Introduction of EVS34
Wang Jinbo
World Intelligent Connected Vehicles Conference &Exhibition. Sep 16-19 2022, Beijing
第34届世界电动车大会暨展览会 (EVS34)
The 34th International Electric Vehicles Symposium& Exhibition
The 34th International Electric Vehicles Symposium and Exhibition will be held in Nanjing, China from June 25-28, 2021. This will be the third time that the event is held in China after a lapse of a decade. The first two were 1999 (EVS16) when China's electric vehicles were in the embryonic development period and 2010 (EVS25) when China was in the stage of vigorously promoting electric vehicles. Specifically, the first two conferences have achieved complete success with the strong support of the government and many enterprises. The current International Electric Vehicles Symposium will gather leaders and elites from governments, enterprises and academic institutions from all over the world in Nanjing to discuss forward-looking policies, advanced technologies and outstanding market achievements in the field of electric transportation.
The organizers sincerely invite electric vehicles, new energy vehicles and related companies/ institutions of upstream and downstream the industrial chain; along with companies/organizations in the field of intelligent transportation industry, new materials and new energy industry to take part in EVS 34.
一、展会信息 Exhibition Information
展会名称:第34届世界电动车大会暨展览会 (EVS34)
Name: The 34th International Electric Vehicles Symposium & Exhibition (EVS34)
展会主题 Theme:Towards Intelligent E-Mobility迈向智慧电动出行
展会时间: 2021年06月25-28日
Time: June 25th – 28th, 2021
展会地点: 江苏·南京空港国际博览中心
Location: Nanjing Air-Hub International Expo Center, Jiangsu Province
No. 99 Runhuai Avenue, Lishui District, Nanjing
世界电动车协会World Electric Vehicle Association
亚太电动车协会Electric Vehicle Association of Asia-Pacific
南京市人民政府The People’s Government of Nanjing Municipality
中国电工技术学会China Electrotechnical Society
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Machinery Sub-Council
协办单位Assisted by
中国汽车工业协会China Association of Automobile Manufacturers
中国电动汽车百人会China Electric Vehicle100
中国汽车工业咨询委员会China Automotive Industry Advisory Committee
中国电工技术学会China Electrotechnical Society
南京市溧水区人民政府Lishui District People’s Government of NanJing Municipality
北京中汽四方会展有限公司Beijing Auto Square Exhibition Co. Ltd.
二、 展品范围Exhibits
New energy vehicles: Electric Passenger Vehicles, Electric Light Vehicles, Electric Commercial Vehicles, Electric Motorcycles, Electric Scooters, Electric Bicycles, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle, Other Vehicles, etc.;
Energy and infrastructure: Electric Energy Suppliers, Hydrogen Energy Suppliers, Energy Infrastructure, Intelligent Grid V2G, Electrical Cables, Connectors, Fast Charging Stations, Energy and Charging Systems, Charging Infrastructure, Hydrogen Fuel infrastructure, Communication Infrastructure;
Batteries : Lithium Batteries, Lead-acid Batteries, Nickel Batteries(MH-Ni Battery), other batteries, Battery Management, Battery Charging Systems, Testing Systems, Capacitors, \Fuel Cell Technology, Fuel Cell Systems , Fuel Cell Management, Hydrogen Tank, Hydrogen Refueling, Battery Manufacturing Equipment, Testing Equipment, Raw Materials, Parts & Components, etc.;
Powertrain: General Motors, In-wheel Motor, Hybrid Engines, Cable Braider and Automotive Wiring, Drive Systems, Transmission, Braking Technology and Components, Other Powertrain Components, etc.;
Information and Communications: Automotive communications, navigation systems, Vehicle-mounted Internet, location-based services (LBS), hybrid navigation, remote diagnosis, charging systems, satellite positioning telematics, shared medium, mobile communication equipment, transmission systems, etc.;
Others: Autonomous driving, parking system, traffic management system, urban planning, intelligent transportation, road monitoring, logistics management, communication control, etc.
三、展位预定Booths Reservation
1. 国内展商Chinese Exhibitors
室内光地:1600元/㎡ (36㎡起订)
室外光地:1000元/㎡ (100㎡起订)
Indoor Raw Space: 1600 CNY /㎡ (Minimum order quantity:36㎡)
Outdoor Raw Space: 1000 CNY /㎡ (Minimum order quantity:100㎡)
Shell Scheme Booth: 15000 CNY/ Unit (3m* 3m, 10% extra fees for two openings.)
2. 国外展商International Exhibitors
室内光地:350美元/㎡ (36㎡起订,包含展会4人午餐,全程免费参加活动)
Indoor Raw Space: 350 USD/㎡ (Minimum order quantity: 36㎡, including lunch for 4 staff at the exhibition, free of charge for Every Event of Symposium)
Shell Scheme Booth: 4000 USD/Unit (3m*3m, including lunch for 4 staff at the exhibition, free of charge for Every Event of Symposium)
There are two types of Official Sponsorship available: Overall Sponsorship and Special Sponsorship.
· The levels of Overall Sponsorship are as follows: Partners, Diamond Sponsorship, Platinum Sponsorship, and Gold Sponsorship.
·专项赞助类别如下:Types of Special Sponsorship are as follows:
宴会(GALA Dinner)赞助,欢迎酒会(Welcome Reception)赞助、大会午餐赞助、大会茶歇赞助、大会手提袋赞助、大会胸卡挂绳赞助、分论坛赞助、试乘试驾赞助、大会纸笔赞助、大会饮用水赞助、VIP休息室冠名赞助、道旗赞助。
GALA Dinner Sponsorship, Welcome Reception Sponsorship, Lunch Sponsorship, Tea-break Sponsorship, Carry-bag Sponsorship, Badge Lanyard Sponsorship, Sub-forum Sponsorship, Test Ride & Test Drive Sponsorship, Paper & Pen sponsorship, Drinking Water Sponsorship, VIP Lounge Title Sponsorship, Road Flag Sponsorship.
Please contact us for sponsorship details
五、联系方式Contact Information
Organizing Committee: Beijing Auto Square Exhibition Co., Ltd.
电 话/Tel:010-63361929;
Contact: Ms. Wang
手 机/ Phone:15001242641
邮 箱/
展会官网/ Official
地 址:100073,北京市丰台区广安路9号院国投财富广场1号楼512
Address: 511,Building No.1, Guotou Plaza,Fengtai District, Beijing,China.