Introduction to Istio, Ingress and Sidecar
Dear Friend,
Our Previous editions discussed the need for istio and how Istio works.
In this edition, we can review the concept again...
Istio is an open-source service mesh platform that provides a way to connect, monitor, and secure microservices.
The fundamental idea behind Istio is to push microservices concerns into the infrastructure by leveraging Kubernetes.?
This is achieved by including the Envoy proxy as a sidecar container within each Pod.
Since we touch many terminologies, Getting clarity on them and their dependencies is essential in starting with Istio.
Let's dive into it,
Architecture Diagram of Istio Mesh
The diagram illustrates how an Envoy proxy sits as a sidecar and handles traffic between services.
At a higher level, two components make up the Istio Mesh...
Data Plane ( Envoy Proxy )
The data plane intercepts and routes network traffic between microservices. It performs load balancing, implements routing rules, and manages service communication.
Control Plane
The control plane is responsible for managing the configuration of the service mesh. It defines and distributes policies, routing rules, and other settings to the data plane proxies. It ensures that the desired behaviour and policies are enforced throughout the service mesh.
What's Next?
Read about Manual, Automatic Side car injection at the official istio site.