Introspection - A Chat With Your Soul

Introspection - A Chat With Your Soul

"We have often heard people say - you should introspect to understand yourself better, but the real question is how does one do it?" - -Manushi Toor

There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to introspecting because it is a personal journey. But there a few things which can help guide the process better.

What is Introspection?

  • It is nothing but a process of becoming self-aware, analyzing our life and understanding our priorities. It’s like taking care of our mind and soul, the way we go to a spa for our physical self, it’s a Mental Spa.?Who doesn’t want that?
  • Becoming more self-aware requires us to understand our patterns and behaviours.
  • Ask yourself this – What are my unhealthy thoughts and behaviours? Are they keeping me away from achieving my personal goals?
  • Repeating our unhealthy patterns would mean - being stuck in the same cycle, similar things happening in our life – thinking in the same manner which is hurting us, attracting unhealthy people and relationships.

So, how do I Introspect then?

  • The idea is to be understanding of yourself, being honest to yourself without any judgement. We don’t have to be critical and punish ourselves for being a particular way.?‘Love yourself enough to hold accountability for your unhealthy behaviours’.?
  • Once we understand our troubling behaviour, the focus is on making a change - be forgiving. We forgive so many people in our lives – the people we love and care about. We are ready to give them a second chance, so why not give a second chance to ourselves too?
  • Focus on the Positives, realistic things, things that are in your control, because it helps us stay grounded and yet make a change.?

For a better understanding, remember these 4 steps while introspecting-

  1. Realize and become aware of your behaviours, emotions, relationships and priorities.
  2. Accept your shortcomings.
  3. Let go of what is not helping you grow.?
  4. Affirm new changes in your behaviour.

Most importantly, while you are on this journey, acknowledge and appreciate small changes and reward yourself!?

…and you are good to go!

