"Introverts Take Over the World" and Other Anecdotes
Amit Nagpal, PhD
Story Coach, Co-Creator & Connector to Aspiring Independent Directors & C Suite | KP @ Board Stewardship | Visiting Prof @ Masters Union | Founder @ Your Board Profile & Bloggers Alliance | Boardroom Influencer
"Introverts take over the world"
He-How can you say introverts are taking over the world?
Me-Look at the new vocabulary ....deep thinking, deep learning, deeper engagement, deep state, deep smarts and so on. Everything seems to be taking a deeper dive these days.
And Introverts deeply love the word "deep"......and like to dive deeeeeeep
The Joy of Mentoring
Had a very amusing experience recently.
A mentee of mine was giving a presentation and was using my favourite words and phrases again and again. It made me smile as it is amusing to see your reflection or someone talking exactly in your language.
Isn't It?
Meditation first, Drama later
"Can you teach me how to add drama to stories?", he asked me.
"First you need to learn meditation", I replied.
"I didn't get it. What is the connection between drama and meditation?", he asked.
"There is a thin line between drama and melodrama. While drama is good, melodrama can backfire. And meditation gives you the wisdom to understand the thin dividing line", I answered.
Mentoring is Hard work
Coaching or mentoring is lot of hardwork actually for the mentor.
To understand one person, his/her motivations, strengths and weaknesses and personality requires lot of efforts from the mentor. If I have to genuinely mentor ten people, it will become my full time job.
If our mentoring is not changing lives and not creating transformation, there is something wrong with our mentoring. Or there is a misfit between the mentor and the mentee.
I love to work with introverts/ambiverts and self disciplined people. If the mentee is spiritually inclined, it is an icing on the cake. Then the mentee becomes a co-passenger in our journey, and mentoring becomes a true bliss.
Self Awareness and Self Expression
One of my coachees told me recently that it was easy to create content for others but found it difficult to write for oneself. It set me thinking of possible reasons for the same.
In my view self awareness is the starting point for self expression. There are two possibilities here:-
a) Lack or lesser self awareness- One doesn't know what to write. Increased self awareness through contemplation is crucial to overcome this barrier. One also needs to become more observant of the environment as there is always a story around us. We often lack the keen observation to notice the stories around us.
b) Fear of wrong expression or criticism /judgement-There can be several possible fears such as grammatical mistakes, fear of expressing frustrations or base feelings and fear of being judged. Young people experience more peer pressure which creates or flames such fears.
To begin with go find the story around you and share it with the people who are affectionate and who do not judge you. Great marathoners also began with baby steps after all.