Intuition is Trainable with Nil Demircubuk
Senia Maymin, PhD
Chief People Officer | Stanford PhD | Data-driven, ROI-focused, people-first leader | Board Presentations, HR Strategy, M&A, Employee Life Cycle
Is it possible to learn how to connect intentionally with intuition? We invited Nil Demircubuk to help us explore ways that people can heighten intuition. Nil studied engineering, obtained a PhD in economics, taught economics, ran the data group in a financial technology firm as a senior director, and led human rights awareness programs in non-profit organizations.
To view the entire conversation, click here or watch the embedded video below.
Senia: What do you believe that others might not believe?
Nil: Intuition is trainable. People can learn to access, recognize, and use it on demand.
Senia: What is intuition? How do you define it?
Nil: The common belief is that intuition is a knowing, or sensation that comes without any chain of prior conscious thought process. Personally, I believe intuition is a crazy search engine. Every day we're absorbing a lot of information. Some of that information gets stored in the conscious mind where we can access it on demand. Some of it gets pushed to the subconscious. We cannot remember every detail of everything we've been through. Intuition is a crazy search engine that allows us to tap into information stored in the subconscious. Intuition affords us the uncanny ability to calculate probabilities, detect contingencies, and weigh different alternatives against each other.
Senia: How did you come to this belief?
Nil: For three decades, I’ve practiced this form of intuition in an alert manner. When I was a child, I practiced it easily. As I grew older, I filtered it through my intellect. For the last year, I’ve been teaching this concept to others. It's an important part of my daily life. When I’m in the store and I'm about to buy shampoo, I narrow it down to two choices and then leave the final choice to my intuition.
Intuition can help us understand interactions in social relationships. Before I share something with someone, I intentionally tune into their emotions. I ask myself, “Am I saying something beneficial for this person?"
Senia: What are the steps to strengthen the connection to intuition?
Nil: The first step is to start noticing. Write down what comes up in a journal or similar note-taking platform. Do it in a detailed and analytical way. When you have a strange sensation before something happens, when you meet someone and you automatically believe you are going to be great friends, write it down. Note the circumstance. What were you wearing? What mood were you in at the moment? It’s been scientifically proven that mood significantly affects intuition. When you are happier, intuition is more active. When you are depressed, it doesn’t work at all.
As you start to pull from your intuitive bank, be sure to filter your decisions through logic. Intuition isn’t to be followed blindly without putting a decision through the normal decision-making process. Think of intuition as additional input to help make a decision. In situations where you don’t have any other information, it might make sense to rely on your intuition solely.
Another important step is priming yourself for intuition. The objective is to do something mindless on auto drive that relaxes you. Some people meditate. A few minutes of breathing helps to calm your mind. Exercise is another great way to prime yourself. Take a walk in nature, fresh air. Play a computer game. Entering deep relaxation allows you to be in a blank-slate state of being, a condition conducive to connecting to your intuition. Intuition works well with questions. Some questions can be open-ended. Others can be yes-or-no questions. Drop a question about something, and see what comes up for you.
Senia: What’s one thought you would like to leave with everyone?
Nil: What if intuition can be learned? Get curious about it and start reading and taking notes about your own intuition. Build your own intuition database. It will help you immensely. Your intuition may sometimes be wrong, and that’s okay. It's not about right or wrong. After all, when you read something, you don’t automatically believe it. You don't believe everything you see on the internet. Focus on noting what's going on when your intuition turns out to be wrong. “I'm usually wrong when I'm stressed.” “I'm usually wrong when I'm really sad.”
Senia: What’s one action you would like everyone to take?
Nil: Get to know your intuition. As you connect more deeply with your intuition, you will learn a lot about yourself. Next time you’re in a situation, especially in a conflict situation before you say or do anything, take a moment to tune in with your intuition and ask yourself this question. What is one thing I can genuinely say or do that can make things better for everyone? Then speak or act. Listen and observe beyond the words.
Photo by Theaphotography from Dreamstime
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