Why You Should STOP using MySQL and START using PostgreSQL

Why You Should STOP using MySQL and START using PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is a relational database management system that is sophisticated, enterprise-class, and open-source. PostgreSQL supports both relational and non-relational data querying. It is a robust database that the open-source community has developed for more than two decades. Many online apps, mobile, and analytics applications use PostgreSQL as their primary database. 

Uniqueness of PostgreSQL 

PostgreSQL is an object-relational database. It offers an advantage over MySQL, MariaDB, and Firebird, all open-source SQL databases. It supports many data types as described such as JSON support, Geometric Data, and Network Address. 

Salient features of PostgreSQL 

Many advanced features are available in PostgreSQL that are not available in other enterprise-class database management systems, such as: 

  • Types that you declare 
  • Inheritance in tables  
  • Sophisticated locking mechanism 
  • Reference integrity of foreign keys 
  • Subquery, views, rules 
  • Transactions that are linked together (save points) 
  • Extensibility is a key feature of PostgreSQL. We can create our data types, index types, functional languages, and other features in PostgreSQL. 
  • We may always create a custom plugin to suit our needs. 

 Did this blurb sound interesting? Explore more in the detailed blog post here

By Imraan Pattan, Cloud Expert, CloudThat

Know the top 5 reasons why it's the perfect choice for your database.. https://shorturl.at/1HwdI


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