'Intuition to Action' Series - Inner Peace

'Intuition to Action' Series - Inner Peace

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Inner peace is attained through traversing the inevitable chaos both from our own minds and from the world around us.

With the information overload on a daily basis, it becomes a self exercise to filter out and select what truly contributes to our daily emotional state of balance and inner peace:

For the ones who seek inner peace as a priority, you also already must know it's a daily practice to cultivate, a mindset to adopt and not a one-time setting with auto-pilot mode.

And not every content, content type, content writer, content topic are made for you on any given day and which is why we need this exercise.

Why is it important to filter out?

If we read a mixed bag of content with mixed opinions both matching to yours and wildly deviant from yours, you will have no good start point on the mental modeling and tuning to achieve your daily goals predictably, the goals including - staying centered, having calmness in approaching.

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Chaos is a given.
But, Peace needs to be attained with conscious thought and effort.

What are the criteria to filter the content for you?

  • What content speaks to you?

The content that resonates with you. Generally, the title or the opening line should tell you if you should proceed in reading through it or not.

The content has to align with your general topics of interest, an area you want to educate yourself on, a connection from you who typically engage and learn/share on, any other noteworthy/newsworthy ones that instinctively call to you at the glance of it.

Read this type of content, whether you should digest or not is a next level selection criteria.

  • What content is beneficial for you at the current moment or that fits your today's energy?

Every new day has a different energy as you wake up. Our energy is a function of a wide range of variables. Our state of consciousness, self-awareness levels, dynamic shifts in emotional state, thought process structures, grounding philosophies, values and principles, people we associate with in the mental plane, topics we are attuned to etc..,

A quick way to gauge your energy for the day:

The most important ones are, the residual from the previous day or an event in motion, an action that's worked upon across the days, an upcoming event or plan for today etc.,

Classify the energy state into: Joyful, Moody, Not-so-good, Not OK.

Have some affirmations for the day: How you want to steer your day?

Classify the intention into: Joyful, Explore the day, Find out what's new.
Using the energy of the day + intention set for the day, pick the content to follow.

Given the above pretext, what's beneficial can be defined as, what content gives a new perspective and potentially moves you towards better emotional state. You might pick up a challenging thought, a content that calls out to you but you disagree with also but it has to appeal for the benefit you are seeking for the day.

If you don't see it befitting your energy and intention set for the day, discard it ruthlessly and move on for the day.

Additional filtration criteria checks:

  • Who or what personality or profiles you align with?

Influencers or scholars or intellectually sound minds who you admire on specific topics that matter to you.

  • What topics matter to you?

Any topical interests / some may be more relevant for today than an overarching interest - science and technology, political landscape, mental wellness, leadership, human intelligence / relationships etc.,

At the intersection of energy + intention + people who you value the views from + topics of interest, you can pick or discard the content. This saves not only your precious time but it adds humungous value to keeping your inner peace.

Regardless of the external circumstances, this framework and mental modeling or building this practice over time, you will be fully optimizing on your control to keep the day on your terms, the day's objectives and goals met effectively and reliably. This is the cornerstone in reclaiming your own inner power, regaining inner peace on a regular basis.

A few tips for the content you engage with:

  • Don't engage on the content you don't have a clear opinion on.
  • Have a clear thought on why or what you are agreeing with or disagreeing with and what's the primary reason for your comment?
  • Check if you have any firsthand opinion on the subject or the topic or an instance or an experience of your own in some form or shape and bring an element of YOUR UNIQUE perspective to every conversation. [truthful, vetted thought, firsthand observations made etc.,]
  • Read others' viewpoints / comments to check their overall sentiment if it's an important topic that you liked or intrigued by.
  • Seek the ones with optimism embedded in it.
  • Cynics are different from critiques.
  • Critical thinking is never about cynicism and a rhetoric thrown to add to the noise. Try to avoid anything that's masked with random opinions without a reason offered.

With the above practice brought into your daily habit, you have a higher chance of keeping your inner peace unshaken even when the external conditions may look turbulent. 

For the things you can't control, you should not control. 

But, you don't have to fall prey to them while you can become the scriptwriter, screenplay editor and director of your mind to remain calm and centered.        

DIY exercise for you:

  • Are you able to identify the content that speaks to you?
  • Have you been able to gauge your energy and intention matching to the content to engage online meaningfully, purposefully with substantive additions?
  • What other measures have you been consciously adopting to become a champion to keep your inner peace?

Thoughts? Questions? Drop them in the comments, we'll explore.

About the Author:

I’m Veda Konduru, a former AI tech founder, data scientist, technology product architect with an academic excellence in science and technology with an overall 20+ years of subject domain career experience..

Inspired by some events in my life, I set myself off on a quest for exploring the role of natural intelligence, the human mind’s underpinnings, in the age of AI, and made significant strides in the past few years and I’m here to help others on a similar journey.

In short, An artificial intelligence architect NOW turned into The Mind Explorer.


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