The first step of learning machine learning algorithms is understanding the different regression techniques. Being the simplest one linear regression is always the first learning target of data science aspirants. But do you know the entire technique of linear regression is not that simple. Rather, linear regression sometimes needs multiple variable assessment. Such a complex level statistical approach is Multiple Linear Regression in ML. In this blog we will explore the basics of this second level linear regression technique.

What does MLR mean in machine learning (ML)?

Sometimes, in a regression ML problem (MLR), the numbers of self-governing (independent) variables become two or higher than two, and the conditional (dependent )variable becomes one. In such cases, to evaluate the interrelationship between self-governing and conditional variables, you need to apply the special linear regression techniques termed ‘multiple linear regression or MLR.’

Is MLR conducted (supervised) or unsupervised?

Multiple linear regression falls under the subcategory of conducted machine learning algorithm category. Such a category of linear regression helps in featuring the change of self-governing variable with the simultaneous alternation of conditional variables.

What are the real-life examples of linear regression?/ Under what circumstances can we use linear regression?

Here, I have used three simple examples to make you understand the scenarios where you need to use the Ml techniques of MLR.


Suppose a patient has started consulting a psychiatrist. Now his counselling process and the medical treatment will depend on the several following factors.

  • Family environmentProfessional environment
  • A current situation, like any relationship issues
  • Family background concerning mental health
  • For how long the patient is living in a stressful situation.
  • Existence of chronic diseases that might impact mental health, etc.


Suppose, after completion of your data science course, you have got your first data scientist job. For this job, the salary package will be dependent on the following measures.

  • Your last drawn salary
  • Ear of experience
  • Domain knowledge.
  • Soft skills like communication, report presentation, convincing skills, time management ability, etc.


Suppose your company is going to sell a few of the shares for a very popular product. Now, the selling price of the share will depend on the following factors.

  • The investment you did during it’s the promotion
  • Prices of its competitor’s product
  • It’s popularity percentage in the market.
  • It’s future demands, etc.

What is the mathematical expression of MLR?

Yn= b0+b1??1n+b2??2n+?+b??????n+??n


B0 is the intercept of the line.

b1, b2, b3……bk are the regression coefficients associated with the sele-governing variables, ??1n, ??2n, ??3n, ……??kn.

??n is the error term. Alternatively, you can say it’s the residuals of the MLP technique.

X is the explanatory variable.

The above mathematical expression that we use of MLR is termed as the?‘response surface function’.?Another name of this function is the?‘hyperplane function.’

How does Simple and Multiple regression differ from each other?

The difference between these two types of regression can be carried out based on two components.

  • Relationship between the variables.
  • The observed value of Yn.

Let’s have a look at the difference.

Based on the relationship between the variables:

In simple regression, a regression line drawn throughout a scatterplot can effectively indicate the inter-relationship between two variables.

On the contrary, to visualise the inter-relationships between the Yn and all the self-governing variables, we need to use multiple regression planes.

Based on the observed value of Yn

In simple regression, to find out the best-fit ML model, you need to consider the least-squares method. Using this method, you need to compare the predicted and perceived value of Yn.

On the other hand, in multiple linear regression techniques, the comparison takes place between the perceived values of Y scattered around the regression plane and the related points on the same plane concerning the least square criterion.

What are the five assumptions of multiple linear regression?


The explanatory variable, X, is non-stochastic.


The implicit expected value of the residual that is E (????/????) remain null. And any kind of variance in the value of E, i.e. var E is universally constant for all of the ???? values (homoscedasticity).


When working with time-series data, then no correlation exists between the residuals. Mathematically, we can say, for all the i≠j, Cov(????, j)=0, and ???? never deviates from the pattern of normal distribution.


Multicollinearity doesn’t exist in the case of multiple linear regression.


In terms of regression parameters, the regression model is linear.

A 9-steps Guide for building and MLR Framework

Step#1: Extraction of information

First of all, as per the recognised issues, you need to collect the required information (data) from various data resources.

Step#2: Pre-processing of the collected informationIt’s crucial to ensure data quality by checking for concerns like data reliability,?completeness,?utility, accuracy, missing data, and?outliers.

To maintain the data completeness, sometimes, you may need to deploy some dummy variables obtained from the conversion of several?qualitative?variables before the initiation of the data analysis.

If you need to come up with a new variable, you can consider variable transformations (X2/X1). In case the original variable is missing from your dataset, you can opt for?proxy variables.

Step#3: Implementation of descriptive analysis

Before the building of analytics modelling, you need to carry out the descriptive analysis. You’ll land on a clear idea about the best-fit model, data visualisation, and insight generation criterion through such analysis.

Suppose your problem needs more concentration on the outliner information, then you need to go with a box plot, while for highlighting the inter-relationship between several variables, scatterplot becomes the best option.

Step#4: Strategy simulation

When your datasets consist of thousands of considerable variables, you need to deploy data compression tactics to ease the process of regression analysis. Unfortunately, few of such tactics are stepwise regression or backward elimination, even factor analysis like PCA.

Step#5: Segregate the data into training and validation sets

Roughly 85% of the information is intended for workouts that are produced with random sampling. Training data is therefore utilised to construct the model and validation data to validate and select models.

Segregation of data aims to identify the best-fit ML model through efficient data enforcement and data validation. But keep in mind there are no scopes of data over-fitting to ensure that model deployment is completely error-free.

If required, you need to segregate the data into three subsets of

  • Training
  • Validation
  • Testing

Step#6: Identification of the functional entitySpecify the appropriate functional arrangements between the variables.

Step#7:?Identification of the estimated parameters of the regression

At this step, you need to apply?OLS?techniques that offer the best-fit regression line through the data set points. The use of OLS helps you to land on the?Best Linear Unbiased Estimate (BLUE), the mathematical expression which is as follows.

E[b- b]=0

Here, b implies the population parameter, and b implies the predicted parameter value.

Step#8: Realising diagnostic regression model

Prior to the regression model deployment, you need to ensure that your model is validating all of the five assumptions you made at the beginning.

Following the assumption validation, your model needs to undergo F-test and Test to assess the model benefits and individual variable importance, respectively.

Step#9: Model confirmation and deployment

You need to run your model through two types of the dataset; training and validating. If you get an adequately good result for both of the datasets, then your model gets validated.

On the contrary, if one model of one of the data sets provides excellent performance and the other one fails to meet even the average expectation, then it is the incident of over-fitting, which you need to avoid at any cost. However, you need to perform such validation for different datasets to cross-check the model effectiveness. The most popular techniques for cross-validations are,

  • Root means square identification.
  • Adjusted square method application, etc.

Once your model passes the validation check, then deploy the model to your original business scenario.

Now let’s have a look at how to program an MLR.

Programming an MLR:

To program any MLR, you need to follow the below steps.

  • # importing of the libraries
  • # importing of the dataset
  • # encoding categorical data
  • # Feature and objective variable identification
  • # Divide the data into the training and test set
  • # Multiple linear regression model training on the training set
  • #Estimation of test result
  • #Training set outcomes visualisation
  • #Test set outcomes visualisation
  • # Assessment of the performance

generic example of a Split-free MLR

# importing of the libraries

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline

import seaborn as sns

# importing of the dataset

df=pd.read_csv(‘File name.csv’)


RangeIndex: 10 entries, 0 to 9

Data columns (total 3 columns):

# Column Non-Null Count Dtype

— —— ————– —–

0 ABC 10 non-null int64

1 XYZ 10 non-null int64

2 DEF 10 non-null int64

dtypes: int64(3)

memory usage: 368.0 bytes

# Data visualisation (3D plot)

import as px

fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x=’ABC’, y=’XYZ’,z=’DEF’)

#Here, ‘ABC’, ‘XYZ’, and ‘DEF’ are the elements of the file.

Where can you learn more about MLR?

To learn more about the MLR, you can join the?data science certification courses of Learnbay.

At Learnbay, you’ll get customised data science course modules as per your years of working experience and domain knowledge.

Presently, we are offering three different IBM certified Masters programs on Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning. These courses are equipped with the most competent data science learning modules and domain specifics real-time industrial projects.

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