The invasion of Northlands
Melvin D'lima
I help Dentists increase monthly income by 20%, break free from paycheck-to-paycheck stress, leave bad debt behind and save 50% more to achieve financial freedom and family security,
Ownership of private property must be respected and protected by forces of law and order . Two wrongs do not make a right. It is not wrong to assemble. It is not wrong to demonstrate peacefully. When you demonize protesters and their mobilizers you amplify your own insecurity. Impostor syndrome is real. If you read from the book of hard knocks, then it is an eye for an eye. Suddenly the game changes. Political and business scores are settled by using under and unemployed youth with nothing to lose. They are advised to steal, kill and destroy amidst the peaceful demonstrations which the enemy uses to inject arson and mayhem hoping to blame it on the demonstrators. Guilty and innocent in the mix. Tribal tensions are whipped into play. It becomes them versus us. Everybody counts their losses. Who will remain untouched by the empowered youth with no other outlet for their frustration and lack of opportunity? Who is next on the list of properties to loot and pillage? As Gerry Bowler, a historian and fellow of the Frontier centre for public policy in Canada, wrote in 2019, “Every revolution since the French revolution eats its own children”.