Introduction of Passion Flower Extract

Introduction of Passion Flower Extract

From Rxlist Oct 14,2023

Passion flower is a climbing vine that is native to the southeastern United States, and Central and South America. It was used as a food plant and in traditional medicine as a sedative. The above ground parts are used to make medicine.

Passion flower is taken by mouth for sleep problems (insomnia), anxiety, adjustment disorder, indigestion, pain, fibromyalgia, muscle cramps, diarrhea, relieving symptoms related to narcotic drug withdrawal, and reducing anxiety and nervousness before surgery.

Passion flower is also taken by mouth for seizures, asthma, symptoms of menopause, premenstrual symptoms, menstrual cramps, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), palpitations, irregular heartbeat, and heart failure.

Some people apply passion flower to the skin for hemorrhoids, burns, and swelling (inflammation).

In foods and beverages, passion flower extract is used as a flavoring.

In 1569, Spanish explorers discovered passion flower in Peru. They believed the flowers symbolized Christ's passion. Passionflower was formerly approved as an over-the-counter sedative and sleep aid in the U.S., but this approval was withdrawn in 1978 when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed the class and manufacturers did not submit evidence of safety and effectiveness.

How does work?

The chemicals in passion flower have calming and sleep-inducing effects.


Possibly Effective for...

Anxiety. Some research shows that taking passion flower by mouth can reduce symptoms of anxiety. In fact, it might work as effectively as some prescription medications.

Anxiety before surgery. Some research shows that taking passion flower by mouth can reduce anxiety before surgery when taken 30-90 minutes before surgery.

Insufficient Evidence to Rate Effectiveness for...

A psychiatric disorder known as "adjustment disorder with anxious mood." . When used in a multi-ingredient product (Euphytose, EUP), passion flower might help reduce symptoms associated with adjustment disorder with anxious mood. Other herbs in the product are crataegus, ballota, and valerian, which have mild sedative effects, and cola and paullinia, which have stimulant effects. It's not clear which ingredient or ingredients in the mix are responsible for decreasing anxiety in people with this condition.

Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Early research suggests that passion flower reduces some symptoms of ADHD in children aged 6-13 years when taken by mouth for 8 weeks.

Heart failure. Early research shows that taking a combination of passion flower and hawthorn by mouth for 6 weeks increases six-minute walking distance but not exercise capacity during a bicycle exercise in people with mild heart failure.

Trouble sleeping (insomnia). Early research suggests that drinking a passionflower tea an hour before bedtime for 7 nights improves people's ratings of their sleep quality. Also, taking a product containing passion flower, valerian, and hops (NSF-3 by M/s Tablets India) by mouth for 2 weeks improves sleep similar to zolpidem in people with insomnia.

Narcotic drug withdrawal. Early research suggests that taking a passion flower extract in addition to a drug called clonidine for 14 days might reduce anxiety symptoms better than taking clonidine alone in people undergoing a narcotic detoxification program.

Heart problems.

Other conditions.

More evidence is needed to rate passionflower for these uses.


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