An introduction to Metaverse
If you are not able to explain it simply, you haven’t understood a problem
“The Metaverse is a massively scaled and interoperable network of real-time rendered 3D virtual worlds which can be experienced synchronously and persistently by an effectively unlimited number of users with an individual sense of presence, and with continuity of data, such as identity, history, entitlements, objects, communications, and payments.” - Matthew Ball
Feels a little difficult to understand? Let me put this in a simple way as if you are reading a story.
Imagine as if you are looking through a window, you see buildings, roads, cars, tree branches move due to the breeze, birds making some sounds as they fly, a bright sunny day which enlightens some objects and casts a shadow on few due to the angle of light. You see some people walking on the road and some inside coffee shops enjoying their favourite coffee. You see people carrying shopping bags as they come out of the stores.
Not only what other people you see are doing like walking, shopping, having coffee, going to the mall, watching their favourite movie in nearby multiplexes, meeting people, etc. you can do as well if you just come out of your home/office.
Excuse me! The window you are watching through is actually an XR headset (like?Oculus,?Hololens,?Magic leap, etc.), and the world you are looking at and immersing yourself in is real-time rendered virtual 3D worlds. The people you see roaming around are real humans represented by their 3D rendered avatars kinda memoji.
But the question is why do we humans want a virtual world? or meet people virtually, shop virtually, watch movies in virtual multiplexes, buy virtual real-estate, build virtual recreational spaces, play games, get training, etc.?
Yeah, I got you, very valid questions but do you remember we were locked down for months and some cities are locking down again right now due to the lethal pandemic spread of COVID-19?
We missed going out, going to offices, meeting our colleagues and friends, enjoying shopping, watching movies, attending parties and live concerts, visiting the Doctor, going to our religious places, going to schools and colleges, driving cars, and travelling via metros. In other words, life got confined to four walls of our homes and we had nothing much to do. And the outcomes were frustrations, stress, anger, broken relationships, fatigue, and what not!
I imagine what if we had Metaverse at that time, our abilities and experiences would have been different. I’m not saying that Metaverse is the solution to our lockdown problems only but it is really beyond that, it is just to make things easy for you. I know you ask how? Let me walk you through some real Metaverse possibilities and use cases.
Consider, Metaverse is already a massively scaled and interoperable network of 3D virtual worlds and we can immerse ourselves within just by wearing light-weight eyeglasses.
Similarly, on Metaverse you can play multiplayer games and visit the gym, recreational places, amusement parks, zoo, national library, museums, cities across the oceans, and take a roller coaster ride, learn how to fly an airplane, participate in hackathons, attend product launches, visit your favourite NGO, participate in wood-working or plumbing classes, and more. All of this can be realized the way it is in the physical world but in Metaverse you don’t need permissions and visas.
Earlier you bought a dress and Nike shoes to attend a meeting and did tons of customizations to these as you desired. The virtual world enables you to print your favourite art on your t-shirt or shoes and even give it to your favourite NGOs or to your friend because these are nothing but NFTs.
Civil architects could design our spaces with their wild thinking inside their heads but it was not possible in the physical world due to compliances, regulations, laws, public opinion, and materials. However, this is now possible in Metaverse. To some extent, architects are able to get through some phases of Metaverse already like providing virtual 3D tours to their clients before actually building it.
In future, you can buy haptic dresses like haptic gloves to experience the feel of touch and hug. We will see ourselves and other humans rendered as photo-realistic 3D avatars having fun in Metaverse.
Tourism(leisure/religious) got greatly affected by the pandemic and incurred heavy losses on their businesses but we could see people go on trips on Metaverse.
As per?Alan Smithson’s manifesto, the fundamental technologies of Metaverse would be:
What I dream about is that the Metaverse enables a visually-impaired person to witness the photo-realistic virtual world that he/she is not able to see in the physical world. It can also assist specially-abled people to do everything that they are not able to do in the physical world.
Further Reading:
Metaverse presentation by Meta —
Metaverse primer by Matthew Ball —