Inventing AI Magic
Rolly Seth
? Principal AI Product Manager, Microsoft | ?CES 2025 Innovation Awards Judge | ??Most Innovative Woman of the Year - Technology 2023-Globee
'I am not a magician!'. The word 'magic' has been correlated to the recent advancements of AI so many times by now, that led me to an exploration. I spent last several months reading and trying to understand what the world of real 'MAGIC' can teach to the technologist, storytellers, product managers, experience creators, presenters and above all to everyone curious about the advancements of Generative AI in 2023.
If you are an individual, who would have heard the term 'magic' more than often when reading about 'AI' around you in 2023, this article is for you. This is an attempt to define a strategic framework for designing and inventing the feel of magic in AI.
It is true that magic is an art and art is felt and not set into boundaries of frameworks. In addition, during my study, I was equally fascinated to know that there are psychological or scientific principles behind magic trick and it could involve physics, maths and other fields. Thus, the word 'framework' here is only an attempt to give a glimpse of the deep respect I have developed for magic and how inter-disciplinary fields can further learn and adapt from this marvelous field of study.
I am deeply grateful to the real-life magicians who have shared their knowledge about magic with the world through books, articles, videos and masterclasses.
What is Magic?
Magic is an inter-disciplinary skill. As remarked by Jim Steinmeyer, popular author, inventor and designer of magical illusions in the book 'Hiding an Elephant' [1],
'Magic doesn't happen in the hand of magician but in the mind of the spectator'. [2]. This might come as a surprise for folks who view magic only as a sleight of hand. Once someone studies this area, they would realize 'magic' as an active collaboration between the magician and audience. Extending, the same analogy to magic created with use of AI.
The reason 'co-magician' is instrumental with describing any kind of magic created with AI is AI needs a prompt/trigger usually provided by a human being to create an experience. AI is not alone in the driver seat. No wonder, 'Prompt Engineering' is one of the latest trending fields in 2023 as more people want to feel and create that magic [3]. Behavior Change Models [4] also acknowledge the need of prompts.
With some of the above explanation, AI Magic could be thought of three sub-components
It is said, 'When magicians invent their illusions, they usually follow a certain formula: think of something completely impossible, then figure out a way to apparently accomplish it'. The above 'AI Magic' representation can similarly explain this in the below visual.
In the words of Eugene Burger, an American magician -?'I would say that the general structure of most magical effects can be put as follows: Fair/Fair/Fair/Fair/Wow' [5]
Let's go a bit more into each of these three components -
The plot builds on the learnings from Jim's Masterclass on Magic creation [6]- 'Start with premise and start with a slightly surprise towards to it.. takes to another idea with a twist.'
Derren Brown shares the same thinking in his book 'Tricks of Mind' [7] - 'In fact, it's one of the rules of great magic (according to Dai Vernon, the father of modern closeup conjuring) that tricks should be very simple in plot.' He adds -'Firstly, invite concentration (known scenario); then supply a sense of closure, or climax, or failure; next, perform the sleight-of-hand or moment of trickery as both you and the spectator relax.'
Jim further adds [1] 'That's the value of a great bit of magic. It offers the pleasure of something plain and ordinary unexpectedly elevated to a marvel. It's a redemptive feeling, a reminder of many potential wonders. When a magician places a coin in his hand and makes it disappear, it is a reminder that there's something about coins and hands that we've failed to appreciate. Unlike a mere deception or a simple secret, which gives the impression that something's been taken away, a great magician makes you feel like something's been given to you.'
What I personally get excited about is the sub-element here on how to add 'surprise'. Joshua Jay, magician and author is his book 'How Magicians Think' [8] talks about process of creating magic by adding 'What If' possibilities to an everyday object. More details on element of surprise can be found in the upcoming section on 'magic effects'.
Gustav Kuhn, a researcher in the field of 'psychology of magic' explains scientifically on why audience perception plays a critical role in creating magic.
Gustav explains that 'We are blind for four hours per day based on research'. [9]
Thus, audience brain creates positive after-images, time misdirection, change blindness, continuity error and inattentional blindness, which form the basis of magic and imagination in audience mind. No wonder, it is an interesting maxim in conjuring that much of the magic happens after the trick is over.
Magician Derren Brown explains - "Magic happens from not what you do, but what the spectator perceives.... and it has home in the fact that coin vanishes (result of magic), but how it's vanished (the magic part)".
As they say 'Perception is everything' in magic.
In this process of perception, audience makes assumption, form suspicions, confirms from their memory of the past a logical explanation of what just happened, attaches emotional hook to set things in context based on their taste.
Early understanding of these can help the co-magicians pre-suade [8] the audience what they saw was magic by addressing them in component 3 of presentation. I would like to call-out that this could be a way standard presentation could differ from magic as we are talking about a term call 'pre-suasion' [10] here and not 'persuasion'. 'Pre-suasion is?the practice of getting people sympathetic to your message before they experience it [11].'
Presentation addresses the how part of the magic and could take most amount of preparation time in making audience 'believe'. Presentation in simple terms here refers to what audience 'sees'. Several sub-components are important in this part such as choosing right timing, method and tools chosen to create a story pattern, forms of theatrical storytelling adopted, methods/metaphors used to address audience assumptions and guiding the audience that matches their taste.
While this could be a complex field in itself, two areas what audience sees are - physical visual (that eye sees) and cognitive seeing (that brain interprets seeing). Major part of the trick (referred to Jim S. in his magic masterclass [6] as soft magic trick) is the pre-work done before the magical act happens. The other part is the addressing the perception of the audience through elements like misdirection.
One point to call out during presentation is the concept of 'silent magic' [12], which Joshua Jay also refers as convincing audience with answers to their suspicions, assumptions by showing them instead of telling it by words. This is another area AI could additionally assist.
The perception of magic with AI could more work in recent times as our lives are constantly surrounded by multiple distractions and multi-tasking. This opens up more opportunities for additional blind spots in each of us. No wonder, concepts such as video chat magic [14] are starting to become popular in recent years.
An interesting thing to understand in above chart is 'more distracted' here doesn't merely mean that one has multiple tasks requiring focus but it could also be the case that a single task or visual has multiple regions seeking attention and you can decide to stay super focused on only a small part of that task/visual/region. Thus, inviting 'misdirection' [18] with magic. No wonder below quote is popular -
Story Script/Tracks for AI Magic -
I recently took a masterclass by Jim Steinmeyer and he explained there are three scripts running in parallel when thinking about magic.
- What magician says and does (Plot) - the main trick or secret behind the scenes procedure
- What Audience Sees (Presentation) - visually what happens. It may not always match up with what magician is saying
- What Audience was Thinking (Perception) - This is an important piece that storytellers and presenters can even learn from magical acts
Magic Effects (How to add surprise?)
There are multiple ways these surprise elements for creating magic can be classified [13]. For simplicity purposes, I am sharing the six categories of magic effects ones classified by S.H. Sharpe [13] [6] -
1. Productions (From not being to being) - appearance, creation, multiplication
2. Disappearances (From being to not being)
3. Transformations (From being in this way to being in that) - change in appearance, character, identify, totally different object, change in material, form, color, size, temperature, magnetism, state.
4. Transpositions (From being here to being there) - change in location
5. Natural science laws defied a. Anti-gravity (Levitation and change in weight) b. Magical animation (movement imparted to the inanimate) c. Magical control & attraction d. Matter Through Matter e. Multi-position f. Restoration g. Invulnerability h. Rapid germination
6. Mental phenomena a. Prediction b. Divination c. Clairvoyance (discovery, mind reading) d. Telepathy or thought transference e. Hypnotism f. Memorization g. Lightning calculations, h. mind reading/mentalism
Social Media video [15] also show visually how the digital content creator can incorporate them in their videos. This helps a lot in the VFX (visual effects) industry to create special effects with above surprise elements.
Time to apply the elements discussed so far in a quick example. Instead of creating a hypothetical example, let's take a quick case study of a recent personal AI chrome extension for LinkedIn called 'Crystal' [16]
- Plot -
1a. Familiar Scenario - An enterpreneur interested in knowing his potential investor personality or communication style. Or a sales agent interested to know about their potential buyer before communication.
1b. Surprise/ What-If possibilities - This chrome plugin 'Crystal' tries to use the magic effect of 'natural effect phenomena' under mentalism or clairvoyance or prediction.
1c. Twist - By understanding the personality with AI, it doesn't stop there and recommends help with writing email according to their profile too. Thus, one idea transcends to another.
2. Perception
2a. Assumption - Audience thinking its very simple as it is mapping answers to one of the standard personality types and answers could be generic. How accurate are the results?
2b. Suspicion - Is my data safe?
3. Presentation
3a. Metaphor - Used the metaphor 'magic crystal' to easily explain the AI concept. This helped remove some user doubts of what part of magic it is.
3b. Soft Magic Trick (pre-work) - Feeded personality traits to match with LinkedIn terminology and profile wordings. In tech jargon, this could also be a scenario for ControlNet [19]. Here explaining (by showing not telling) some way that the results are not generic could increase the perception of magic in audience mind.
3c. Adaptability - Could be using some kind of generative AI and text summarizer (assumption) such as ChatGPT to analyze and give a recommendation.
3d. Pre-suade - the usual assumption and suspicion is removed by declaring privacy practices section [17]. Pre-suasion can further be applied for magic experience creation. This can be done by understanding audience perception, removing other audience suspicion and adding some more twist in reading to differentiate that this is more than a personality test like MBTI (Meyers Bridge).
To wrap-up, There is so much more that can be written on this topic. I have barely tried to touch the surface in one article/episode.
In the words of Magician Derren Brown - 'Episodes as a mixture of magic, suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship.'
Hope you enjoyed reading and you will try to incorporate magical pixie dust in your tech innovations with AI.
Special thanks to Nolan Haims, Microsoft PowerPoint MVP | LinkedIn and Mark Schaefer | LinkedIn, who took out time to share their personal journey with magic and brainstorm ways storytellers and presenters can learn from magicians.
- Hiding the Elephant: How Magicians Invented the Impossible and Learned to Disappear : Steinmeyer, Jim, Teller, Teller: Books
- Fooling Houdini: Magicians, Mentalists, Math Geeks, and the Hidden Powers of the Mind eBook : Stone, Alex: Kindle Store
- What Is Prompt Engineering, the Hot New Tech Job in AI | Entrepreneur
- Behavior Model by Dr B.J. Food (Behavior = Motivation * Ability * Prompt)
- Magic in Mind - Joshua Jay - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop (
- Jim Steinmeyer Masterclass - Jim Steinmeyer - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop (
- Derren Brown Tricks Of Mind: Derren Brown: 9781905026357: Books
- How Magicians Think: Misdirection, Deception, and Why Magic Matters: Jay, Joshua: 9781523507436: Books
- The Science of Magic | Gustav Kuhn | Talks at Google - YouTube
- Robert Cialdini: How To Master The Art Of 'Pre-Suasion' (
- What’s ‘Pre-Suasion?’ How marketers make us receptive to an ad | PBS NewsHour
- Silent Magic: Biographies of Deaf Magicians in the United States from the 19th to 21st Centuries : Carmel J. Simon: Books
- Effect Classification - Magicpedia (
- Video Chat Magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop (
- Crystal | The Personality Data Platform - DISC Personality Profiles for Any Buyer ( , What Is Crystal Knows, and How Can Sales Teams Use It? (, Chrome Extension.pdf (
- Crystal - Chrome Web Store (
- What Is Misdirection in Magic? Learn About Types of Misdirection Used in Magic and 5 Tips for Using Misdirection - 2023 - MasterClass
- ControlNet - Control Diffusion Models (
Grok AI - "Singular Post AI-Quantum Futures Pioneer": Post-Doc MIT-Princeton AI-Quantum Finance Faculty: R&D Impact among AI-Finance Nobel Laureates: Silicon Valley VCs-Wall Street Hedge Funds-Pentagon Joint Chiefs-NSF
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Product Manager
1 å¹´An insightful article exploring the connection between magic and AI advancements in 2023. The concept of AI as a co-magician collaborating with presenters to create magical experiences is fascinating. A must-read for those interested in the interplay of technology and the art of magic.
Senior Director of Business Growth - EMEA @ OKAI GmbH
1 年I’m going to have to ready this at least 3 more times, Nice piece Rolly!
Principal Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft
1 å¹´Rolly, this was an exciting read! The analogy to Magic is very clever and well researched, can't wait to apply this line of thinking to the AI features we are building!
Worldwide Partner Leader
1 年Thanks for including me! As a technology leader and a professional magician, it’s great to see your work show the intersections of art and technology.