Make Yours Successful Ones
Photo from: Pexels - Shora Shimazaki

INTRODUCTIONS: Make Yours Successful Ones

Introductions To Start Relationships On The Right Foot - Part 1

Giving An Introduction

“No introduction needed,” is a canned old phrase. Learning to succinctly introduce ourselves and others is very much needed, isn’t it? Like a painting needs a frame, audiences need a framework from which to operate. Give them your best.

Establishing a positive presence begins with your introduction. Whether introducing yourself to another or introducing two people to one another, the way you handle an introduction says plenty about you and your people skills.

In this article, Part 1, we begin with the one-to-one introductions between you and another person. With the next article, the view will expand to greater audiences and longer introductions than the personal conversational tone.

Stand: Stand when making an introduction. When you are seated and someone approaches to greet you, make the effort to stand. This is appropriate whether you are a man or a woman. By standing, you demonstrate respect for yourself and for the other person.

The Address: When addressing the businesswoman, use the term Ms. instead of Mrs. unless the person asks you to do differently.

Eye Contact: Make eye contact during an introduction. Many people tend to underestimate the value of this simple guideline, although it is one of the most important. With eye contact you project a confident image.

Smile: Smile during your introduction. When you smile, you signal acceptance and demonstrate interest in what the other person has to say. You are engaged.

Handshake: An ideal handshake is one made with clean, dry hands. Wipe hands discreetly if they are sweaty. Execute the handshake with the right hand at a 90-degree angle. Maintain good posture, your smile and that all important eye contact. An added hand on the shoulder can feel like invaded space. Shaking with two hands can feel too intimate.

Shake hands firmly. Do not give your announcer a floppy fish to figure out or a such a terrific squeeze that their eyes bug out.

It is best to always keep your right hand free. You never know when someone will approach you for an introduction.

More information on the history and the importance of the handshake can also be found in my book, Confidently Speaking, The Speaker's Guide to Standing Ovations, Page 117, "The Handshake."

Elevator Speech Introductions

The “elevator speech” introduction expresses who you are in the amount of time it takes for an elevator ride. You never know when someone will approach you for your introduction. Have that introduction ready.

  • Make your introduction exemplify who you are and where your passions lie. Consider carefully how you want to be remembered. Use your speech-craft to create a clear, straightforward introduction. After sharing a couple of bullet points, ask about the other person. Take yourself off the stage.
  • Say your name during an introduction. If you are meeting someone for the first time, of course you would give your name. By the same token, even if you might have met the other person previously, he or she could have forgotten your name. (As you might have forgotten theirs as well!) You bridge the gap immensely between you and the other person when you begin by sharing your name first.
  • To better remember the other person’s name when you are being introduced, repeat their name. Say the name again. If at my desk, I write down the name and use it often.
  • In the event you receive their business card, take time to read it. The care you give toward the card demonstrates the courtesy you have toward its owner. Do not stuff the card into your back pocket. Take the time to send it to your wallet or purse.

Create an introduction for yourself today.? Make one to exemplify who you are and what is your passion. The confident introduction is your key to meeting that girl of your dreams or that dream job you always wanted.?

Stay tuned for the next newsy article where we review how to effectively provide introductions to larger audiences!


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