Invasive species!
Yesterday someone sent me this picture of peacocks roaming on the streets of Mumbai! That made me think of invasive species!
I am obviously not talking about the peacocks! At this time when most of us are indoors, we are finally allowing them to reclaim their space, albeit temporarily.
Among the cacophony of discussions, I am seeing experts, politicians, agenda peddlers and thankfully even problem solvers. But one tribe is sorely missing- the philosophers!
Should we also not have thoughtful discussions about the journey of our species thus far and where we are going? Especially after the inflection point, the Industrial revolution?
We seem to manage everything on this earth! Rivers, forests, animals, land! What about our own kind? How do we manage ourselves?
It is well accepted that free markets should be tempered otherwise any rebalancing is violent and disruptive. Is it true when it comes to us too? I mean, if we over-stress the earth, could it rebalance in an abrupt way that could be catastrophic to us? We talk about our legal and governance framework lagging behind our technological progress; what about our philosophical and moral framework? Are we not still largely on 'Mainframes' from centuries ago? There also seems to be such resistance from the 'IT departments', the keepers of those frameworks to any upgrade that even talk of such thing is violently controversial.
So.. any good philosopher-guides out there?