An Introduction To Gout
What Is It All aGout?
Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis with distinct characteristics. It manifests through acute attacks featuring intense pain, redness, swelling, and heat in the affected joint. These symptoms typically emerge during the night, reaching their peak within 12-24 hours. The pain is excruciating, prompting many individuals to seek emergency care, contributing to gout surpassing Rheumatoid Arthritis in annual hospital admissions for rheumatological conditions.
The underlying mechanism involves the crystallisation of urate, a byproduct of urea metabolism, within the joint. Either an excess of urea in the body (constituting 90% of cases) or a diminished ability to produce urate triggers the formation of these crystals, sparking synovitis and the associated symptoms. When the joint is aspirated, the presence of urate crystals becomes evident, confirming the diagnosis.