Introduction to Python Programming language for beginners
Introduction to Python Programming language for beginners

Introduction to Python Programming language for beginners

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What you"ll learn:

  • know all of the basics about the language
  • Use python operators like assignment ,comparison and logical operators
  • Convert datatypes from type to another
  • Take input from user and do some things with this input
  • Control the flow of the program by if statement
  • Control the flow of the program by loopings
  • Create your own function
  • Know some of the built-in functions and modules


By taking this course ,you learn all of the basics you must know to be a python programmer,after finishing this course material you can move to the advanced concepts in programming,do not worry python is the easiest programming language ,so I think you will master it in a short time by a lot of practicing ,in this course we will take a lot of examples with different ideas.

This course will be updated the next few weeks by the following lessons :

  • More about strings.
  • Collections: sets.
  • Calling a function from a function.
  • The scope of variables.
  • Recursive function.
  • Working with files.
  • Introduction to oop.
  • More examples.

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