Introduction to Ghostwriting opens up your next lucrative career path
Ghostwriting has been the most lucrative avenue for skilled independent writers since late 2009. Certified Ghostwriters are graduates from Ghostwriting Professional Designation Program (GPDP) and make at least $35,000 per book project; some make as much as $150,000. Even during the pandemic, Certified Ghostwriters are working and making money.
Though it sounds like any good writer can be a good ghostwriter, most people do not understand the multifaceted differences between writing and ghostwriting.
While it’s true that ghostwriting can be profoundly rewarding for those who understand its complexities, it can also be frustrating or even disheartening for those who do not. Every experienced or trained professional ghostwriter I know has in common what one (CSULB) Certified Ghostwriter called “The Ultimate Editorial Toolbox,” which includes:
· Specific skills
· Creative analysis
· Industry knowledge
· Positioning mindset
· Ghostwriting psychology
· Business perspective
Aspiring ghostwriters enjoy thought puzzles. They have space in their life to take on new perspectives, to release business and writing preconceptions, and to recognize a clients’ truths may well differ from what they deeply believe — which is tough.
Uniting integrity with professional impartiality can be extremely daunting.
It can also be extremely rewarding.
The Ghostwriting Professional Designation Program (GPDP) through CSU Long Beach will open your eyes, make your jaw drop, teach you book/publishing industry secrets, give you proprietary tools that not only demonstrate your authority but bring in business, and show you how to set up your ghostwriting business.
It gives you access to an elite world of creatives who share your skill set and passion for helping people with good ideas write the books they’ve thought about for years.
Introduction to Ghostwriting is the pre-requisite 6-week course before beginning the full 11-month GPDP program, that begins in Aug, 2021.
Enroll now for the Mar 8–April 12 Intro to Ghostwriting
Need some encouragement? Here’s what students have said about GPDP:
This program exceeded my expectations in every way. I spent a long time last summer choosing between this and a professional online content program. I am SO HAPPY I chose this one. My close friends comment on how enthusiastic I am about my future career, how confident I am, and how great this is going to be for me. Donna Mosher, Certified Ghostwriter
Thank God for this course! The final business lectures were a great reminder that I’ve come a long way and I can hold my head up high when I talk to prospects because I know I have the skills. I CAN deliver a great service that people should pay for. Marcus Amann, Certified Ghostwriter
I hope the university realizes what a diamond it has in this life-changing professional designation certificate program. The quality is off the chain. Claudia Suzanne is the Einstein of ghostwriting — and a master teacher, to boot. This combination is rare. The curriculum is phenomenal — intense, generous, brilliant, and complete. And I make both statements after a decades-long career in journalism and books that includes marvelous educational high points, including the hallowed halls of the Ivy League. And if I had to choose among them all, I’d choose this program any day of the week and twice on Sunday. That it achieves all its ambitious goals is an accomplishment in itself. That it does so in the most real, inspirational, and positive ways possible is yet another. Lorrraine Ash, Certified Ghostwriter