Deborah Pietruszka
Assist in developing skills that are specific to meeting objectives that aligns with their career or personal goals and to improve work-life balance and overall well-being.
Have you ever been driving on the road and suddenly been overwhelmed by a “gut feeling” to go a different way, only to discover later that you missed being caught in a major accident scene? Or have you ever met someone in the workplace and “something” told you that you shouldn’t quite trust him, only to later learn he was unprofessional in other business transactions?
That “gut feeling” or “something” is actually your intuition speaking to you. For some of us, however, that voice is one we tend to ignore.
Angela* lamented the fact that she frequently misread people and situations, thus failing to achieve her desired outcomes. When asked if she ever experienced a “gut feeling” about something, she acknowledged that she did. However, because she considered those feelings too simple to be an answer, or because they appeared “out of the blue” and did not seem rational based on the facts, she dismissed them. Angela often later found that if she had followed her “hunch” it would have brought her the results she wanted.
Intuition can come in many forms. According to Judith Orloff, M.D., “Intuition can be a hunch, a dream, a knowing, specific guidance, or a warning of danger.” This ability has its roots with our earliest ancestors, who often lived at survival level, never precisely knowing where danger may be lurking in the environment. These early people, relying heavily on all of their five senses, developed this sixth sense of “intuition.” Over time, intuition became vital as part of preventing the human species from becoming extinct.In our modern world, however, our connection with and trust in our intuition has faded, and, like Angela, we often find ourselves ignoring it all together.
WOMEN IN LIGHT workshops are designed to assist women in developing their intuition. You’ll learn strategies for tapping into your intuition, and you’ll have the chance to practice your newly enhanced intuitive skills with other women in the group. You’ll find, to your surprise and delight, that your self-confidence increases with each correct “intuitive hit.”
With your strengthened intuition, life will become easier in many ways: you will agonize less over decision making, you will find yourself moving more easily in the “flow” of life, and you will be more observant of your environment and its potential impact on you.
If you desire to “amp up” your intuition, register for WOMEN IN LIGHT. In a supportive and uplifting environment, you’ll be able to remove the tarnish that has dulled your intuitive gifts, and finally allow yourself to SHINE!
For more information, go to Serendipity Meadows’ website at Also see
Contact Deb Pietruszka today to register for the workshop.
*Name changed to protect privacy