overcome its crippling issues with race relations. Since the riots after Rodney King, the LAPD[{(Los Angeles Police Department)]} has made efforts to ‘“reflect the community it serves,” now constituting “45% Hispanic, 13% African-American, 20% female, and a minority white male”’(Siegler).{[(Totaling 79% minority)]}(Inventor). The LAPD{[(Los Angeles Police Department)]} has also announced that it intends to purchase 7,000 body cameras, though the department said that announcement was not as a result of the cases in New York or Ferguson but of their own efforts toward “’better policing ‘”(Ehrenfreund). In February of 2015, Seattle’s Police Union Chief warns her staff that they will be put on leave and appear ‘‘”on the front page”’ of The Seattle Times’” if their social media posts are offensive or bigoted(O'Toole). While this social media monitoring does not solve the problem of bigotry, it may help, especially in a progressive city like Seattle to bring public opinion down on those who still harbor and openly display bias. Fraser argues that without these spaces, subordinate groups cannot find a voice, and while that is almost certainly true, she does not fully deal with difficulty a counterpublic experiences when trying to ‘”offset…the participatory priviledge(s’) enjoyed by member of dominant social groups in stratified societies”’.68 The idea is the “safe(-)house” can be misleading. In the same way that Habermas' model of a bracketed social status is not possible, it is similarly wrongheaded to argue that any group can be devoid of status markers and descent. Certainly there must be spaces for counterpublics to assemble, but these spaces are not inherently safe. Then, in order to penetrate the public sphere, counterpublic must have members who are also respected within the wider public to raise the issue in the public sphere.

‘Brooke Gladstone’, ‘”The Anatomy of Six Shootings.”…”The way these stories unspooled in real time and on social media…mostly works to the benefit of all concerned. First, to those long-awaited communities that suddenly have a global opportunity to be heard. And to those outside, concerned with social justice. And to those news outlets that see ratings spike and less cynically, a chance for relevant, important coverage.”

“On the contrary, I.e. Rhetorical Analysis\Criticism”…”But she overlooks the impact of the media on imagined communities. One of the problems with “national conversations” is that the nation only exists in a person's imagination. Most of our fellow nationals we will never meet or know or even see(Anderson 9). Yet immediately we hear echoes of President Kennedy's 1961 speech: “”What unites us is far greater than divides us.””

Conclusion/{“Rhetors”} summary

“Pluralism has won the day, or so it would seem. There are more venues to collect information from than ever before, and people gravitate toward presentations of information that afford them the greatest degree of confirmation bias (Deggans 48). In this way individuals are afforded a greater opportunity than ever to reconstruct events to fit their idea(ideation) of reality, and still they remain as part of the nation. “’How? “’…”Because the stories are the same-the events that are covered in the Huffington Post tend to be also covered by FOX News. The fact that the news is the same is what binds a nation of multiple realities together.

It might seem that the problem comes as a result of including race(cultures) as a crucial part of the stories. The law is a widely recognized implement of power, and if it does not serve all of a populace, it cannot serve it at all. It is not simply law enforcement does not adequately serve the black(“American”); it does not adequately serve anyone when unarmed people and teenagers(Young Americans) are being shot.

Fellow citizens, instead of identifying with the slain teenager, are more likely to identify themselves with fellow whites{American Citizens} because cultural ties{bias} bind imagined communities. And when the racial{cultural background} power structure is invoked, news ratings go up, and the production of truth functions to maintain the cultural hegemony. However, taking race{Cultural} out of the media representation would not promote equality. As Fraser says, status markers need to be present to make an honest, critical assessment of any current issue.

Foucault says the chief responsibility of intellectuals is to “detach the power of truth from the forms of hegemony… within which it operates at the present time.” Of course race{cultures} plays a role in othering(minority affiliation) and in implicit biases of all people, but a sure step toward racial equality(minority representation) is to know that the problem of one group is the problem of another. Instead of feeling unfairly disadvantaged, when there is a reform that works to offset previous priviledges, the mainstream should know that the actual result is “a multiplication and re-enforcement of power-effects” (Foucault 127). Too, frequently, the free press, the vehicle that should convey the truths built by intellectuals severs[{servers}] and distorts them(‘Truth(s)’), and the yolk of hegemony persists.

Integration is not enough to promote a reformed imagined community. Mary Louise Pratt discusses contact zones as “social spaces where cultures meet, clash, and grapple with each other, often in contexts of highly symmetrical relations of power”.33 While most classrooms ( even still) seek to eliminate “unsolicited oppositional discourse, parody, resistance, [and] critique,” these are the rhetorics that force students of all backgrounds to examine themselves and there neighbors equally (Pratt 38). The work in a classroom like this can promote a new, more healthful and helpful imagined community. An understanding built from experience can ward against the divisive snarls promoted by the polarized press. Yes, teachers must “ work in the knowledge that whatever one said was going to be systematically received in radical heterogeneous ways” (Pratt 40). But through this work, schools are in a unique position to help students integrate others into their imagined (formerly homogeneous) community by having to work and struggle together.(Ells 59).

The self-awareness required to practice rhetoric might be difficult to notice and acknowledge in some animals. However, some animals are capable of acknowledging themselves in a mirror, and therefore, they might be understood to be self-esteem and engaged in rhetoric when practicing some form of language.97

Anthropogenic plays a significant role in human-animal relationships, reflecting and perpetuating binaries in which humans are assumed to be beings that “have” extraordinary qualities while animals are regarded as beings that “lack” those qualities. This dualism is manifested through other forms as well, such as reason and sense, mind and body, ideal and phenomena(ae)on in which the first category of each pair ( reason, mind, and ideal) represents and belongs to only humans. By becoming aware of and overcoming these dualistic conceptions including the one between humans and animals, human knowledge of themselves and the world is expected to become more complete and holistic.98 The relationship between humans and animals (as well as the rest of the natural world) is often defined by the human rhetorical act of naming and categorizing animals through scientific and folk labeling. The act of naming partially defines the rhetorical relationships between humans and animals, though both may be understood to engage in rhetoric beyond human naming and categorizing.99

Contrary to the binary assumptions deriving from anthropogenic, which regarded animals as creatures without extraordinarily qualities, it does not exist some specific animals with a sort of {…} which confers them capabilities to “learn and receive instruction” with rudimentary understanding of some significant signs. Those animals do practice deliberative, judicial, and epidemic rhetoric deploying egos, logos, and pathos with gesture and preen, sing and grow.100 Since animals offer models of rhetorical behavior and interaction that are physical, even instinctual, but perhaps no less artful, getting rid of our accustomed focus on verbal language and consciousness concepts will help people interested in rhetoric and communication matters promote human-animals' rhetoric.101

There does not exist{To this date} an analytic method that is widely recognized as “the” rhetorical method, partly because many in rhetorical study see rhetoric as merely produced by reality (see dissent from that view below). It is important to note that the object of rhetorical analysis is typically discourse, and therefore the principles of “rhetorical analysis” would be difficult to distinguish from those of “discourse analysis.” However, rhetorical analytic methods can also be applied to almost anything, including Objects-a car, a computer, a castle, a comportment, (I.e. a “compartment”, a hypothesis, a community, etc.). {(Rhetoric – Wikipedia)}.(Marcus Len Francis Davis; Inventor). Accessed 9/19/2017. Page 17/28. HTTPS://


In sharp contrast, criticism (one of the many Humanistic methods of generating knowledge) actively involved the personality of the researcher. The very study, and how and why to study rhetorical artifact are heavily influenced by the personal qualities of the researcher. In criticism this is especially important since the personality of the critic considered an integral component of the study. Further personalizing criticism, we find that {(theoretical)} rhetorical critics use a variety of means when examining particular rhetorical artifact, with some critics even developing their own unique perspective to better examine rhetorical artifact. Jim A. Kuypers, “Rhetorical Criticism as Art,” in Rhetorical Criticism: Perspectives in Action, Jim A. Kuypers, ed. (Layman, MD: Lexington Books, 2009).


Theoretical also theoretic, (adjective)

1a: relating to or having the character of theory: ABSTRACT

b: confined to theory or speculation: SPECULATIVE {theoretical mechanics}

2: given to or skilled in theorizing

3: existing only in theory: HYPOTHETICAL [Late Lat-

In theoreticus, from Greek theoretikos, from their win “to look

at”] – theoretically (adverb).*

*Webster's School Dictionary. “A Merriam-Webster.” Dictionary Text Copyright 1980 by G. & C.

Merriam Co., Philippines Copyright 1980 by G. & C. Merriam Co., Prefatory Copyright 1980 by Litton Educational Publishing, Inc., Illustrations Copyright 1980 by Denmark & Michaels. MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

‘”Tech Entrepreneurialism”’

AETN{ Public Broadcasting Systems};{[(PBS)]} Internal or External Customer?



Ells, Laura Hanson. (2015). Knowing Your Place: The Impact of Public Sphere Rhetoric on Face-To-Face Communities, and the Rhetorics that Support Racial Equality. In BSU Master’s Thesis and Project. Item 29. Available at Copyright 2015 Laura Hanson Ells.

Linda Bosa*, Wouter can see Brug and Claes H. de Vreese. (2013). An experimental test of the impact of style and rhetoric on perception of right-wing populist and mainstream party leaders. Available at Copyright 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 0001-6810 Acta Politica Vol.48,2,192-208.

Lucio Canete, Felisa Cordova, Hernan Diaz, Eduardo Reinao, Tania Soto, Fresh Palominos. (2015). How to Measure Rhetorical Impact of Teaching and their Levels of Persuasion: A Neuro-rhetoric Approach. Laboratory of Neurocognitive Engineering & Laboratory of Neuromanagement, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Santiago we Chile, Santiago, Chile. Copyright 2015 Sptinger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


Journey to Data Quality / Yang W. Lee…[et al]. Copyright 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Rhetorical Visions, Reading and Writing in a Visual Culture / Wendy S. Hesford, Brenda Jo Brueggemann. Copyright Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.

The Management And Control Of Quality, 5e /James R. Evans, William M. Lindsay. Copyright 2002 South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. Thomson LearningTM is a registered trademark used here in under license. Printed in the United States of America.

Marcus Len Francis Davis; Inventor. University of Arkansas at Little RockTM.

Appendix: “Seatbelt Eyewear Cushion”; Company(Internal Customer, Ci)

University of Arkansas at Little RockTM

Customer Equity Depreciation Matrix Survey Analysis (Survey)

{Chess Football}

This a scientific survey is experimental theory survey analysis. It does not reflect the customer or surveyor results which is for research only. The results of the survey analysis are in Theoretical designed to support the analysis of researched Ideation only and you can refuse or stop at anytime without reason or cause. You may skip over any statement or question that you feel uncomfortable. Although, others outside of surveyor, Marcus Len Francis-Davis; Inventor, and UA Little Rock are individual researchers and are prohibited from disclosing Company.

The ideation “Chess Football” is an alternative product innovation directly related to the separate industries {Chess} and {Football}. Although the innovative ideation is prototypical to gameplay as seen on Television, the added algorithms are transparent only through the vision as seen within Strategies for Innovations within University of Arkansas at Little RockTM. The innovative idea is in the vital threshold of Inventive Ideation. The survey analysis is only a product analysis for research.

Would you be interested in learning new algorithms at Rules while board gaming?

Note* {0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9}

Survey Analysis Instructions:

Circle one of the nine numbers.↑{[(above)])

Proceed to next page and answer yes or no.



*Thank you for your oath of Non-Disclosure it would be greatly appreciated due to the importance of your customer survey dissatisfaction/satisfaction*


Applied Innovation Project

UA Little Rock

Marcus Len Francis Davis


Photography by Marcus Len Francis Davis; Inventor.9/27/2017:9:09a.m.(Central Time Zone).


Inventor Research and Flow Chart

Data Input Variables {surveys}, D E Entrepreneurial Organization


D E = C I + C e

{C I internal customer C e external customer }

{C e + C I }

Customer Equity Disposition Formulae

Continuous Analysis

Customer Equity

Continuous Improvement

Concept Plan Analysis

*Inventor decisions and perishable product data\metadata

{DSMatrix Team based, Lean Canvas, value of customer equity analysis as a part of Total Data Quality Management of an Entrepreneurial Organizational System, continuous improvement}*Focal Segment Consultation*

Tech-Launch {Disclosure of Invention}

DE {C} {[internal + external]}

Value Entrepreneurial Organizational


The foundation of any total quality

organization is*

Built in ‘real-time' survey analysis of

Customer survey which gives value

In any creativity process in the

Ideation” the creativity is value.’

Marcus Len Francis Davis; Inventor 2018.

A relationship is a statement about variables. What is a variable? A variable is any characteristic that is not always the same-that is, any characteristic that varies. Examples of variables include gender, eye color, achievement, motivation, and running speed. In our earlier example, “Rhetors” and Invention were the variables. The reason we describe such characteristics as “possible” variables is that they may not vary in a particular study. Although “Rhetors” did vary in this example, it would not vary in study relating the Invention processes to a particular industry/product. In this study, “Rhetors” would be a constant, since it would be the same for all of the Inventions involved. This a given characteristic van be a variable in some studies, but constant in others.

Variables can be classified in several ways. One way is to distinguish between variables which are measured and those which are categorical. Measured (sometimes called quantitative) variables exist in some degree rather than all or none. They are measured along a continuum from “less” to “more,” and we can assign numbers to different individuals or objects which indicate how much of the variable they possess. By way of contrast, categorical (sometimes called qualitative) variables do not vary in degree, amount, or quantity, but are qualitatively different. Such as those within “Rhetorical Vision.”

There is also an extraneous variable that is calculated quantitative variable measured within “Theory of Mathematics”, Customer Equity Depreciation Matrix(CEDM) for Entrepreneurial Organization Survey Analysis. The variables include various constants with calculations performed that provides value to Entrepreneurial Organizational analysis through survey\surveyor Entrepreneurial Value{DE).

Marcus Len Francis Davis


Company Pitch

Excuse Me: I’m Marcus Len Francis Davis. This company Innovates beyond trending technology.

Theoretically technology assists internal and external customer equity alongside utilizes scientific experimental theory survey analysis for company research only. Our company canvases Innovative Inventions that are transcending what is available in the market, promoting the advancements within various industry trends transcending creativity forward by adding innovative Technologies.

Do you wear eyewear at anytime while driving?

While driving have you felt discomfort from your seatbelt?

Ideation is the start of Innovation”… {Company Slogan)

Therefore, through a survey analysis of hands “Would you be interested in learning new algorithms at Rules while board gaming!”

In other words, would you find interactively learning the gameplay of a new and innovative past trending board-game optional entertainment?

“IDEATIONS TO PATENTING that is Invention? “Marcus Len Francis Davis; Inventor (Dba); 10/2018/23:41a.m.”

Theories of Innovation: Model Examples

Christensen II model

Sustaining Innovations- customer demands: such as Raytheon's five-year program required the development of materials technology, coatings technology and many other processes, all of which had to be cost effective. The components now being produced for Cadillac have been five-year to exceed 10 years.

Disrupting Innovations- government regulation: Every feature added to a vehicle increases its weight, however, government regulations(such as CAFE and EPA emissions rules) challenge automotive engineers to trim vehicle mass and size to reach acceptable compromises.

Value Chain Evolution model

Fiber Optics and Optical Solutions potential

As vehicle electrical systems and power assists have become more complex (power assists are now standard equipment on most vehicles), the amount of wiring in cars and light trucks is critical concern. Sheer weight of wire is exceeding 50 pounds in many luxury vehicles and the expense in material and labor cuts profits at the assembly level.

Manufacturers are looking to convert much of the vehicle’s electrical circuitry to optical fibers, especially in applications that require system integration-such as engine control, transmission control, climate control, navigation, and sound systems. Mercedes-Benz, BMW, GM have taken the first steps toward integration of optical fiber into vehicles and most other manufacturers are soon to follow.

Benefits of a switch to optical fiber include “weight-savings”, simplicity of assembly and potential increase in reliability of vehicle electrical systems, chiefly from a reduced number of connections.

Current and future automotive design problems offer great potential for optical solutions.1


  1. OPN Optics & Photonics News, February 2000 Vol. 11. No. 2. ?2000, Optical Society of America, “Auto Industry Embraces Optical Technologies”, By Les Jackson. pp.30-35.


  1. Les Jackson is a nationally syndicated automotive writer co-host of an automotive radio program heard in 52 cities(2000) weekly. He is a mechanical engineer, former race driver and hands-on automotive restorer who worked in lasers /electrolytic industry for 20 years….
  2. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 205 and 108, National Highway Safety Administration.
  3. Niall R. Lyman, “Smart Windows for automobiles,” Donnelly Corporation.
  4. Robert Saxe, Patricia Bryant, Research Frontiers Incorporate.
  5. Paul Kiocek, Raytheon ELCAN-Texas Optical Technologies.
  6. Deborah Frakes, Cadillac Division, General Motors.

The Arrangement of Rhetorical Visions

From the preface of the text you will find that within Rhetorical Visions there are 8 Chapters and an Appendix with Conversations Across Sections: Assignment Sequences. The next steps that Rhetors is focusing on is the “Consumer Gazes”, Chapter 6 and Chapters 7 with Introductory to “Rhetorical Visions” as a significantly substantial research tool as the Invention process extends beyond Ideation or Hypothesis which scientifically progresses to Theory and experimental data\Prototype\Concept\Artwork\Sketch product and\or proposal. The context as foreseen depicts the imagined communities and criticisms(rhetorical) as it applies within social media with the rhetorical triangle as the focal segment to the “Reading and Writing in a Visual Culture” that has been transcended to the research of the topics to understand what our ‘global’ imagined communities entail while touching Key Rhetorical Concepts: memory, narrative, description, interpretation, the appeals: Lagos, pathos, ethos, genre, kairos as the focal segment trends to Invention through experimental survey analysis and processes precluding for “Doing Research”, Chapter 8.

In Chapter 3 rhetoric is visually introduced around a familiar concept within social media alongside imagined communities as we embark on this future transcending into trends that affect the future of now tending(‘transcending') to maintain integration within Innovation and Imagine Communities, alike. The archiving of family images is not a neutral process, but one in which certain experiences or memories are valued over others. Certain memories or members of the family may be excluded from the family's self-presentation. For example, upwardly mobile families may choose not to archive images of their roots in lower-middle-class neighborhoods(transcend). Such exclusions tell(trend) as much about the family's sense of itself as do the inclusions(imagined communities). There are six major categories that can help you in considering the narratives in family photographs. These include characters, actions, settings, temporal relations, audience, and ‘point-of-view’{focal segment}. The focal segment is the vital invention analysis viewpoint that require the use of technology and experimental research data{metadata} analysis(es) utilizing Theory, hypothesis, Proof, and Mathematics within Invention(“ But the focus on discovering the material or ideas for the speech in the standard definition of rhetoric ensured that one-off of the traditional five-part canon-invention-assumed a central, if not foundational, role. “) ‘ In my personal opinion{[email protected]}, Technology Innovations curriculum generated the multiple topics, techniques that generate multiple possible topics or multiple possible approaches to a topic we have already chosen. This initial dwelling in multiplicity and possibilities is the essence of invention which was enhanced within University of Arkansas at Little RockTM. ‘

‘Picture this’ the media’s inundation of the must-see covered the tensions around the political mustn't-see. {American Citizens} as the focal segment example from “Rhetorical Visions, Reading and writing in a Visual Culture”. The Familiar Familial Gaze of the “September 11, “Terror Attacks”” and the immediate talk about who knew {(what-when-where-how-why)} as {focal segment}, then analysis suddenly implicated by the who knew what when…If anything the now we saw the images{external customer} circulating in the media(computer, cellular phone, car…etc.) The less we had to access(internet, face-to-face-communications-increasing e-mail servers and data{metadata}. Loss in the field of vision is the{Appreciation} of social media by both internal and external customers , alike. Our eyes used against us, developing hero envy, and some traumas envy as {Depreciation}.

This is the way the Invention process becomes apart of the Rhetorical criticism foreseen within future imagined communities as collective research of the focal segment Invention by integrating partially within ‘global' imagined communities collectively as internal and external customer equity to entrepreneurial organizational research trends further studies. Furthermore, as the key rhetorical concepts(KRCs) throughout “Rhetorical Visions” as a tool for rhetorical analysis in the examinations of rhetoric experimentally researched tools of total quality and Invention as tool for Customer Equity within Entrepreneurial Organizations has Concept potential as hypothesis and proof trend to Theoretical Experimental Survey Analysis.

(An)…advantage of restating questions as hypothesis(is)es involved a philosophy of science. The rationale underlying this philosophy is as follows; If a researcher is attempting to build a body of knowledge in addition to answering a specific question, then stating hypotheses is a good strategy because it enables the investigator to make specific predictions on the basis of prior evidence or theoretical argument. If these predictions are borne out by subsequent research, the entire procedure gains in both pervasiveness and efficiency. A classic example is Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. Many hypotheses “have been(future perfect tense)” formulated as a result of Einstein's theory were later verified through research. As more and more of these predictions were shown to be fact, they not only became useful in their own right, but also provided increasing support for the ideas in Einstein's theory which generated(“govern”) the hypotheses in the first place.11

As the two separate photographs foreseen in Rhetors the familial gazes depicts two familial subjective viewpoints within reality-social media imagined communities despite the racial distances that separate your first impression of the relationship between the two subjects in the {photograph}. Reading this photograph is like entering a space herein visual and verbal narratives of past and present generations collide. All family photographs from the historical and social location separate us despite distance, as passage from one generation to the next no matter how racially separated or, likely encrypted within imagined communities. There is perhaps no way to interpret the photograph without recognizing the “relational network that encompasses all family pictures.”(6 ) Photographic images could thus represent the universality of human experience and, because of the particular qualities of the medium as Steichen saw it-its “natural” communicative abilities and its powerful illusion of unmediated and “truthful” representation-they could be effective instruments of that universality as well. In an article published in Daedalus in 1960, Steichen stresses that possibility: “Long before the birth of a word language the caveman communicated by visual images{imagined communities}. The invention of photography gave visual communication its most simple, direct, universal language.” Photography can be the moving force {F=ma, universal} of the world as seen within ‘Picture This'. It can lift individuals as subjects from humdrum and turn them into symbols of universal humanity,(7) The familial gaze emerges out of the elements of family photography. The illusion that photographs simply record a preexisting external reality, the fact that still photographs freeze particular moments in time, and the ambiguity that results from still picture's absent context all help to perpetuate a mythology of the family as stable and united, static and monolithic. The photograph's perceived transparency and universal comprehensibility, combined with its pervasive presence within family life, at least in the West(Global Community), enable Steichen to promote a liberal humanist agenda based on familiality(.I.e. familiarity\unfamiliarity). The positivist modes of reading that photography engendered, moreover, serve further to disguise the exhibit's ideological connectedness. Thereby the exhibit and, with it the institution of the museum itself, its encoded within the realm of everyday life. Inasmuch as it could be photographically recorded and disseminated, universal humanity can thus be normalized and made available as “real.” On the level of representation itself, then, domesticity and transparency subsume the layered contradictions inherent in aesthetics and politics.

“Conclusively”…But, the widely accepted sense of photography as a “natural language” -a 1989 Kodak(now a subsidiary) advertisement claimed, for example, that,”150 years ago a language was invented that everyone understood”-helped to extend photographs familial gaze beyond the nuclear family's domestic domain and to endow, it with vaster and more global ambitions{‘reality’ Television, social media,et al.} Thus photography could support an expanded notion of a human family, a liberal ideology of universalism that has remained powerful throughout the post-World War II period and that is exhibited in a very small scale in the Goldstein's family album and the strategies used by many charitable organizations{I.e. Global imagined communities\communicators}.

The key to The Family of Man’s appeal lies in the familial gaze it focuses on the global sphere with aim of revealing points of intersection between familial relation, on-the-one-hand, and cross-racial and cross-national interaction, on-the-other. A familial gaze can transform diversity into specular mirroring and can reshape global issues into domestic concerns.(10) It can undo the seemingly irreconcilable differences between Spiegelman's mice, cats, and pigs, revealing these diverse creatures with competing interests to all be equally and interrelatedly “human” instead.

Summary Conclusion

First, stating a hypothesis may head to either a conscious or unconscious bias on the part of the researcher. Once the investigator states a hypothesis, he or she may be tempted to arrange the procedures or manipulate the data in such a way as to bring about a desired outcome. This is probably more the exception than the rule. Whether directional or non-directional hypothesis, before the study is conducted and data are collected, we have no way of knowing which of these will be fact.11


  1. Edward Steichen, A Life in Photography (New York: Doubleday, 1966), Ch. 13.
  2. Rita Sylvan with Avis Berman, “Edward Steichen, A Memoir, the Making of The Family Man,” Connoisseur218 (Feb. 1988): 121.

10. Kaja Silverman’s distinction between idiopathic and heteropathic identification provides a useful model for the process, though the familial gaze adds another dimension to the notion of identification. To admit the other into one's {familial rhetorical triangle} image of self. The latter process, as Silverman shows, is most often incorporating and cannibalistic, idiopathic. But the former, especially no less problematic. The question of this chapter is whether or not ‘how?’ the familial gaze can allow truly heteropathic inappropriate form of affiliation {(global imagined communities)}. See Kaja Silverman, The Threshold of the Visible World (New York, Routledge, 1996), esp. Ch. 1.

11. Wallen, Norman E.

Educational Research: a guide to the process/ Norman E. Wallen, Jack R. Frankel, Copyright ? 1991 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher. Chapter 3, page 46.

Thomas Flowers Sketch/Artwork Implementation. Jennifer Barnes cushion for Cushion Butterfly Design Ideation. Daniel Berleant, PHD., Raw Earth magnets research. Marcus Len Francis Davis, Project projections\research, ‘UA Little Rock’{Tech-Launch}”

Prototype experimental analysis

Magnet research complete. Eyewear case dimensions are noted and proposal plan for clip additional research experimentation required. Utilization of magnetized clip made of Neobyuim{ndFeb} Ferrofluid. Within the design for pull force research as applied to the badge magnet additional research implementation with focus on the size and pull force with the thickness all combined in the center of the seatbelt with a downward gravitational pull force that balances the forces to hold the entire “Seatbelt eyewear Cushion”, {i.e.,‘EYEWEAR Case’ and Cushion research sketches} in place as designed on the research sketch\artwork before proceeding to experimental data collection process.

10/12/2017 Inventor 18:24.

  1. TRIZ: Globalization Banking Community-Old West Bank backed by gold/nanotechnology/soybean.

a. 39 x 39 matrix analysis(TRIZ)

b. Pick a certain technology (existing or future) relevant to you topic. Suggest how an implementation of it could “branch out” and do something else. Globalization Banking Community

Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the consumers.


Caught between desire and debt, some of us seek to control our own consumption. One way we have done this is take a hard look at ourselves-to gaze inward, we might say-and recognize our own inventories as consumers. This informed self-identification is what long-time consumer advocate Ralph Nader has always wanted for U.S, consumers; as his biographer David Bollier explains it, Nader believes “that the consumer-active, informed, questioning-could play a critical, transforming role in making business, government and other powerful institutions more accountable to the American people.”2

As consumers, the thinking goes, we have power: the power to gaze, the power to own, the power not to consume, the power to choose. Wise use of this power, however, requires knowledge-which, ironically, requires consumption. Some of us pay, for example, for consumer reports on products and purchases we want or already have. We buy books about how to buy things better because we desire not only to consume, but to be better consumers. We can purchase credit reports of our own consumer history in order, more or less, to tell us what others (producers) already know. We pay for credit counseling-seeking ways to make our consumer profile more desirable to those who produce so that we might go on desiring, gazing, consuming, We participate in consumer opinion polls such as those on American Consumer Opinion, “a worldwide network of people who shape the future through participating in online opinions surveys”{global imagined community survey analysis}. We fill out consumer satisfaction sheets even at fast food places (short forms, however, lest we linger too long{social media, mobile applications,...etc.}).

As…in his treatise on the arts of rhetoric, Aristotle outlines three kinds of arguments, which serves as the cornerstones of his theory of rhetorical practice…as seen within “Rhetorical Visions”{Logos, Ethos, Pathos}. Consumers advertisements-which are, after all, preeminently persuasive texts-often combine all three appeals. Awareness of haw these appeals work, consumer advocates would argue, is necessary prerequisite for intelligent and responsible participation in a consumer-side economy. A nonprofit group called “Adbusters” considers such “awareness-building” one of its primary missions.

‘Born to shop!’ ‘Created to consume?’ Certainly the producers of all we consume would like us to think so. Yet we are also encouraged at every turn to believe that we have choice in our consumption. And behind this choice of one product over another and desires-and our pocketbooks{“Black card”, ‘PayPal?’, online account, IRA account,…etc.}-bond consumer to producer, product to consumer, desire to debt. In contemporary capitalist culture, many appeals are made visually and are often circular. For even though we may have come to successfully identify ourselves as consumers and to take power in our roles as consumers, we have in doing so prompted producers to think of ever more clever, persuasive, aggressive, and sophisticated ways to appeal to our desires. In other words, we have worked to construct, manipulate, and maintain a consumer gaze, which we use here to refer to rhetorical appeals (emotional, logical, ethical) that link consumers to products and often bond desire to debt. How did you inform yourself as a potential consumer of higher education about what institution might suit you? There is no shortage of guides for selecting an institution of higher education; perhaps you used some of these when you began your quest for the right college. At Peterson's online guide to colleges , for example, you can search by targeting any of the following areas:{location, major, tuition, size, student/faculty (ratio, quality), GPA (average of students there; what is required for admissions), sports, religion. We consume more than just conventional, store-bought goods. An education, for example, can be thought of as a consumer item. In making the choice of which college to attend-and why and how one should (or shouldn't) attend it-we’re exercising many of the same skills as the consumer choosing between two cars at a dealership. Most Americans, in fact, have come to think about “buying [their] education” rather than “earning [an] education.” Consider the ways that you, and others you know have made choices about college-… It is quite likely that any or all of these choices have been connected to an imagined, real, or desired financial present or future for yourself. In making these choices {“globally banking communities”} then, you have been consuming education{“rhetoric\rhetor”}. Choice, as Adam Smith suggested, is one of the hallmarks of a capitalist economy.

Truth and meaning: the two are likely to be equated with one another. Yet what is put forth as truth is often nothing more than a meaning.


Chapter 7 PG.466 “Rhetorical Visions”

The Arrangement of Rhetorical Visions

From the preface of the text you will find that within Rhetorical Visions there are 8 Chapters and an Appendix with Conversations Across Sections: Assignment Sequences. The next steps that Rhetors is focusing on is the “Consumer Gazes”, Chapter 6 and Chapters 7 with Introductory to “Rhetorical Visions” as a significantly substantial research tool as the Invention process extends beyond Ideation and\or Hypothesis which scientifically progresses to Theory and experimental data\Prototype\Concept\Artwork\Sketch product or proposal. The context as foreseen depicts the imagined communities and criticisms(rhetorical) as it applies within social media with the rhetorical triangle as the focal segment to the Reading and Writing in a Visual Culture that has been transcended to the research of the topics to understand what our ‘global’ imagined communities entail while touching Key Rhetorical Concepts: memory, narrative, description, interpretation, the appeals: Lagos, pathos, ethos, genre, kairos as the focal segment trends to Invention through experimental survey analysis and processes precluding for “Doing Research”, Chapter 8.

In Chapter 3 rhetoric is visually introduced around a familiar concept within social media alongside imagined communities as we embark on this future transcending into trends that affect the future of now tending to maintain integration within Innovation and Imagine Communities, alike. The archiving of family images is not a neutral process, but one in which certain experiences or memories are valued over others. Certain memories or members of the family may be excluded from the family's self-presentation. For example, upwardly mobile families may choose not to archive images of their roots in lower-middle-class neighborhoods(transcend). Such exclusions tell(trend) as much about the family's sense of itself as do the inclusions(imagined communities). There are six major categories that can help you in considering the narratives in family photographs. These include characters, actions, settings, temporal relations, audience, and ‘point-of-view’{focal segment}. The focal segment is the vital invention analysis viewpoint that require the use of technology and experimental research data{metadata} analysis(es) utilizing Theory, hypothesis, Proof, and Mathematics within Invention(“ But the focus on discovering the material or ideas for the speech in the standard definition of rhetoric ensured that one-off of the traditional five-part canon-invention-assumed a central, if not foundational, role. “) ‘ In my personal opinion{mldavis2}, Technology Innovations curriculum generated the multiple topics, techniques that generate multiple possible topics or multiple possible approaches to a topic we have already chosen. This initial dwelling in multiplicity and possibilities is the essence of invention which was enhanced within University of Arkansas at Little RockTM. ‘

‘Picture this’ the media’s inundation of the must-see covered the tensions around the political mustn't-see. {American Citizens} as the focal segment example from “Rhetorical Visions, Reading and writing in a Visual Culture”. The Familiar Familial Gaze of the “September 11, “Terror Attacks”” and the immediate talk about who knew {(what-when-where-how-why)} as {focal segment}, then analysis suddenly implicated by the who knew what when…If anything the now we saw the images{external customer} circulating in the media(computer, cellular phone, car…etc.) The less we had to access(internet, face-to-face-communications-increasing e-mail servers and data{metadata}. Loss in the field of vision is the{Appreciation} of social media by both internal and external customers, alike. Our eyes used against us, developing hero envy, and some traumas envy as {Depreciation}.

This is the way the Invention process becomes apart of the Rhetorical criticism foreseen within future imagined communities as collective research of the focal segment Invention by integrating partially within ‘global' imagined communities collectively as internal and external customer equity to entrepreneurial organizational research trends further studies. Furthermore, as the key rhetorical concepts(KRCs) throughout “Rhetorical Visions” as a tool for rhetorical analysis in the examinations of rhetoric experimentally researched tools of total quality and Invention as tool for Customer Equity within Entrepreneurial Organizations has Concept potential as hypothesis and proof trend to Theoretical Experimental Survey Analysis.

As the two separate photographs foreseen in Rhetors the familial gazes depicts two familial subjective viewpoints within reality-social media imagined communities despite the racial distances that separate your first impression of the relationship between the two subjects in the {photograph}. Reading this photograph is like entering a space herein visual and verbal narratives of past and present generations collide. All family photographs from the historical and social location separate us despite distance, as passage from one generation to the next no matter how racially separated or, likely encrypted within imagined communities. There is perhaps no way to interpret the photograph without recognizing the “relational network that encompasses all family pictures.”(6) Photographic images could thus represent the universality of human experience and, because of the particular qualities of the medium as Steichen saw it-its “natural” communicative abilities and its powerful illusion of unmediated and “truthful” representation-they could be effective instruments of that universality as well. In an article published in Daedalus in 1960, Steichen stresses that possibility: “Long before the birth of a word language the caveman communicated by visual images{imagined communities}. The invention of photography gave visual communication its most simple, direct, universal language.” Photography can be the moving force {F=ma, universal} of the world as seen within ‘Picture This'. It can lift individuals as subjects from humdrum and turn them into symbols of universal humanity,(7) The familial gaze emerges out of the elements of family photography. The illusion that photographs simply record a preexisting external reality, the fact that still photographs freeze particular moments in time, and the ambiguity that results from still picture's absent context all help to perpetuate a mythology of the family as stable and united, static and monolithic. The photograph's perceived transparency and universal comprehensibility, combined with its pervasive presence within family life, at least in the West(Global Community), enable Steichen to promote a liberal humanist agenda based on familiality(.I.e. familiarity\unfamiliarity). The positivist modes of reading that photography engendered, moreover, serve further to disguise the exhibit's ideological connectedness. Thereby the exhibit and, with it the institution of the museum itself, its encoded within the realm of everyday life. Inasmuch as it could be photographically recorded and disseminated, universal humanity can thus be normalized and made available as “real.” On the level of representation itself, then, domesticity and transparency subsume the layered contradictions inherent in aesthetics and politics.

“Conclusively”…But, the widely accepted sense of photography as a “natural language” -a 1989 Kodak(now a subsidiary) advertisement claimed, for example, that,”150 years ago a language was invented that everyone understood”-helped to extend photographs familial gaze beyond the nuclear family's domestic domain and to endow, it with vaster and more global ambitions{social media, et al.} Thus photography could support an expanded notion of a human family, a liberal ideology of universalism that has remained powerful throughout the post-World War II period and that is exhibited in a very small scale in the Goldstein's family album and the strategies used by many charitable organizations{I.e. Global imagined communities\communicators}.

The key to The Family of Man’s appeal lies in the familial gaze it focuses on the global sphere with aim of revealing points of intersection between familial relation, on-the-one-hand, and cross-racial and cross-national interaction, on-the-other. A familial gaze can transform diversity into specular mirroring and can reshape global issues into domestic concerns.(10) It can undo the seemingly irreconcilable differences between Spiegelman's mice, cats, and pigs, revealing these diverse creatures with competing interests to all be equally and interrelatedly “human” instead.1


  1. Marcus Len Francis Davis, T00001246, “Rhetors”, Applied Innovations Projects, University of Arkansas at Little RockTM, Written 10/2017. [email protected]. (Internal customers only{“UA Little Rock).
  2. Edward Steichen, A Life in Photography (New York: Doubleday, 1966), Ch. 13.
  3. Rita Sylvan with Avis Berman, “Edward Steichen, A Memoir, the Making of The Family Man,” Connoisseur218 (Feb. 1988): 121.

10. Kaja Silverman’s distinction between idiopathic and heteropathic identification provides a useful model for the process, though the familial gaze adds another dimension to the notion of identification. To admit the other into one's {familial rhetorical triangle} image of self. The latter process, as Silverman shows, is most often incorporating and cannibalistic, idiopathic. But the former, especially no less problematic. The question of this chapter is whether or not ‘how?’ the familial gaze can allow truly heteropathic inappropriate form of affiliation {(global imagined communities)}. See Kaja Silverman, The Threshold of the Visible World (New York, Routledge, 1996), esp. Ch. 1.

University of Arkansas at Little RockTM

Marcus Len Francis Davis


  1. TRIZ: Globalization Banking Community-Old West Bank backed by gold/nanotechnology/soybean.

a. HW8{[email protected]}

b. Pick a certain technology (existing or future) relevant to you topic. Suggest how an implementation of it could “branch out” and do something else. Globalization Banking Community

Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the consumers.


Caught between desire and debt, some of us seek to control our own consumption. One way we have done this is take a hard look at ourselves-to gaze inward, we might say-and recognize our own inventories as consumers. This informed self-identification is what long-time consumer advocate Ralph Nader has always wanted for U.S, consumers; as his biographer David Bollier explains it, Nader believes “that the consumer-active, informed, questioning-could play a critical, transforming role in making business, government and other powerful institutions more accountable to the American people.”2

As consumers, the thinking goes, we have power: the power to gaze, the power to own, the power not to consume, the power to choose. Wise use of this power, however, requires knowledge-which, ironically, requires consumption. Some of us pay, for example, for consumer reports on products and purchases we want or already have. We buy books about how to buy things better because we desire not only to consume, but to be better consumers. We can purchase credit reports of our own consumer history in order, more or less, to tell us what others (producers) already know. We pay for credit counseling-seeking ways to make our consumer profile more desirable to those who produce so that we might go on desiring, gazing, consuming, We participate in consumer opinion polls such as those on American Consumer Opinion, “a worldwide network of people who shape the future through participating in online opinions surveys”{global imagined community survey analysis}. We fill out consumer satisfaction sheets even at fast food places (short forms, however, lest we linger too long{social media, mobile applications,...etc.}).

As…in his treatise on the arts of rhetoric, Aristotle outlines three kinds of arguments, which serves as the cornerstones of his theory of rhetorical practice…as seen within “Rhetorical Visions”{Logos, Ethos, Pathos}. Consumers advertisements-which are, after all, preeminently persuasive texts-often combine all three appeals. Awareness of haw these appeals work, consumer advocates would argue, is necessary prerequisite for intelligent and responsible participation in a consumer-side economy. A nonprofit group called “Adbusters” considers such “awareness-building” one of its primary missions.

‘Born to shop!’ ‘Created to consume?’ Certainly the producers of all we consume would like us to think so. Yet we are also encouraged at every turn to believe that we have choice in our consumption. And behind this choice of one product over another and desires-and our pocketbooks{“Black card”, ‘PayPal?’, online account, IRA account,…etc.}-bond consumer to producer, product to consumer, desire to debt. In contemporary capitalist culture, many appeals are made visually and are often circular. For even though we may have come to successfully identify ourselves as consumers and to take power in our roles as consumers, we have in doing so prompted producers to think of ever more clever, persuasive, aggressive, and sophisticated ways to appeal to our desires. In other words, we have worked to construct, manipulate, and maintain a consumer gaze, which we use here to refer to rhetorical appeals (emotional, logical, ethical) that link consumers to products and often bond desire to debt. How did you inform yourself as a potential consumer of higher education about what institution might suit you? There is no shortage of guides for selecting an institution of higher education; perhaps you used some of these when you began your quest for the right college. At Peterson's online guide to colleges , for example, you can search by targeting any of the following areas:{location, major, tuition, size, student/faculty (ratio, quality), GPA (average of students there; what is required for admissions), sports, religion. We consume more than just conventional, store-bought goods. An education, for example, can be thought of as a consumer item. In making the choice of which college to attend-and why and how one should (or shouldn't) attend it-we’re exercising many of the same skills as the consumer choosing between two cars at a dealership. Most Americans, in fact, have come to think about “buying [their] education” rather than “earning [an] education.” Consider the ways that you, and others you know have made choices about college-… It is quite likely that any or all of these choices have been connected to an imagined, real, or desired financial present or future for yourself. In making these choices {“globally banking communities”} then, you have been consuming education{“rhetoric\rhetor”}. Choice, as Adam Smith suggested, is one of the hallmarks of a capitalist economy.

Truth and meaning: the two are likely to be equated with one another. Yet what is put forth as truth is often nothing more than a meaning.


Magnet Research{Rare Earth Magnets design}1

Amazing Magnets, LLC.

Applied Magnets Superstore, Plano, Texas

Strong and holds with magnetization through various thicknesses. Neodymium(ndFeb) has costs that contain the strongest rare earth magnets to a Pull Force[variable] upwards to 150lbs which is above the magnetization necessary for the design application {Seatbelt Eyewear Cushion} Concept Prototype Design. The bar magnet 1in x 1/2in x 1/8in with two countersunk holes with pull force: over 11lbs magnetized through thickness 1/8in at $.55 - $.71 with counter sunk holes is a comparable size for control variable utilized with Eyeglasses case research size of dimensions for prototype production.

“Terrific” for kids Science projects model # F: 2oz set at $23.99 is also a researched pivot that can be ease of implementation. The Ferrofluid is the research alongside of the Badge Magnets Size: 1.75”long x 0.5”wide x 0.25” thickness Model # : MB0002-ST, $0.46 Now Available Online. The optimum solution would incorporate the nanoparticles solution with the amount of pull force necessary to implement the design feasible and safe for design prototype production. Actual hazards and material precautions must be researched before prototype production.

Neodymium cup magnets are widely used in industrial applications such as fastening, holding, hanging, retrieving objects, etc. 5/8in Neodymium cup magnets work with #4 flat head screws 16mm x 5mm with 6.5mm x 3.5mm counter sunk hole.

NH-8 (Magnetic Clips) 3.5in also {‘P.O.S.E'2} pose a pivot solution to Bell? eyewear clip researched pivot design and usage of patented product details to be obtained for pivot design. Although the clip research of each design envisions to present an effective design and implementation would require usage of rare earth magnet and certified experimentation. The theoretical Concept Sketch\Artwork shows possible prototype design within sketching. Although the sketch shows the intricate macroscopic view, only by prototype research and experimentally designed prototype can the microscopic understanding of the product view be envisioned as Artwork\Sketch Design. Utilization of nanoparticles{Ferrofluid} has feasible design implications only foreseen through further experimental research and pivot sketch modifications were necessary for optimum solution for clip research and development of experimental data utilizing Ferrofluid3.

Referenced by Marcus Len Francis Davis, T00001246, Applied Innovations Projects

  1. Accessed 10/11/17. Google Search Engine. “Rare Earth Magnets”, University of Arkansas at Little RockTM, Applied Innovation Project, EIT 218, 6:00p.m.
  2. {P.O.S.E}, Marcus Len Francis Davis; Inventor. The acronym involves the usage of total quality as implemented within “Rhetors”, but designed as a Brainstorming tool for creativity. {Prioritize, Organize, Strategize, Exercise}. During the pivot process taking the time for this acronym, as depicted throughout “Strategies for Innovation” and University of Arkansas at Little Rock TM, this is a step for proper utilization of {{creativity} focal segment}. Tools such as those depicted within the Brainstorming Toolkit are effectively managed with actual prioritizing creativity, organizing creativity, Strategize creativity for the Innovations, and {Exercise creativity} as well as other tools such as Covey Time Management Grid, Nine Windows,…etc. As Seen within “UA Little Rock.”

Researchers definitions10. *

  1. {Ferrofluid. Generic adj. 1 : of, relating to, or containing iron 2 : being or containing iron usually with the valence of three [Latin ferrum “iron”]} see reference source for pronunciations.

Ferromagnetic adj, : of, or relating to substances (as iron and nickel) that are easily magnetized

  1. Ferro- combining form : iron : iron and {ferromagnetic} [Latin ferrum]
  2. Fluid mechanics n sing or pl : A branch of mechanics that deals with the properties of liquids and gases
  3. Fluid ounce n : a unit of liquid capacity equal to 1/16 pint about (about 29.6 milliliters) -see Measure table
  4. Fluidram n : a unit of liquid capacity equal to 1/8 fluid ounce (about 3.7 milliliters) -see Measure table [blend of fluid and dram]
  5. Dram n : 1 a -see Measure table b : FLUIDRAM 2a : a small portion of something to drink b : a small amount [Late Latin dragma “dram drachma”, from Latin drachma, from Greek drachm`e, literally, “handful”, from drassesthal “to grasp”]
  6. Drassesthal : {undefined according to Webster’s dictionary.}
  7. *Webster's School Dictionary. “A Merriam-Webster.” Dictionary Text Copyright 1980 by G. & C.
  8. Merriam Co., Philippines Copyright 1980 by G. & C. Merriam Co., Prefatory Copyright 1980 by Litton Educational Publishing, Inc., Illustrations Copyright 1980 by Denmark & Michaels. MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
  9. Rhetorical Visions, Reading and Writing in a Visual Culture / Wendy S. Hesford, Brenda Jo Brueggemann. Copyright Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.

Inventor Research and Flow Chart

Data Input Variables {surveys}, D E Entrepreneurial Organization

D E = C I + C e

{C I internal customer C e external customer }

{C e + C I }

Customer Equity Disposition Formulae

Continuous AnalysisCustomer Equity

Continuous Improvement

Concept Plan Analysis

*Inventor decisions and perishable product data\metadata

{DSMatrix Team based, Lean Canvas, value of customer equity analysis as a part of Total Data Quality Management of an Entrepreneurial Organizational System, continuous improvement}*Focal Segment Consultation*

Tech-Launch {Disclosure of Invention}

DE {C} {Internal + external}

Value Entrepreneurial Organizational


The foundation of any organization is

Built in ‘real-time' survey analysis of…

Customer survey which gives value

In any creativity process in the

Ideation” the creativity is value.’

Theory of Mathematical Proof :Formulae =

*Value Entrepreneurial Organizational

Quality is conformance to standards.

Data Quality is conformance to data standards.

Validation versus Verification?

Validation is in a range{oven}…

It is likely to be incorrect but not the specific date.

It is possible to be inaccurate?

Verification is the medium{social media}…

It is accurate and checked against other records and ensured to be corrected date.

Checks to make sure it is true and correct…

Passing validation does not imply correctness*

Information Quality

Maximizing value and minimizing risk using Total Data Quality Management {TDQM} standards for data and information as value within an Entrepreneurialism Start-Up.11:04.10\19\2017.

Collaboration with Inventor\s

Revisit/ Remove “perishable-Ideation”

{*Focal Segment Consultation* }1

Applied Innovations Project



UA Little Rock

{Concept Plan for {IDEATION}}

Preliminary Invention Submission\ Non-Disclosure Consultation


10/2017 “Applied Innovation Projects”, University of Arkansas at Little Rock ?, {Inventor}…

Inventor Research and ‘flow-chart’


Data Input Variables {surveys}, D E Entrepreneurial Organization


D E = C I + C e

{C I internal customer C e external customer }


{C e + C I }

Customer Equity Disposition Formulae

Continuous Analysis

Customer Equity

Continuous Improvement

Concept Plan Analysis

*Inventor decisions and perishable product data\metadata

{DSMatrix Team based, Lean Canvas, value of customer equity analysis as a part of Total Data Quality Management of an Entrepreneurial Organizational System, continuous improvement}*Focal Segment Consultation*

Tech-Launch {Disclosure of Invention}

DE {C} {Internal + external}

Theory of Mathematical Proof :Formulae =

Value Entrepreneurial Organizational

Value Entrepreneurial Organizational*

The foundation of any organization is

Built in ‘real-time' survey analysis of

Customer survey which gives value

In any creativity process in the

Ideation” the creativity is value.’

Quality is conformance to standards.

Data Quality is conformance to data standards.

Validation versus Verification?

Validation is in a range{oven}…

It is likely to be incorrect but not the specific date.

It is possible to be inaccurate?

Verification is the medium{social media}…

It is accurate and checked against other records and ensured to be corrected date.

Checks to make sure it is true and correct…

Passing validation does not imply correctness*

Information Quality

Maximizing value and minimizing risk using Total Data Quality Management {TDQM} standards for data and information as value within an Entrepreneurialism Start-Up.11:04.10\19\2017.

{*Focal Segment Consultation* }

Applied Innovations Project


Inventor Research and Flow Chart

[email protected]

Photography and Journal entry{[email protected]}. 10\19\2018…10/19/2017.

UA Little Rock

Marcus Len Francis Davis; Inventor 2018.10\17.


Photography by Marcus Len Francis-Davis(Inventor)10/2017.


Rats Ate My Home work(ing)-class?”} Observer Effect’s?



In contemporary capitalist culture, many of these rhetorical appeals are made visually and are often circular. For even though we have come to successfully identify ourselves as consumers and to take power in our roles as consumers and take power in our roles as consumers, we have in doing so prompted producers to think of ever more clever , persuasive, aggressive, and sophisticated ways to appeal to our desires. In other words, we have worked to construct, manipulate, and maintain a consumer gaze, which we use here to refer to the rhetorical appeals (emotional, logical, ethical) that link consumers to products and often bond desire to debt.1. Rhetorical Visions, Reading and Writing in a Visual Culture “As the photographs depict the viewpoint of an {observer} the actual viewpoint is reaching out to consumer criticism. This promotes an undesirable affect as the photography depicts the rhetorical viewpoint as pleasant either\neither rhetorical criticism.”

Bell Hooks, “In Our Glory: Photography and Black Life”, It is likely that we consider the pictures placed in our homes as intimate depictions of our friends and families meant for private consumption; we don't generally consider the impact these images might have on a larger community. For Bell Hooks, the display of photographs in the domestic spaces of African Americans constitutes a political act, one in which visual representations of black culture are made semi-public, while the dominant culture is often reluctant to show such images. Hooks places great importance on the camera as a means for recording the history of an oppressed people. She remarks, “Elderly black people developed a cultural passion for the camera, for the images it produced, because it offered a way to contain memories, to overcome loss, to keep history.” These pictures identify and analyze the one way to document history, keeping in mind the various strategies and mediums for documentation{social media, global communities, Web sites…Etc.}


An approach to the “Theory of Entrepreneurial Value” with Rhetors.

Marcus Len Francis-Davis; INVENTOR(Dba) ASUS??2021.

Jonas Tingeborn

{not disclosed}

10 个月

Science is our quest to understand the natural world, where our "facts" are reliable blueprints built on rigorous testing. These models are our best tools for prediction. The models aren't stagnant; they're competitors in a precision race. They survive not on tradition, but on their predictive prowess, eclipsing former models. With sharper discoveries, we refine our blueprints. Whether these models are divine inspiration or the product of human imagination is beside the point. Their worth is measured in their performance; their consistency, their accuracy, time and time again, in anyone's hands. In classrooms, the line is clear-cut: Does the theory work? Can others replicate its predictions with the same fidelity? If "creationism" or any new idea can meet these criteria, offer a sharper lens for viewing our world, and do so under impartial, repeated scrutiny, then it's part of the scientific dialogue. If it can't, then it belongs to a different conversation; one of personal beliefs and values, important but distinct from the predictive enterprise of science.

Marcus Davis

Marcus Len Francis Davis, Author

1 年

2023 Inventor: Experimental research

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Marcus Davis

Marcus Len Francis Davis, Author

4 年



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  • Marcus Len Francis Davis

    Marcus Len Francis Davis

    USA Baseball has coaching certification. I found the certification online and its free.

