Introduction to Symbiotic Systems
Dr. Constantine-Daniel R.F. Licourinos-Gilberdtz-Israel PDD PhD MD MBA MS BS
A Master offering his services to AAIM (Advanced Artificial Intelligence Matrix), thus ushering the way to Pathways for Humanity and Machines (Euphee Systems) to coexist Safely, Creatively, with Attuned Severe Attention.
Symbiotic Systems, and some questions arising for them: What is the role to our societies; and what is their meaning to the fate of the planet as a whole? How Symbiotic Systems affect the institutions and the core systems that provide for the sustainability of the planet as a whole? And last, but not least, what is the future of Symbiosis’ principles and Symbiotic Systems as a whole on our planet by the middle of the 21st century?
These are some brainy and wholehearted questions to be asked and further answered for the phenomenon of Symbiotism. Let us begin our endeavor to decipher the meaning and vast principles of Symbiosis for the planet Earthan-9, our planet.
Symbiosis is the process of primarily accumulating necessary components/ingredients for survival in a certain system, and the conscious effort to link these partitions in a fine-balanced and assuming framework. If there is no balance or some mere presence of balance, then there is no way for Symbiotic Systems to exist. Further, the lack of integrity in the constituent parts of the accumulation can lead to abnormalities, lack of balance, that is, the end of Symbiosis.
Symbiosis is also a programming practice whereas schedules of interactions amongst the constituent parts are developed and further find fine-balance with each other. Here come the questions:
· Who is the agent of symbiosis?
· Who is the agent of accumulation? and
· Who pertains to, and directs the programming process as a whole?
The answers may be found in the elements that constitute and propagate Symbiotic Systems alive. First, is the wider framework of Physsis; second is the role players of Physsis, the Mind of Nature, with the humans, the animals, the plants, the insects, and all the cycle of the nutrifying agents that keep the Cosmos alive. It is a convergence between the rational and irrational/instinctual formulators of behavior.
Symbiosis by each self is behavior. And as mentioned above this behavior is cumulative and by far an exercise of balance. Further instinctual/irrational behaviors produced as a wholesome framework of reference are neutralized and still balanced by the corpus of rational behavior. The latter creates a totality and accumulation of interactions between the sane and insane, the rational and irrational, the real and the false. That is the essence of Nature (Physsis) per se and the principled roles behind these functions.
Our study of Physsis and the natural ingredients that comprise it, aiming to create a fine balance and end cumulative result is the scope of study of this book. Finally, the epitome of this effort is a series of strategies and synergistic practices that unveil to its higher dimension the actual problem of lack of synergies and symbiosis in our lives. The end result is that by accepting the rules of Nature that create symbiosis we elevate our consciousness to a higher level thus becoming better human beings. The actual process to the list of creating strategies and entertaining the results of these strategies in an effort to balance the rational and the irrational is a shred of evidence that the human mind subdues and is subdued by the wider mind of Nature. And that is a positive thing, as symbiosis is a pertaining dialogue with Nature and its constituent parts. In terms of psychiatric studies, the effort to communicate with the environment is a sign of hygiene factors affecting our position simultaneously in Nature and with Nature.
Symbiosis is a dream. It is the sign that Societies not only entertain principles of higher value but also, they effortlessly attain to produce the necessary status quo that affects survival.
Symbiotic Systems can also be a nightmare for those untrained who exercise them or for those who support them in an undisciplined manner. Ponderings and a critical mind are the necessary messages for survival to be effectuated. Discipline ponderants can be a reason for better values thus for better systems at the end of better societies. Should our values be rich then we create a reason for survival. And not only do we enrich our lives, but we also enrich the lives of all the constituent agents of Nature and our fellow human beings.
Symbiosis is a tremendous practice. An exercise of the rule that creates fairness and firmness. History of civilizations and especially the recent history of the 20th century enmeshed conflicts show the need for a new framework of dialogue in between fractions in this impoverished planet. As we move onward to the midst of the 21st century we all become more fractured divisive and finally paranoid. Division negates accumulation and further negates balance. The process of dialogue between the rational and the irrational is also abolished. And this ends up with a fractured framework of totally uncivilized partitions in a planet where civilization is by far the key ingredient and end result of disciplined practice.
Lack of confidence in the measures and tools of Symbiotism is a masterful result of un-masterful and undisciplined practice. That is a conflict and nowadays we survive through conflict, we propagate more conflict, and conflict is all that is for our lives. We are used to becoming more irrational than rational. We are used to entertaining as real, unreal practices. Our civilization lacks civility, kindness, and all of the contributing factors that create normality. We are abnormal. We are becoming paranoid. We are becoming dissected and fractured to pieces that cannot be joined back together.
And that is a warning. There will be a day that divisiveness and fracture will lead to absolute chaos, and lack of order will lead to a lack of disciplined rationality. At this point, there is no hope. The clash of civilizations will be a tormenting clash of stern ideologies. And at that point, there is no way back. At that point, the divided parts will not be able to be joined back again. And our effort to create a better Cosmos will fail by far.
The shock at that point will be such, so thus no further hope for improvement will exist. Our societies instead of being redeemed will end up being infernal. All the efforts to survive will be abolished and at that point life by itself will be abolished. The clash of civilizations will reach a remarkable point of negation, whereas our need for survival will not, and cannot be answered.
At that point there is no way back, as this will lead to nothingness and nothingness will be the principle. If the Cosmos is shuttered and induced to nothingness, then it will cease to exist for real.
It is far more than obvious that discussion does not only infer to our planet as there are vast indications that life in other planets and star systems exists. It should come as evidence here, based on internal information and core-direct experience of the author, the fact that 95% of all discussions and communications carried through the Ronald Reagan-inspired Star Wars System back in the 80s and the 90s were discussions carried in between humans and a vast set of true extraterrestrials.
I know that this hurts our Ego. Our need is for humans to be superior and to rest to be the only source and epitome of life in the PanCosmic. But this also tends to become paranoid and totally irrational as in reality, life truly abounds in the cosmic; at that point is us who, by abolishing the notion of extra-terrestrial intelligence and presence, abolish ourselves. It is exactly the case of us abolishing a key inventory of rationality that can assist us in our endeavor for the least of survival.