Introduction to Spring Boot
1. Opiniated
2. Convention over configuration
3. Stand alone
4. Production ready
Deliver peak performance with no warm-up time.
SpringBoot scans all the components
The main concept behind spring boot is to avoid alot of boilerplate code and configuration to imporve evelopment, unit test etc.
A in case of creating a new spring application, we have to write mnay XML configurations, server setting, adding dependencies, etc.
So, spring boot increase productivity by removing the boilerplate code and minimizing the porgrammer's effort.
Automatically configures the application based on Annotation. add @EnableAutoConfiguration
1. Spring Boot Stater Actuator dependency -> monitor and manage your application.
2. Spring Boot Stater Security dependency -> Spring Security
3. Spring Boot Stater Web Dependecny -> Write Rest Endpoints
4. Spring Boot Starter Thyme Leaf dependency -> Web Application
5. Spring Boot Starter Test Dependency -> write test cases.
Spring Boot Application:
The entry point of the Spring Framework is @SpringBootApplication
Component Scan: Scans all the bean and packages declarations when the application initializes.
Whole documentation can we viewed here. :)