Introduction to Progressive Web Apps (Instant Loading) - Part 2

Introduction to Progressive Web Apps (Instant Loading) - Part 2

TL;DR: Web development has evolved significantly over the years allowing developers to deploy a website or web application and serve millions of people around the globe within minutes. With just a browser, a user can put in a URL and access a web application. With, Progressive Web Apps, developers can deliver amazing app-like experiences to users using modern web technologies. In the first part of this tutorial we set up our progressive web app, cached the pages and made it work partially offline. This time, we'll make it load instantly and work offline fully.

Recap and Introduction to Part 2

In Introduction to Progressive Web Apps (Offline First), we discussed how a typical progressive web application should look like and also introduced the service worker. So far, we've cached the application shell. The index and latest pages of our web app now load offline. They also load faster on repeated visits. Towards the end of the first part of this tutorial, we were able to load the latest page offline but couldn't get dynamic data to display when the user is offline.

This tutorial will cover: Read More



