Is Intuition the real AI?
Charles Cain
Career and Business Coach | I help individuals become leaders | Click the "Let's talk about YOU" link to schedule a complimentary 60-minute Coaching Conversation
One of my perpetual questions is “What happens when this goes sideways”? It makes me consider both the benefits and the harm that can happen with a particular event or decision.
Case in point. I once decided that pursuing a particular direction was a good choice. It had financial appeal, and I rationalized that it would be of a long term benefit. My intuition told me that I should not pursue this direction. I overruled my intuition with the desire of more money.
However, that long term benefit was not realized as the stress of traveling 6 days a week while newly married proved to be too much. I quickly learned that the decision had gone sideways.
We each are gifted with intuition. It is a quality that we should listen to, and put it on equal footing with our senses of sight, sound, taste, hearing, and touch. Yet, the power of our intuition often gets overridden by these senses. We see something that excites us visually or looks delicious only to find out it wasn’t good.
We are now facing a choice in the world of technology. We become excited about the long term prospects of AI, and what we can learn from it. How the world can be a better place because of the usage of AI.
Are we once again ignoring what our intuition is telling us? I know that in the world of professional coaching, the ethical ramifications of having AI involved in coaching are being weighed very much so. What are the ramifications as it relates to confidentiality? Can we guarantee that what AI learns from a coaching session will stay confidential?
Let all begin to develop that intuition muscle. Perhaps that is the true AI.
Until next time,
Charles Cain