Intuition: More than a Feeling
One of the most practical and impactful skills we can develop, for both professional and personal use, is our intuition. Actually, I don't think it's a skill, more than it is a built-in, innate ability that we all have. It's that aspect of us that just knows what’s best for us. Some people refer to it as the sixth sense, a women’s intuition, or a gut feeling.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, intuition is: 1a: the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference; 1b.: immediate apprehension or cognition; 1c: knowledge or conviction gained by intuition; 2: quick and ready insight.
Yes, we all have intuition—all men, women and even children. We’re born with intuition. Unfortunately, by adulthood it has been pushed aside and not used to its fullest potential. Children are much better at using their intuition because they have not yet been jaded by life or told what to do and how to think. Intuition isn't just for women, as may people erroneously think and believe.
The key is to develop your intuition so it's second nature to you. You should trust your intuition completely. You don’t think twice about it. And you don’t second guess or doubt your intuition. It’s not a deliberate thinking over, not cognitive ability, not common sense, not a logical approach, or not research. Many times intuition doesn’t make sense on a logical level. You should be using your intuition every day, all the time. We’re hard wired to navigate life using our intuition. Start to use, stretch and expand your intuition.
Your intuition can be your best friend, God source, infinite knowledge source, helper, guide, decision maker, truth bearer, way shower...all wrapped up in one. So it’s to your advantage to use it.
Remember: "all that glitters is not gold." So, don't just blindly believe and follow along with what other people say, what you see and read in media, what you’ve been taught over the years, and the books you read. And don't randomly make decisions and choices for yourself. Run it through your intuition for real clarity and honesty.