Introduction to Yang Zhe's Achievements

Introduction to Yang Zhe's Achievements

Sincere Consultation with Mathematicians

1. Solid facts:

The quality of papers has nothing to do with journals. The right way to read a paper is to read only the paper itself.

Papers on number theory research results are not necessarily published in well-known journals, while ordinary journals often publish high-quality papers, and well-known journals frequently publish junk papers. For example, Chen Jingrun's "1+2" and Zhang Yitang's "Bounded Gaps between Primes" are rubbish. [2],[5]

2. Achievements:

2.1. He created a prime number distribution method, completely solved the challenge of the distribution of prime numbers that had remained unsolved for thousands of years.[1]

2.2. He pointed out the mistakes of the famous Chinese mathematician, Chen Jingrun in his "1+2" paper, negating Chen Jingrun's paper and the "Chen's Theorem".[2]

2.3. He created the basic guidelines for high-quality papers. It provides a scientific basis for the evaluation of the quality of papers and the review of journals.[2]

2.4. Established the basic law of number theory, pointed out the common cognitive errors for a long time, denied a large number of number theory papers and monographs, and pointed out the correct research direction for number theory science.[2]

2.5. He proved the Goldbach Conjecture, completely figured out the challenge of proving Goldbach Conjecture "1 + 1".[3]

2.6. He proved Twin Prime Conjecture, solved the challenge of proving "there is an infinite number of twin primes" on Twin Prime Conjecture.[4]

2.7. He pointed out the errors in Bounded Gaps Between Primes by the famous Chinese mathematician Zhang Yitang, negated Zhang Yitang formula and Zhang Yitang's paper.[5]

2.8. He expanded the basic theory as well as the research methods of number theory.[6-12]

3. Papers:

[1] Prime Number Tree System and Prime Number Distribution (

[2] Discussion on One Famous Essay About Goldbach’s Conjecture -- and on Principles of High-quality Essays and Law of Number Theory (

[3] Proving Goldbach's Conjecture with Break-even Method (

[4] Proving Twin Prime Conjecture by Two-product Analysis (

[5] Analyzing one Paper about Twin Prime Conjecture (

[6] Proving Goldbach's Conjecture (cnki net)

[7] On Goldbach Conjecture (

[8] Analysis of Goldbach's Conjecture by Infinite Tree Method (

[9] Proving Goldbach's Conjecture by Even-number Split Term Analysis (cqvip net)

[10] Proving Twin Prime Conjecture by Marginal Analysis (

    [11] Verifying Twin Prime Conjecture by Infinite Advancing Method (

    [12] Analyzing Twin Prime Conjecture by Infinite Step Method (

4. Reminder:

The above achievements have filled a series of blanks in number theory science, cracked many cross-century puzzles, laying the theoretical foundation of modern number theory, and opening up a new era in number theory science.

5. Seeking for cooperation:

Looking for partners to set up an international number theory research center. There are no restrictions on the conditions of cooperators and no restrictions on countries and regions.

6. Achievement owner:

Yang Zhe, Ninguo City, Anhui Province, China. 



  • 杨哲科研成果简介


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  • Achievements


    Yang Zhe's scientific research achievements: 1. On number theory: 1.

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