Introduction to gRPC
Gehan Fernando
Solutions Architect | Technical Consultant | Backend Developer | .NET, C#, Python Expert | Azure & DevOps Specialist | Microservices & Scalable System Design | Problem Solver
What is gRPC
gRPC is an open-source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework initially developed by Google. Delving into its history, it was primarily a successor to Google's internal RPC infrastructure called Stubby. Since Google faced unique challenges due to the large scale and complexity of its systems, they felt the need for a robust and efficient system to handle remote procedure calls. That's how gRPC came into existence, essentially as an effort to externalize the lessons and innovations they had cultivated with Stubby.
The name behind gRPC is Google, but like most open-source projects, it's been refined and enhanced by a community of contributors from around the world. These contributors have shaped it into a more versatile and robust system, expanding its usability and applicability beyond Google's walls.
So, what is gRPC actually? At its core, gRPC is a framework that allows different services to communicate with each other, almost as if they were local procedures. Unlike REST, which uses HTTP and JSON, gRPC uses HTTP/2 for transport and Protocol Buffers (often referred to as "protobufs") as its interface definition language. This ensures that it's not only faster but also more efficient in terms of data serialization and transmission. One of the standout features of gRPC is that it's language agnostic. This means that you can have a service written in Python communicate seamlessly with a client application written in Java or any other supported language. The combination of speed, efficiency, and versatility makes gRPC a preferred choice for many developers when building microservices or any system that requires inter-process communication.
Alternatives to gRPC
There are several alternatives to gRPC for facilitating inter-process or inter-service communication.
RESTful APIs over HTTP/JSON: This is probably the most common alternative to gRPC. While not as efficient in terms of data transmission as gRPC (because JSON is bulkier than Protocol Buffers), it's simple, widely understood, and works well for a lot of use cases.
SOAP: This is an older standard for web services. It uses XML messages and can be transported over a variety of lower-level protocols, not just HTTP. While it's seen as bulky and not as developer friendly as REST or gRPC, it's still in use in many legacy systems.
Thrift: Developed by Apache, Thrift is another RPC framework. Like gRPC, Thrift supports multiple programming languages and uses a custom interface definition language. It also has its own binary serialization format, which makes it efficient in terms of data transmission.
JSON-RPC and XML-RPC: These are protocols that allow you to send data as JSON or XML payloads, respectively. Unlike REST, which is more of a convention over HTTP, JSON-RPC and XML-RPC are specific protocols for remote procedure calls.
WebSocket: While not an RPC protocol in itself, WebSocket provides full-duplex communication channels over a single, long-lived connection. It's suitable for use cases where you need real-time communication between a client and server.
Message Brokers (like RabbitMQ, Kafka, and ActiveMQ): These are not direct alternatives to gRPC in the sense of being RPC frameworks. However, they are used in scenarios where asynchronous message passing is more suitable than direct procedure calls.
ZeroMQ: This is a high-performance messaging library that provides several messaging patterns. It's more of a low-level library than an out-of-the-box RPC framework, but it can be used to build RPC-like systems.
RSocket: Developed by Netflix and Facebook, RSocket is a protocol designed for reactive programming and supports multiple interaction models, including request/response, streaming, and more. It operates over transport protocols like TCP, WebSockets, and HTTP/2.
Each of these alternatives has its own strengths, weaknesses, and best-use scenarios. The choice depends largely on the specific requirements of the project, the existing technology stack, and the expertise of the development team.
gRPC vs WCF vs REST Services
gRPC: Developed by Google, gRPC is a high-performance, open-source, and universal remote procedure call (RPC) framework initially built on the HTTP/2 protocol. At its heart, gRPC focuses on connecting polyglot systems in a more efficient and robust manner. It employs Protocol Buffers (often abbreviated as Protobuf) as its interface definition language (IDL). This not only enables strong API contract definition but also optimizes serialization and deserialization for superior performance. With gRPC, bidirectional streaming is seamless, allowing clients and servers to read and write independently of each other. Moreover, gRPC has native features for load balancing, tracing, and authentication.
WCF (Windows Communication Foundation): WCF is a Microsoft framework introduced as a part of .NET for building service-oriented applications. It provides a comprehensive and unified programming model for building connected, service-oriented applications that can communicate over various transport protocols (HTTP, TCP, Named Pipes, and MSMQ) and message formats (SOAP, Binary, etc.). WCF is designed to offer flexibility, allowing developers to create secure, reliable, and transacted services that can be integrated across platforms and interoperate with existing infrastructures. However, WCF's vast capabilities can also make it more complex to set up and configure than some more streamlined alternatives.
REST Services: Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that treats distributed resources as URLs. RESTful services, often built over the HTTP protocol, rely on stateless interactions between clients and servers. They use standard HTTP methods, like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, to operate on these resources. JSON and XML are the most commonly used message formats for payload exchange in RESTful services. The simplicity and scalability of REST have led to its widespread adoption, especially for public-facing APIs on the web. Its stateless nature can be both a boon (for scalability) and a bane (when state management is needed). Unlike gRPC, REST does not have a strict contract definition, leading to practices where documentation and careful versioning become crucial.
.proto file
In gRPC, a .proto file is where you define your service methods and message types using the Protocol Buffers language.
Syntax version
Every .proto file starts by specifying which syntax version of Protocol Buffers it's using.
syntax = "proto3";
The above line specifies that the file uses proto3 syntax, which is the latest as of my last update.
Package declaration
To avoid name conflicts between protocol message types, you can define a package.
package myservice;
Service definition
You can define an RPC service with methods that have specific request and response message types.
service MyService {
rpc MyMethod(RequestType) returns (ResponseType);
Message definition
Messages are the primary data structures you'll work with, similar to classes or structs in many programming languages.
message RequestType {
string query = 1;
message ResponseType {
string result = 1;
Language Neutrality: Once you've defined your service and message types in a .proto file, you can use the Protocol Buffers compiler (protoc) to generate client and server code in multiple languages. This means you can have a gRPC server in Java, and clients in Python, Go, C++, or numerous other supported languages, all communicating seamlessly.
Efficiency: Protocol Buffers serialization is efficient in both size (often smaller than JSON or XML) and speed. This makes gRPC an attractive choice for high-performance applications.
Strongly-Typed: With Protobuf, you get compile-time checks of your data structures. This can help catch issues early in the development process.
Versioning: Protocol Buffers are designed to be backward compatible. This means that you can add new fields to your message types without breaking old clients or servers.
After defining your service and messages in a .proto file, you use the protoc compiler with the gRPC plugin to generate both client and server code. This takes away much of the boilerplate associated with setting up communication code, allowing developers to focus more on implementing the actual service logic.
syntax = "proto3";
package myservice;
service MyService {
rpc MyMethod(RequestType) returns (ResponseType);
message RequestType {
string query = 1;
message ResponseType {
string result = 1;
gRPC Methods
A gRPC service can have different types of methods. How messages are sent and received by a service depends on the type of method defined. The gRPC method types are
Unary RPC: A simple request-response call. The client sends a single request and gets a single response from the server.
service ExampleService {
rpc SimpleMethod (SimpleRequest) returns (SimpleResponse);
message SimpleRequest {
string data = 1;
message SimpleResponse {
string result = 1;
This is the most straightforward type of RPC where you do one request and get one response.
Server streaming RPC: The client sends a request and gets a stream of responses. The client reads from this returned stream until there are no more messages.
service ExampleService {
rpc StreamResponseMethod(SimpleRequest) returns (stream SimpleResponse);
Useful in scenarios where the server needs to push multiple pieces of data such as when you're downloading a file in chunks.
Client streaming RPC: The client sends a stream of messages and waits for the server to read them and return a response.
service ExampleService {
rpc StreamRequestMethod(stream SimpleRequest) returns (SimpleResponse);
This can be used in scenarios where the client has multiple pieces of data it wants to send to the server, e.g., for uploading files in chunks.
Bidirectional streaming RPC: Both the client and the server send a series of messages using a read-write stream. The two streams operate independently, so clients and servers can read and write in any order.
service ExampleService {
rpc BidirectionalStreamMethod(stream SimpleRequest) returns (stream SimpleResponse);
Useful in scenarios where both the client and the server need to send a series of messages to the other side. For example, in a chat application where both parties can send and receive messages at any time.
gRPC best practices
Use Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) for message serialization to reduce payload size and improve performance.
syntax = "proto3";
message Person {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 id = 2;
optional string email = 3;
gRPC uses HTTP/2 as its transport protocol, which is more efficient than HTTP/1.1.
Avoid sending large messages. If necessary, use streaming RPCs.
public async Task<Stream<MyResponse>> MyStreamingMethod(MyRequest request, ServerCallContext context)
// Process and return a stream of responses.
Reuse gRPC channels and clients to reduce connection overhead.
var channel = new Channel("localhost:50051", ChannelCredentials.Insecure);
var client = new MyService.MyServiceClient(channel);
Utilize asynchronous programming to handle multiple concurrent gRPC calls efficiently.
var response1 = await client.MyMethodAsync(request1);
var response2 = await client.MyMethodAsync(request2);
Enable message compression for reducing bandwidth usage.
Implement proper error handling and status codes.
var response = await client.MyMethodAsync(request);
catch (RpcException ex)
if (ex.Status.StatusCode == StatusCode.NotFound)
// Handle NotFound error.
Set appropriate deadlines and timeouts to prevent blocking calls.
var callOptions = new CallOptions(Deadline.After(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));
var response = await client.MyMethodAsync(request, callOptions);
Use server streaming for sending multiple responses efficiently.
public async Task MyServerStreamingMethod(MyRequest request, IServerStreamWriter<MyResponse> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
// Stream multiple responses using responseStream.
Use client streaming for sending multiple requests efficiently.
public async Task<MyResponse> MyClientStreamingMethod(IAsyncStreamReader<MyRequest> requestStream, ServerCallContext context)
// Process multiple requests from requestStream.
Implement authentication and authorization to secure your gRPC services
Use a load balancer to distribute traffic among multiple gRPC service instances.
Use tools like OpenTelemetry to monitor and trace gRPC calls for performance analysis.
Enable connection keep-alive to reduce the cost of creating new connections.
Regularly benchmark your gRPC services and use profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks.
Code First
In the context of gRPC, "Code First" refers to a development approach where you start by writing the service definition and methods using your programming language of choice, and then generate the gRPC service definitions (protobuf files) from this code. This is in contrast to the more common "Contract First" or "Proto First" approach in gRPC, where you start by defining your service in a Protocol Buffers (protobuf) file and then generate the client and server stubs in various languages.
Let's break down the "Code First" approach in gRPC:
Instead of defining the service and messages in a .proto file, you start by defining your service and methods in a programming language like C# (using tools provided by frameworks like gRPC for .NET).
Service Implementation
Once you've defined the service and its methods in your programming language, you can then implement the service's methods just like you'd implement any other methods in your chosen language.
Generating Protobuf Files
After defining the service in your programming language, you can use tools to extract and generate the protobuf service definitions from your code. These generated .proto files can then be shared with other teams or systems, providing a contract that defines how the service works.
Generating Client and Server Stubs
Once you have the .proto files, you can then use the standard gRPC tools to generate client and server stubs in various languages. This allows other systems, potentially written in different languages, to interact with your service.
// Create service and data contract types.
using ProtoBuf.Grpc;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Shared.Contracts;
public class HelloReply
[DataMember(Order = 1)]
public string Message { get; set; }
public class HelloRequest
[DataMember(Order = 1)]
public string Name { get; set; }
public interface IGreeterService
Task<HelloReply> SayHelloAsync(HelloRequest request,
CallContext context = default);
// Implement the service interface
using Shared.Contracts;
using ProtoBuf.Grpc;
public class GreeterService : IGreeterService
public Task<HelloReply> SayHelloAsync(HelloRequest request, CallContext context = default)
return Task.FromResult(
new HelloReply
Message = $"Hello {request.Name}"
// Update the Program.cs file
using ProtoBuf.Grpc.Server;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
await app.RunAsync();
Advantages of Code First
Familiarity: Developers who are more comfortable with a specific programming language and less familiar with Protocol Buffers syntax might find this approach more intuitive.
Integrated Development: You're working primarily within your development environment, leveraging language-specific tooling and debugging capabilities.
Disadvantages of Code First
Portability: The "Proto First" approach is more language-agnostic and focuses on defining the contract first, ensuring it's the central point of truth. With "Code First", the code is the truth, and there might be subtle differences or interpretations when generating the .proto files.
Less Common: The "Proto First" approach is more widespread in the gRPC community. So, resources, tutorials, and community support might lean more in that direction.
Selecting "Proto-first" or "Code-first" approach.
When implementing gRPC services, developers often face the decision of using a "Proto-first" or "Code-first" approach
Here are some factors to consider when deciding between these two approaches
The decision between Proto-first and Code-first largely depends on your project needs and the familiarity and comfort level of your team.