Introduction to Generative AI - Part III

Introduction to Generative AI - Part III

In Previous two articles - Introduction to Generative AI - Part I and Introduction to Generative AI - Part II we learned about Foundation models, their lifecycles and different types of Foundation Models.

In this article we learn about the different types of model outputs optimizing techniques.

Optimizing LLM outputs

The optimization stage is crucial in developing foundation models. Multiple methods exist to refine an FM, each with varying levels of complexity and expense. Among these, prompt engineering stands out as the quickest and most cost-effective approach. Where as Finetuning allows LLMs to excel at particular tasks or domains.

Prompt engineering

Foundation models interpret prompts as directives. The practice of prompt engineering involves creating, refining, and optimizing these instructions to improve FM performance for specific purposes. This approach allows you to steer the model's responses towards your desired outcomes.

The structure of a prompt varies based on the task assigned to the model. When examining prompt engineering examples, you'll encounter prompts that may include some or all of these components:

  • Instructions: The heart of any prompt is the instruction set. This is where you tell the AI model exactly what you want it to do. Clear, concise, and specific instructions are crucial. For example, instead of saying "Write about cars," you might say "Compose a 300-word article about the environmental impact of electric vehicles, focusing on battery production and disposal."
  • Context: Providing relevant context helps the AI model understand the broader situation and tailor its response accordingly. This might include background information, relevant facts, or the intended audience. For instance, if you're asking for a marketing strategy, you might include context about the target demographic, industry trends, or competitor activities.
  • Input Data: This is the specific information you're feeding into the model for processing. It could be a question, a dataset, or a problem statement. The quality and clarity of your input data significantly affect the output you'll receive.
  • Output Indicators: Specifying the desired format or structure of the output helps ensure you get a response that's immediately useful. This could include requesting bullet points, a specific word count, a particular tone (formal, casual, technical), or a defined structure like a SWOT analysis.
  • Examples: Providing examples of the kind of output you're looking for can be incredibly helpful, especially for complex or nuanced tasks. This technique, often called "few-shot learning," helps the model understand your expectations more precisely.
  • Constraints: Setting boundaries or limitations can help focus the AI's response. This might include specifying what not to include, setting time periods, or limiting the scope of the response.
  • Persona or Role: Sometimes, instructing the AI to adopt a specific persona or role can yield more targeted results. For example, "Respond as a financial advisor with 20 years of experience in sustainable investing."


Foundation models (FMs) acquire a broad understanding of information through pre-training via self-supervised learning. However, their performance can be enhanced through fine-tuning. This process involves supervised learning, where the pre-trained base model is further trained on smaller, task-specific datasets. By introducing these focused datasets, the model's data weights are adjusted to more closely align with the intended task, thereby improving its capabilities in that specific area.

The Fine-Tuning Process for Large Language Models

  • Starting Point: The Pre-trained Model

We begin with a pre-trained LLM, which has already learned general language understanding from vast amounts of diverse data. Think of this as a highly educated generalist, knowledgeable about many topics but not specialized in any particular area.

  • Identifying the Specific Need

Before fine-tuning, it's crucial to clearly define the specific task or domain you want the model to excel in. This could be anything from legal document analysis to customer service responses in a particular industry.

  • Data Collection and Preparation

This is a critical step. You need to gather a dataset that represents the specific task you're targeting. This dataset typically includes:

  1. Input examples (e.g., questions, prompts, or scenarios)
  2. Corresponding desired outputs

The quality and relevance of this data significantly impact the success of fine-tuning. It's often a collaborative effort between domain experts and data scientists.

  • Data Preprocessing

The collected data needs to be cleaned, formatted, and potentially augmented to ensure it's suitable for training. This might involve:

  1. Removing inconsistencies or errors
  2. Standardizing formats
  3. Balancing the dataset to avoid biases

  • Model Configuration

Depending on the specific LLM being used, various parameters may need to be set. This includes:

  1. Learning rate: How quickly the model adapts to new information
  2. Number of training epochs: How many times the model will cycle through the dataset
  3. Batch size: How many examples are processed at once

  • The Learning Process

During learning, the model is exposed to the prepared dataset. It adjusts its internal parameters (weights) to better align with the specific task. This process involves:

  1. Forward pass: The model makes predictions based on input data
  2. Loss calculation: The difference between the model's predictions and the desired outputs is measured
  3. Backpropagation: The model's weights are adjusted to minimize this difference

  • Validation and Testing

Throughout and after learning, the model's performance is evaluated on a separate validation dataset. This helps ensure the model is learning effectively and not overfitting (memorizing the training data rather than learning general patterns).

  • Iterative Refinement

Based on the validation results, you may need to adjust various aspects and repeat the process. This could involve:

  1. Modifying the dataset
  2. Adjusting hyperparameters
  3. Changing the fine-tuning approach

  • Deployment and Monitoring

Once satisfied with the performance, the fine-tuned model is deployed for use. Ongoing monitoring is crucial to ensure it continues to perform well in real-world scenarios.

That's it for the Introduction series , in coming articles we will dig deep into the various concepts which we discussed in this series.


