An introduction to mono repos
John Dave Decano
Indie Hacker - Software Engineer - Typescript, VueJS, SvelteKit, ReactJS, NodeJS, Laravel, PHP, AWS
One of the good characteristics of a software or a project is maintainability and making your project maintainable makes your organization able to adapt or integrate new technologies which leads to innovation. This will also allow your software engineers to easily make changes to your code base by easily understanding its structure and how everything works since everything is organized.
What is a mono repo?
A mono repo is a single git repository that holds the code base for multiple
If there are advantages, there are also disadvantages.
Available mono repo tools in the wild
Monorepos is just a tool that has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. In fact, this approach has definitely made the life of developers easy.
I think if you take into account the size of your team, their strength, their weaknesses, and the project itself, to determine if the mono repo is the right choice for you.
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