An Introduction to Graph Neural Networks: Part 8 of my Graph Series
Image from Research Paper:

An Introduction to Graph Neural Networks: Part 8 of my Graph Series

1. Introduction:


This is the continuation of my series of blogs on Graphs and is the 8th blog in the series. In this article, I’m going to talk about Deep Learning for Graphs and in particular techniques involving Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). GNNs are one of the most central topics in the subject of Graphs and in fact all my previous articles in this Graph series of blogs will serve as a solid foundation for Graph Neural Networks.


This article does not go into the finer details of Graph Neural Networks – the finer details of GNNs will be a part of my subsequent blogs. This article attempts to firstly (in section 2) explain the limitations of Node Embeddings obtained using shallow networks such as the skip-gram model as discussed in Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7 of this series and then in section 3 and section 4, the article highlights how Deep Graph Networks overcome these limitations and approach to solve a problem involving prediction – such as Node Classification or Link Prediction or Anomaly Detection in Graphs / Sub-Graphs, end-to-end. The section 4 also highlights how the processing of a Graph for Deep Learning is different than processing of images or texts.


Review of the concept of Node Embeddings:


In my articles of Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7 of this series, I spoke about “Node Embeddings” where the intention was to map the Nodes from the Graph into a d-dimensional embedding space so that the nodes similar in the network are mapped close to one and other in the embedding space as shown in the Figure below.

Figure 1: 2-Dimensional Node Embeddings

In short, we wanted to achieve the goal that similarity of the nodes in the network is equivalent to the similarity in the embedding space as illustrated through the equation below.

Equation 1 – The Goal of Node Embeddings – nodes similar in the network should match the similarity in the Embedding Space

Similarity of the nodes in the network is typically measured through Jaccard similarity as discussed in the section 3 of the Part 6 of my series of blogs titled: “Formulation of Node Embeddings in Graphs: Node2Vec Algorithm - Part 6 of X of my notes”. And the similarity in the embedding space is measured by the dot product between two vectors.

So, given a Graph we understood how to construct a matrix “Z” as shown in the Figure below where each column of the matrix corresponded to the embedding vector of the respective node in the Graph:

Figure 2: Node Embeddings learnt through Shallow Networks such as the skip-gram model.

2. Limitations of Approaches for Mapping nodes from the Graph to the Embedding Space


However, the methods such as Node2Vec discussed in the Part 6 of my series of blogs had certain limitations:


a)????? Number of parameters needed to learn:


It may be recalled that the Node2Vec algorithm discussed here, involved the skip-gram model for learning the node embeddings which were represented through the weights of the hidden layer of the single layer neural network. For each node, the number of parameters to be learnt equalled the dimension “d” of the embedding space.


Thus, for the whole Graph the total number of parameters to be learnt equalled number of nodes x embedding dimension which was quite a lot. There was no parameter sharing between the nodes.



b)???? Transductive Learning:


The learning involved using the skip gram model was transductive learning. This meant that the learning involved only the “seen” nodes or the “seen” examples in the training process. The node embeddings learnt could not be utilised for unseen nodes from unseen Graphs. Thus, we were unable to generate embeddings for nodes not seen during the training.



c)????? Node features not incorporated into the embeddings:



The learning using the Node2Vec discussed in Part 5 and Part 6 of my blogs included the learning of the underlying network structure of the Graph. The learning did not incorporate node features. A node may have features such as: age, location, gender, etc depending upon the problem in hand. The node features were not a part of the embedding vector. Thus, the learning couldn’t be end-to-end.


We’re now going to talk about Deep Graph Encoders – Graph Neural Networks where the idea is that the Encoding of a Node “v” into the Embedding Space will involve multi-layered nonlinear transformations. Thus, we are going to talk about Deep Neural Networks and how they transform the information through multiple layers of the neural network resulting in the final embedding.

It will thus be possible through Graph Neural networks to train the model: end-to-end for problems involving Node Classification or Link Prediction or any type of Graph prediction task.



3. Deep Neural Networks


Based on the discussions above, we will now take the graph structure and the node features and pass it to through multiple layers of non-linear transformations in a neural network so that at the end in the output we get the node embeddings, make predictions based on the problem in hand as shown in the figure below:

Figure 3: Learning Process in Deep Graph Neural Networks

The good thing about Deep Encoders is that we’re able to train these Encoders end-to-end – all the way from taking in the node features through prediction.


Solutions through Deep Neural Networks:


Thus, using Deep Graph Networks one is able to solve end-to-end tasks whereas the node embeddings learnt through shallow encoders such as the skip gram model discussed in Part 6 of my ongoing series involved the learning of the graph structure only as highlighted above. Therefore, one will have to input that embedding into a machine learning model such as Support Vector Machine or Logistic Regression in order to make the final prediction.


With Deep Graph Networks, the learning can be end-to-end and is able to solve different problems such as:


  • Node Classification – for predicting the type of node.
  • Link Prediction – to predict if two nodes are linked.
  • Community detection – that is: clustering / communication type of tasks to identify densely linked cluster of nodes.
  • Or tasks involving similarity / compatibility between different graphs or sub-networks.

Figure 4: Node Classification using GNNs.

Figure 5: Link Prediction using GNNs.

5. Classical Deep Learning vs Graph Neural Networks


Classical Deep Learning is designed for simple data types. For example, one could process fixed size images w or text which is a chain / sequence graph as shown in the figure below.

Figure 6: Deep Learning for Image Classification

Thus, classical Deep Learning toolbox is best suited for simple data types like linear sequences, fixed sized grids and cannot be applied to complex data types such as Graphs.

Figure 7: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing tasks

The question now is how we can apply Deep Learning to complex data types such as Graphs and that is where Graph Neural Networks come into play that because they allow us to apply Representation Learning to much more complex data types such as grids or images. There are a lot of use cases as discussed in section 2 of the Part 1 of my series of blogs where proper graph representation is paramount. Let us see how Graph Neural Networks are able to represent complex topology of the Graphs and solve several problems that require graphical representation of the underlying domain. The details of Graph Networks will be discussed in the subsequent blogs of this series!



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