Introduction to The Number One Narcissistic Lie
What you'll read in this newsletter is based on my experiences and does not constitute legal advice. If there is any doubt about the veracity of the information contained in this newsletter, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
Narcissism has captured the media spotlight as of late, and there have been multiple stories, not only of the narcissism itself but of the deaths of people, young and old who committed suicide because they believed that it was the only way to get free of the abuse.
I’ve had my fair share of narcissistic abuse. It created tremendous emotional pain. For years, I was in counseling for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the cause was narcissistic abuse.
If you have a narcissist in your life, you don't need anyone to tell you how difficult it is to cope with, how much it hurts emotionally, nor how many people won't believe you. And to make matters worse, some of your "friends" might side with the narcissist and abandon you.
Essential Things You Need to Know
One of the first things you need to know is that the narcissist is not a normal human being. The very things that would be abhorrent to you are fuel to a narcissist. For one thing, narcissists get off on the fight. They get their energy from humiliation, mind games, twisting your words, workplace sabotage, backstabbing, etc.
By fighting back, you feed their need for supply. And while they may seem angry or even appear to be crying while they abuse you, it's an act. Anything to get you to respond. And if you respond, the abuse will continue.
The longer the abuse continues, the worse the emotional pain becomes. It can totally devastate an ordinary person, and the damage can take years of recovery if it happens at all. One of the devastating effects of narcissistic abuse is developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which could lead to many years of suffering. Fortunately, there are some therapies for this, and we'll look at those options in this book.
For years, I tried desperately to beat the narcissists, but I never reckoned with the power of the narcissist to bait me and draw me back into the drama. And if you're reading these words, this has probably happened to you, too.
While I could get into a lot of theory here, I find that's of little use. It will only suck up a lot of your time and keep you enmeshed in the drama. Fortunately, there are ways to end narcissistic abuse, and to allow you to move on with your life.
Questions? Write to me at [email protected]
Chief Architect | Engineering Leader | Strategic Planner
1 个月Congratulations on getting it published Nathan.